"Never forget just how close we came to quarantine camps, forced vaccinations, and total tyranny. That was the goal. It was decades in the planning stages, and even the World Bank admitted in their own documents that the entire phoney pandemic was scheduled to last until the spring of 2025."
But how will Trump escape blame for his role?
by Mike Stone
In a news story our fake news media would never dare to print - Japan's leading medical scientists have labeled the STUPID-19 vaccines "poison," and described the three-year program to inject the world's population as a "modern day massacre." Took them long enough.
One of the reasons why you will never see a story like that in the mainstream media - besides the obvious reason that the media was complicit in the mass murder of millions of people - is that fat, dumb Americans have no interest in hearing it. Americans have gone back to their lives of unadulterated stupidity - watching sports, reading romance novels, and jerking off to pornography. That tens of millions of people were murdered and hundreds of millions more seriously injured, means nothing to them. They simply don't care.
What's more, the mass injection and murder of billions of people around the world would have been supported by over 65% of the American people, both Libtards and Cuckservatives alike. What threw a monkey wrench into the plans of the hoax-pushers was Russia's military operation in the Ukraine.
People call Putin a war criminal, but it was his decision to engage the Ukraine militarily that literally saved us all. (Maybe that's why he's called a war criminal.) Nathaniel Rothschild called the Ukraine "an essential piece that we cannot afford to lose in the geopolitical chessboard," and said, "Without Ukraine, the global order may not survive." Can you see now why after Russian launched their military operation, the Deep State immediately pulled in the reins on the phoney pandemic in order to focus all of their attention on the Ukraine?

As for Japan, some of you remember how Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe opposed the fake vaccines and sent over a million doses back. Because of that, he was murdered. So were the heads of several African nations who also opposed the fake vaccine. They were killed and their replacements allowed their countries to be swamped with the fake vaccines.
If by this very late stage of the game, you haven't figured that out, then there's nothing that I or anyone else can do to help you. You'll have to suffer the consequences of your actions. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.
Trump's cabinet picks are an easy way to tell traitors from patriots. Mike Pence has already come out and urged Senate Republicans to reject Kennedy. No surprise there. Once a traitor, always a traitor. I can only imagine how much blackmail the Deep State has on Pence (research his time as governor of Indiana). And he's not the only one.
If there's any hope at all of seeing the hoax peddlers held accountable for their actions, this is it.
First Comment from Savvy Granny
Yes. I think there will be show trials for the Plandemic War Criminals the Trump Admin intends to throw under the bus for the Plandemic.
This is now an exposed Judeo-FreeMasonic Rank of the Great Revolution that has served purpose is no longer fit for purpose. They are going to get the Yuri Bezmenov boot in the fat bottom by the rising rank of the same Revolution that is now consolidating power in Stage Four: subversion. Those who understand this will hear Chaim Rakovsky laughing his head off on the eve of his execution. You have posted this essential essay many times.
The PHEIC is still declared. Only the 'emergency phase' has been undeclared by Ethiopian Gook Communist Terrorist Tedros as of May 2024. WHO can reboot the emergency phase at anytime.
Now US ZOG gov't transparency initiative has taken centre stage. Follow at
And this is good. Pass the cheetohs. I am sure DOGE will weed out the transgender PCs and child transitioners in the schools, 5 star hotel lifestyles for migrant illegals and deceased Democrat voters. But will they audit the Fed ? Hold my Bud Lite.
Let me be more specific : will they audit the Fed in the way that Louis T McFadden specified the Fed (The World's Largest Money Trust) must be audited?
I confidently predict the Trump Admin will not audit the Fed anymore than Communist war criminal Vladimir Putin kicked the Rothschild's out of Russia.
But with all their anti-semitism laws and prosecutions, the Trump Admin will summon real NSDAP Mein Kampf Nazis [best enemy central bankers can buy] out of the non-Zionist division of that landslide mandate in their mighty MAGA base. BEWARE. BEWARE.
As Ernst Zundel prophesied: "The creation of Weimar conditions in the United States will have Weimar solutions". Now Zundel did not perceive that Hitler was a Zionist Asset of the Great Revolution he claimed to oppose with his deformation of the German nationalism. His job was to drive the European Jewish population to Israel and eradicate the non-Zionist Jews in Europe (among other agenda).
Follow the Solari Report and the essential Catharine Austin Fitts. "Slavery is the most lucrative business in the world. AND IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN".
The Babylonian Sexigesimal System (nation capture, fractional reserve banking and slave making) and its International Judenstaat OWNS the Great Revolution (1789 - ?) now in its Communist, world totalitarian, convergent phase. And ZOG has its script.
The Cabal is taking down the Cabal
JC said (November 17, 2024):
If my understanding of biblical prophecies is correct, certain prophecies were closed and sealed until our day and age: "the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end" (Daniel 12:9). One of those words is the Greek word Pharmakia. It is found in numerous New Testament passages (Gal. 5:20; Rev. 9:21; 18:23; 21:8, 22:15). IMO, for this word to be translated and understood correctly it has to be translated and understood in the light of present-day events and conditions.
Pharmakia has several different possible translations which depend on the context. It can refer to psychedelic divination by the use of drugs ("sorceries"), but it can also refer to the act of poisoning. The vast majority of translations have translated it as "sorceries," or the use of
psychedelic drugs as a form of divination.
But given the incredible poisoning of untold numbers through "vaccines," it could and it should also be translated as the act of poisoning, as it has been in the Ferrar Fenton translation. See Fenton's translation of the passages cited above.