Mike Stone - Can We Believe Anything in the MSM?
December 25, 2024
"Literally everything being reported on television news today is a lie.
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December 25, 2024
Bob said (December 28, 2024):
Your article on msm BS was one the best ever. One thing though there is no mk ultra. That a cover. It's all staged
JM said (December 27, 2024):
Stone is partly right!
I just listened to this 3:24 video of Trish Regan expose poor reporting on both the Christmas Market story and the woman who 'caught fire' in NY
subway, blamed on the Guatamalan guy. Mike Stone was right!
JC said (December 27, 2024):
What was missing from Mike Stone's article? Probably the single biggest example of b.s. now extent: that president-elect Donald Trump is somehow anti-Establishment. He's not anti-Establishment. Trump is so completely owned and controlled by the Establishment that, IMO, he will turn out to be one of the greatest disappointments ever elected president.
Just look, for example, as his picks for his new administration: all ultra-conservative war hawks and Neocons ferociously devoted to Israel. "Almost every single cabinet member in Trump's administration is a Zionist zealot in favor of Israel's right to defend itself by eliminating by genocidal death every Palestinian from their ancient homeland" (Joachim Hagopian, VT). I agree with VT editor Jonas E. Alexis that the "Synagogue of Satan Owns Trump and His Administration." In short, Trump's cabinet choices are extraordinarily telling. IMO, Trump is a complete and absolute hypocrite and he will do whatever his Zionist overlords tell him to do.
MB said (December 26, 2024):
The frustration expressed by Jim Stone in his latest missive is likely to be felt by all who read. It is painful to watch.
Hundreds, thousands of individuals content with their lives are as likely to not be enamored with going over the cliff with the frightened masses consuming for-profit media framing. The Milgram-esque public and private media led buffalo jump effect has been going hard for the last 4 years, and, for how long now? It may take more years of pain for another portion of people to recognize that we're no longer living in Kansas anymore. Your readership and participating choir will understand all this. The sport and soap watching population will trample the death march proponents under the right circumstances. A grand awakening may occur through some innocent or innocuous other event
rh said (December 25, 2024):
Merry Christmas!
Mr. Stone is correct in his assessment of the MSM lies. What I wonder is how “brain dead” are the people working in the MSM industry? Then again, I knew of a few federal employees who went to their work, some as long as 40 years, and never questioned why they pretty much accomplished nothing for their entire career. Amazing, the power of a retirement plan to placate the mind. I think God has higher expectations of us, so we will be held accountable in the end.
James said (December 25, 2024):
You and “Mike Stone” amaze me!!
For some unknown reason you both were born with “noses that can smell rats”!
That trait is very, very rare amongst men and women in North America.
Guinness should know about this extremely rare trait because it should be noted in its world records
for all the world should see.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
D said (December 28, 2024):
Also, the story mentions the Trump shooting. People are wondering how it is that no one behind Trump was hit by any of the bullets. You can't see any blood on his hand after he put it to his ear. I just saw this on 'AI Overview': In the Bible, the concept of blood on the right ear in Leviticus 8:22 and 14:28 serves as a visible mark of consecration, signifying that the person is dedicated to God's service and has been set apart for a specific purpose.