Nov 15 - West is Led by Psychopaths
November 14, 2024

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Americans are awaking to the fact they have elected a Zionist government. They had no choice since the alternative was Communism.
As they realize Zionists are committed to a suicidal world war, how will they tell Trump they don't want to die for Israel?
Trump's Picks Are All Neocon Warhawks Ferociously Devoted to Israel
"If George W. Bush was elected to a third term in office, this is what his cabinet would look like. Rubio, Waltz, Stefanik, Hegseth. Not a peacenik among them. Not an antiwar candidate among them. Not even a non-interventionist among them. Every single pick is a hard-boiled, right-wing war-hawk that is committed to marching in lockstep with the world's most notorious pariah-state, Israel."
Max Blumenthal : Trump's Neocons
Viewer Comment - "Americans, don't ask what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for Israel."
Makow- At least Trump was honest about his intention to serve Israel.

Trump is still making the downward prayer to Satan hand sign. No one asks him why he does this constantly. They are all complicit.
Masonic handshakes
Mississauga mayor compares Hamas leader to Nelson Mandela ahead of planned vigil for Yahya Sinwar
'Your terrorist and somebody else's terrorist may be two different things,' Mayor Carolyn Parrish said at a Mississauga city council meeting
"I just want to point out -- and I'm not being facetious -- Nelson Mandela was declared a terrorist by the United States of America until the year 2008. Your terrorist and somebody else's terrorist may be two different things," the mayor said.
Parrish is Polish and has a long history for defying the liberal narrative

Freemasons are on both sides of the Middle East conflict. The goal is depopulation and chaos.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin- The Kosher President
"Right now, the enthusiastic acceptance of Zionism by Christian evangelicals and Republican conservatives--and the power that Zionism wields over America's federal government (and many State governments)--is the single biggest threat to America's future."
Baldwin --"But think about this: During the first 24 years of this 21st century, we've had 12 years of Democrat presidents in the White House and 12 years of Republican presidents in the White House. Tell me, what difference has it made? No matter who was president, America continued to fight Israel's wars, play the role of the world's policeman, bully foreign governments (including political assassinations), build its global empire and steal minerals and oil from foreign countries. America's national debt continued to rise exponentially, deficit spending continued to rise exponentially, the surveillance/police state continued to expand and the economic wellbeing of average working families continued to deteriorate."
The Energy Non-Crisis - Pastor Lindsey Williams - YouTube
The late Pastor Lindsey Williams delivers a lesson in economics and finishes with a rousing (and very educational) word on American history.
From Tony B
"how can you beat what has been the only real money
for thousands of years? no one can answer that."
What has been money for thousands of years? I think nothing has. Certainly NOT gold which, much more regularly, has been the FAKE BACKING OF MONEY. If you can successfully pretend to have a corner on gold and know how to promote almost useless gold as some really worthwhile value, you can MAKE LOANS ON THAT PRETENSE AT COMPOUND USURY AND EVENTUALLY OWN EVERYTHING BY LOANING NOTHING OF VALUE WITH NO WAY TO "REPAY" IT. But to do that is to USE DEBT AS MONEY, GOLD IS NOT USED AT ALL, IT CAN'T EVEN BE PROVED TO EXIST IN THE AMOUNT GIVEN.
Thus BRICS+ as a way for the world to escape this criminal enslavement of mankind. As was the American Greenback, which was very effectively the real money itself NOT a representative of "real money." To pay with United States Notes (Greenbacks) was a completed deal, not just a bank reset of figures as are private phony "Federal Reserve Notes" which can never pay any debt because they ARE debt owned by private bankers. They are a liability of the borrower, NOT a created government value in perpetuity for the free use of its citizens, as were Greenbacks."

Largest Study of Its Kind Finds Excess Deaths During Pandemic Caused by Public Health Response, Not Virus - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Reader-"An avalanche of peer-reviewed scientific studies have come out, eliminating any absurd lie saying the "vaccines" were "safe & effective"!!! LOL!!
Despite this, many colleges still mandate "covid" Boosters!! And what parents are STUPID enough to get their children Jabbed??? They should be horse-whipped!
The "covid" Hoax was/is an obscene, insane, crime against Humanity, killing & maiming millions, in which ALL perpetrators should face firing squads, beginning with Anthony Fauci & Bill Gates. The Jew media is just as guilty. Round up the "covid" fraudsters and shoot them with high-powered rifles! Maybe hanging would be more appropriate. Have them stand in line waiting their turn in front of the Gallows, witnessing every hanging before they too have to climb the 13 steps that will deliver them to Hell!
How many more studies condemning the whole project will it take before the perps are arrested, tried for mass murder and executed?? Or for the "vaccine" to at least be banned??? Jeezzzz."
DAVID said (November 14, 2024):
This post resonates with the book "Twilight Language" (2021) by Michael Hoffman, which I was reading last night. The so-called "west" has been possessed and is being "processed" by the satanic cabal, there is no other way to explain how so many otherwise intelligent and kind-hearted people are joining the cult of Trump - no?
They always tell us what they're doing to us, which is part of the Jesuits "Art of War". Speaking of Jesuits: have you read your copy of "The Secret History of the Jesuits" yet Henry? If you have, then you know they conducted the first two world wars to setup WW-III, which they will also conduct, but it's being orchestrated by lucifer/satan, the god of Jews, Freemasons, and the corrupted Roman Catholic Church of Babylon.
After WW-III the UN will rule the world from the "tower of Babel" in Brussels, at least that's what the "twilight language" has processed me to believe. We should not live in fear, but enjoy our Creator's miraculous world each and every day, knowing a better world is being birthed, after we get through the birth pangs.
Thanks David for this reminder
I will read that book but I believe the Jesuits are a subset of the Rothschilds and the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.