Savvy Granny- Illuminati Embrace War But Keep Plandemics
November 22, 2024

(Trump and Netanyahu both obey late Chabad leader, satanist Menahem Schneerson who demanded they use the pretext of world war to remove goyim squatting on planet earth.)
I asked "Savvy Granny" why the Illuminati switched from phoney pandemic to phoney war.
She replied:
"The Big Agenda is depopulation. The PHEIC and its biowarfare will continue. Wars will escalate. And WWIII when it breaks out will bring in the real world order and its Soviet with its centre in Eurasia."
By Savvy Granny
"I am not sure the "Public Health Emergency" (PHEIC) has been abandoned. The PHEIC is still declared. The casualties are still coming in. But the PHEIC and its covid hoax did not deliver the depopulation they had projected - 2014 which I cited.
The PHEIC is war on the global population - it is hybrid war and biowarfare. But it did not deliver for the depop Agenda.
This is why I think The Owners will go to armed warfare - ultimately WWIII between the Israel ZOG Bloc and the BRICs . The Owners already have two warpots simmering away with the Soviet Russian invasion of Ukraine - which is historically part of the European space , as indeed ethnic Russia was at one time.
Then there Wesley Clark's 7 nations which were mandated to be taken down in 5 years for the SIG wars or Zionist Government Wars - Iran is the only one that hasn't been defeated by the US military. So the Hamas / Hezbollah / Iran vs Israel and the ZOGs warpot is stil on the boil with Gaza being the focus at present. Israel is conducting a genocide in Gaza just like Soviet Russia is conducting a genocide in Ukraine.
The Big Agenda is depopulation. The PHEIC and its biowarfare will continue. Wars will escalate. And WWIII when it breaks out will bring in the real world order and its Soviet with its centre in Eurasia.
Lesser related Agendas are White Western nation destruction. It is now evident that The PHEIC / Climate policies are not going to achieve this on their own.
Also the Agenda of eradicating all nationalism except Zionism (which will be the only nationalism permitted in the world soviet) . The Owners have run into a SNAFU with this one because the PHEIC and its CoVID Hoax has rebooted nationalism in the West. And it isn't necessarily tied to Zionism. So they are going to have get control of the Western nationalism before they can have WWIII as the Grand Finale. Until then, I think they are going to escalation in the warpots and will work to get control of the Western nationalism in the US and Europe especially.
WWIII has always been a fixed point on the timeline of the The Owners in their Plan for their Great Revolution which they began in France 1789.

"Because of our triumphant march across the planet, we have made the UN a weapon for our goals of seizing power over all kingdoms and nations. We will not allow any nations to evolve. And we will destroy by fire and sword all those nationalist movements that seek to lead people out of our dictate". The Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson (left.)
Along with 'the very idea of Christ', nationalism or more specifically the nationalism of the goy nations is to be destroyed .
The world wars are accelerants of the Great Revolution and inaugurate its 'different phases' which Benjamin Disraeli contemplated in Coningsby. At that time he was contemplating the empire building phase of "our Revolution". This would be the British Empire which cloaked the Empire of the City of London and its Crown Jews, but also the empire building of the republics and other captured states of the Great Revolution like the French Third Republic, Germany, the Netherlands etc.
Sir Montagu Norman who would later integrate the cartelized structure of what is today the Central Banking Cartel (with its foundation in The City and Bank of England) was not yet on the scene when Disraeli was meditating upon 'the phases'.
But for our time, the formation is one of the important phases. Stephen Mitford Goodson one of whose ancestors signed the Magna Carta goes right into the formation of the cartel through his insider knowledge of the South Africa Reserve Bank. His works are essential texts for the new millennium: Inside the South African Reserve Bank: its origins and Secrets Exposed (2014) and its related The Genocide of the Boers (2018) A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind ( 2014)
In the 20th century, the Great Revolution entered its global, Communist totalitarian 'phase'. In the 21st century it entered its Convergent phase to which the Alan Gaither 'eye opener' referred in his 1954 interview with Norman Dodd , then staff director of the Congressional Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations ( Chaired by Congressman Carroll Reece )
Dodd reported: "Mr Gaither then went on to say , 'Mr Dodd all of us who have a hand in the making of policies here, had had experience operating under directions, the substance of which is, that we use our grant making power so as to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."
G. Edward Griffin did an interview with Dodd in the 1960s.
By then it was apparent that the Big Tax Exempts 501(c) s were funding the Gramscian Long March of Subversion through the American institutions and bankrolling an entire ratbag of liberal, Marxist causes, ideologies and identity cadres - especially the anti-war movement of hippies, yippies, SDS, feminists, Uncle Ho's, Hanoi Janes for the demoralization of the American people and excoriation of the Veterans of Vietnam. (Demoralization is stage one of subversion according to Yuri Bezmenov)
The Americans who had followed Senator Joseph McCarthy knew that these expansionist wars of the Communist Bloc against populations decolonized by the European powers (UN Gen. Assembly Res. 1514(XV) 1960) and the Vietnam War were being subverted by the highest civilian authority. The US military which came back from the Tet Offensive - those in the chain of command certainly knew that the US military was being deployed as a screw-up task force and cover for black operations with organized crime based in the Communist Bloc.
Objective: Hand the Indo-China peninsula to the Maoist forces and their Viet Cong gook insurgents. The sistema of a failed Marxist state is crime, chaos and corruption.
Vietnam was another population decolonized by a European power. It was to be another state capture by the Central Banking Cartel through its Communist Bloc of nations . The unofficial policy of Mahogany Corridor and the US Dept of State (where McCarthy's List ruled) was that Vietnam was not going to be allowed to join what they thought was the free world - which is still better than a Communist gulag state or a failed Marxist state.
The 20th century wars of independence (like that of S. Vietnam) were fought against the Communist expansionist wars for re-colonization and slavery. I again draw the attention of your readers to the text "A Martyr Speaks" or "The Fighting Doc" by John Alan Coey, former Marine and Rhodesian Light Infantry. Along with the works of Stephen Mitford Goodson already cited, Yuri Bezmenov and Anatoliy Golitsyn the importance of these texts for the 21st century can not be overestimated and for the international home school communities for which I write - these are not optional texts.
No Armistice ever was signed for WWII , so we have been in WWII for awhile now.
The WHO declaration of the PHEIC was carried out as a military operation in all member nations of the United [Communist] Nations - that is to say in all captured states of the Great Revolution. This was hybrid, fifth generational warfare on the world population - getting billions of people injected with a bioweapon. They achieved that and the excess deaths are trending upward in all nations that keep statistics which are credible. That would be the developing world and the Western nations. The Communist BRICs - not so much.
But hybrid warfare did not get the projected death toll - which was published on 2014. The prospects looked good for them in 2022 - 2023, but then the exposures of the PHEIC went mainstream. There are still way too many resources for human and civil rights in the White Western nations.

Deagel Population Forecast (2014) of Nearly 70 Percent Fewer Americans by 2025 Is Starting To Look Prophetic : All of the globalist policies over the last three years are driving toward one thing, mass depopulation.
So now, it looks to me like Israel and its ZOG Bloc and the BRICs are going to have to resort to the warpots in order to fulfill the UN Agenda 21 and The Plan of The Owners for the Judaic Supremacy which underlies it.
Do not lose sight of the fact that one of the major objectives of WWIII along with population reduction is the destruction of all nationalism, especially among the Western nations where even in these post Christian societies rigorously subverted by Marxism - the jurisprudence and social institutions were shaped by baptised populations and the Church. In Magna Carta, for example, the Western Patriarchate was part of the foundation of the state.
And it looks to me like The Owners of Monopoly Capital and its Sovereign Money Power are going to execute WWIII among their captured states through their controlled nationalist oppositions to their Great Revolution - now in its Communist phase. After decades and decades of tearing down nationalism among these states they are going to have to build it up again. As they did with Germany in the 1930s.
rh said (November 22, 2024):
"The Big Agenda is depopulation.”
I think depopulation is working in the U$A without war or plandemics. The media has convinced young people to avoid making families and frankly, our slow motion move to communism is shrinking the ability to afford families anyway. Easy divorce breaks up families and leaves the ex-husbands as ex-daddies as well. Limbaugh was right when he said Father’s Day is a day of confusion. Embracing abortion as a reproductive right moves abortion to an amoral position. Only a godless people would move in that direction.
I suggest we all read the chapter Proverbs 16 to ground ourselves better in proper thinking.