Nov 15 - Sleepwalking to the Apocalypse
November 15, 2024

(Left, Congress bought by Israel Lobby)
They sold their soul to the devil.
Trump said to lift all military restrictions on Israel on 1st day in office according to reports.
Largest Study of Its Kind Finds Excess Deaths During Pandemic Caused by Public Health Response, Not Virus - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Reader---"An avalanche of peer-reviewed scientific studies have come out, eliminating any absurd lie saying the "vaccines" were "safe & effective"!!! LOL!!
Despite this, many colleges still mandate "covid" Boosters!! And what parents are STUPID enough to get their children Jabbed??? They should be horse-whipped!
The "covid" Hoax was/is an obscene, insane, crime against Humanity, killing & maiming millions, in which ALL perpetrators should face firing squads, beginning with Anthony Fauci & Bill Gates. The Jew media is just as guilty. Round up the "covid" fraudsters and shoot them with high-powered rifles! Maybe hanging would be more appropriate. Have them stand in line waiting their turn in front of the Gallows, witnessing every hanging before they too have to climb the 13 steps that will deliver them to Hell!
How many more studies condemning the whole project will it take before the perps are arrested, tried for mass murder and executed?? Or for the "vaccine" to at least be banned??? Jeezzzz."
The CDC Planned COVID Quarantine Concentration Camps Nationwide
Features of the CDC's edicts did incredible damage. It imposed the rent moratorium. It decreed the ridiculous "six feet of distance" and mask mandates. It forced Plexiglas as the interface for commercial transactions. It implied that mail-in balloting must be the norm, which probably flipped the election. It delayed the reopening as long as possible. It was sadistic.

Bibi Netanyahu Meets the Rebbe | 1990 - Promises to destroy Western civilization in order to hasten the return of the AntiChrist
"Do something to hasten his coming." (like start a world war)
"We're doing."
Lawyer: Alex Jones Threw the Sandy Hook Case
Lawyer Wyn Young has come out with a thought-provoking analysis claiming that Alex Jones (founder of InfoWars) and his legal defense team must have thrown the case with collusion and self-sabotage, so bad were the mistakes they made.
NEW: RFK Jr. says there will be COVID trials once appointed as Secretary of HHS
Says the Trump admin will use RICO filings to break up big pharmaceutical cartels and punish corruption with severe legal penalties
So it begins
Reader---Henry the Jab is the Mark of the Beast. When you consider the complexity of its design and how it links with technology it aligns itself perfectly.
The Christian church and this Christian nation ignore its true danger, because it is not supposed to come until after the pre-trib rapture and later on in the book of revelation. Christians gave no thought to its harm, and took it for that reason. Therefore the event is left in the past as if it has no bearing on the future. I've posted these articles since 2021 and it is even more relevant today as MRNA vaccines are the new cash cow.

(Smith seen here in a Masonic handshake with Castreau, is false opposition)
BREAKING NEWS: Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has applied to have Dr. Makis put in prison for 83 days, in retaliation for my wife filing complaints with the Edmonton Police and RCMP against AHS & the College
IVERMECTIN and FENBENDAZOLE Testimonial - 40s year old woman with Stage 4 NCSCL Lung Cancer - dramatic improvement after 3 months!
After a 64-year-old pensioner retweeted a meme of Green Economy Minister Robert Habeck, in which Habeck was described as an "idiot," Bavarian police raided the man's house and arrested him. The crime has even been recorded as a "politically motivated right-wing crime."
Massive police repression in Germany as war against free speech and basic human rights ratchets up under left-liberal government
From a reader-
Musk Secretly Met With Iran's UN Ambassador, Raising Hopes Trump Will Keep Hawks At Bay
{ Nope, just giving the coming plans of how the next war will go !!!!! }
Trump announces plan to end deep state corruption in Washington "once and for all"
{ Not going to happen !!!!! }
Setting-Up a 'Crash?' Federal Reserve PULLS more than HALF of Credit Available through Bank Term Funding Program ) POWELL IS PULLING LIQUIDITY TO TRIGGER A CRISIS JUST LIKE 2020, ALSO THE $36T DEBT CEILING WILL HIT TOMORROW
{ I'll say this again, I am betting a huge amount on the market crash !!!!! }
{ Also the debt ceiling is closer to $39.3 Trillion now, they are always slow at putting out the real numbers !!!!! }

Explosive footage from a courageous whistleblower pilot has captured undeniable evidence of a chemtrails operation funded by none other than Bill Gates. This footage shows a plane dumping massive amounts of mind-altering and mood-controlling substances over New York just days after the presidential election.
At the same time, an insider from the World Economic Forum warns that the elite are ramping up this so-called "chemtrails agenda" across the U.S., with plans to manipulate public sentiment, stir unrest, and even ignite civil conflict. But this time, their plans are unraveling, as whistleblowers step forward with one mission: to expose and dismantle the operation.
The tides are turning. People around the world are waking up - and we've got allies in high places. One thing's certain: the elites are desperate, and they will do anything to avoid facing justice for their crimes.
Where's the RCMP???