Religion for Dummies
December 20, 2024
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Like a religious revival.
Religion can be summarized in two words:
Obey God.
in every moment
God is Perfection
a spiritual ideal that resides in our soul
Truth, Goodness, Love, Beauty, Justice, Bliss. Which do you serve?
God is Reality. Consciousness. We are unconscious.
God is the blueprint for our personal and social development.
Civilization and culture are based on spiritual ideals.
God depends on us to fulfill his Design. (Unfortunately.)
How stupid are we to deny our Creator!?? Our Father and Mother. We're morons.
Apes with a spark of Divinity.
"Be Ye Therefore Perfect, as your Father in Heaven is Perfect," Matt 5:48
We have been brainwashed to reject our Creator's Plan by Cabalist Judaism that seeks to supplant God and invert all the ideals above.
This is Communism. Woke. Satanism.
"Antisemitism" is resistance to Jewish hegemony. Resistance to Satanism.
Judaism and its proxy Freemasonry corrupt in order to rule. They foster love of money and sex instead of God. Think Jim Cramer (left.)
The foundation of all true religions is the belief that humanity constitutes a family.
All human beings have a spark of Divinity in their souls.
We are brothers and sisters. We must treat everyone with respect.
We are trapped in a Jewish mental straitjacket.
We cannot oppose the genocide in Gaza and still affirm our nationalism and traditional family values.
Look at Elon Musk. He does a lot of good but must remain silent on Gaza.
Communists are the only ones allowed to oppose Palestinian genocide.
Christmas is a celebration of Christ's Birth and a celebration of his Gospel of Love.
Let's celebrate the gift of life!
Let our daily lives be a celebration of God!
Related - Makow- You are God's Representative On Earth!
DS said (December 20, 2024):
Hi Henry, Your almost correct of the ways of God but your one statement is half right, by your own omission.
God is in complete charge of our walk. Why would you even think that the almighty would trust us humans for a millisecond. God does not depend on us, seriously, I wouldn't even trust myself. Would you?
He is the one who chose us, gave us the faith, repentance , all of it. Just ask if you need more faith, repentance, wisdom, etc, Jesus didn't die and leave us humans to carry on.. ha! Go read up on Reformed Theology and Preterist view of eschatology .. He is the beginner and finisher ...
God depends on us to fulfill his Design. (Unfortunately.)