Dec 11 - Readers Report is Blocked
December 11, 2024

Reader- "A must-watch analysis of the most recent, most pressing current event, 1.5 hours long"
Kabbalah of Syria [Dec. 11, 2024]

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December 11, 2024
Reader- "A must-watch analysis of the most recent, most pressing current event, 1.5 hours long"
Kabbalah of Syria [Dec. 11, 2024]
E said (December 11, 2024):
Your dangerous ideas streaming fine in the Arizona White Mountains :-)
"The control of information is something the elite always does, particularly in a despotic form of government. Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people."
- Tom Clancy
Greg said (December 11, 2024):
Been reading your articles for many years.
Great work! Thank you very much!
If I may suggest something, that you just ask your readers one
thing, regarding your website being blocked.
Ask them to remove their corrupted fake anti virus protection
software from the core of their computer system!
Or better have a spare laptop with Win7 on it.
Been using computers for 30 years never had any anti virus.
Just dont navigate in dark waters...
I mean who uses Norton and Avast these days???
We all know they are BS fake protection.
Thats how Mcafee made his billions by creating "fake" viruses then
selling you his software to protect you from his own created viruses.
Wake up people...
David T said (December 11, 2024):
Hey Henry, got an almost identical popup from my antivirus tool for your site today as the one posted on the homepage.
First time it's ever been blocked. The stakes have never been higher. I manually added you as an "exception" so future access won't get scuttled. So touched by AVG's concern for my mental and psychological welfare. Best, David
Milton said (December 11, 2024):
It's working fine in des moines iowa
Thanks so much for all you do for truth!
rh said (December 11, 2024):
I am able to read your website yet. Our internet was funky this morning and I thought to myself, if “they” want chaos, shut down the internet. We are all dependent on it for banking, paying bills, ordering supplies, making appointments, communication, research, reading websites, entertainment, MSM and what have you. Yikes!
Maybe we are all going to experience what the Native Americans experienced starting 500 or so years ago. They had some cohesiveness among their own tribes; we have nothing in that regard, so we will perish alone. Not a pleasant thought.
We need God’s blessing.
Keep up the good work.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
E said (December 11, 2024):
Your dangerous ideas streaming fine in the Arizona White Mountains :-)
"The control of information is something the elite always does, particularly in a despotic form of government. Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people."
- Tom Clancy