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Feeling Gratitude on Thanksgiving

November 27, 2024


Thursday is Thanksgiving in the US. 

Have you noticed that no matter how poor people are, 
anywhere in the world, they are all engaged in a desperate struggle for survival? 

No matter how bad their life is, they want more of it.

This survival instinct is mirrored by all people no matter their material status.

Life must be pretty good if people cling to it so tenaciously.

However, if we compare the time and energy we devote to our survival with the time and energy we spend feeling grateful for life; well, there's no comparison. 

I doubt if we spend one per cent of our energy feeling grateful for the thing we love so much that we dedicate the other 99.9%  to maintain. 

Part of the reason is that we don't know whom to thank because the Illuminati have stolen God. God gave us the miracle of life. OUR CREATOR!!

Thank you, God!

Not only do we not feel gratitude, but we are actively ungrateful. 

I'm pretty comfortable but hardly a day goes by that I don't rue some investment decisions I didn't make 20 years ago. 
"Enough is always a little more than what one has," wrote Samuel Butler.

 Thanksgiving is a time to think about the glass half-full rather than half-empty, a time to think of what's right instead of what's wrong. 
While underachievers culturally, we live in a magnificent material civilization.  Compared to the past, most of us live like kings. 

NO KING ENJOYED THE TREASURE THAT IS THE INTERNET. Humanity is in one room at the same time. All the information and entertainment at your finger tips!
 It's not technology, it's magic. It's spooky! As long as it remains relatively free, the Internet will save humanity.

And while many have been traumatized by politics, we can be grateful that we still have a large measure of freedom.  Let's not take that for granted either. 

Life on Earth is a Miracle! Nature is stunningly beautiful. Natural law must be tempered by Divine Law.

What are the things you are grateful for? (  I'm also grateful for the free enterprize system and competition which supplies our needs in the most efficent fashion imaginable.

Let's not live in fvear! We're all going to die anyway. Let's leave a legacy for eternity, a testament to our Creator.

Related - Les Visible Gratitude 

Updated from 28/11/2019

New First Comment from ML

We are actually commanded to be thankful and to rejoice.  Paul said, "Rejoice ALWAYS, and again I say, rejoice!"  We are told, "Giving thanks always, in all things, for this is the will of God for you."  We are told that in the beginning men failed to thank God and give Him praise and glory!  It's pretty easy to thank Him if we realize that He works all things together, or EVERYTHING, "to good" to those who love Him and are the called; in other words, even the bad-seeming things are working out together with the good-seeming things, for our total good, if we are His people!   That's how great Our God is!    Romans 8:28.

We make huge one-day holidays out of Thanksgiving and Christmas, but Thanksgiving and Christmas happen every day, for "He daily loadeth us with benefits" and "His mercies are new every morning."  Jesus, God's Son, was the Gift He gave us for Our Salvation and the Path to Eternal Life.  We have Him every day in our lives, to bless and load us down with truth, joy, love and gifts unspeakable.  When Christ went to the cross, He took captivity captive and gave gifts to men!  We are the recipients and beneficiaries of all He worked for us there that day, and it is glory to be in the know of that and to be under the rich flow of that!

Peter Wrote:

Usually, because people have never been truly without. The ingrates are usually those with enough who want more.  Having lived in Africa working with the poor out in the bush I have seen children make toys from coat hangers and shoe polish tins, rubber inner tubes, and food tins while their mothers walked ten miles for well water.  I never heard them complain. The men came out with an oft-repeated "Mr Peter we are suffering" daily and they weren't doing more than stating a fact. As a 26-year-old paid $30 a month they knew I was not Santa Claus but were pleased I was there.

Having to boil water always for drinking, catching Malaria and doing without phone or electrical devices, my bi-weekly treck to the Capital in a Missionary's truck was a joy.

Later years saw me travel throughout the Middle East, North Africa and India and Pakistan. Deprivation?  Go to Mumbai or Kolkota and ask if you would like to live under a plastic sheet on the roadside. So, Henry, it is easier to be thankful yet I too drift into the "I wish I had a newer car" syndrome.

2 years I tasked my youngest son to write a list of 100 things he was thankful for - he declared it impossible and once I explained, came up with a list within ten minutes.  Give thanks to God every day for food and friends and home and shelter and electricity and shops with products in them (Romania didn't nor did post-Soviet Russia), internet shopping, freedom to worship, a job, warm clean water, a bed, sheets, white goods. The list is endless.

Once practised daily the gratitude becomes normal. Do we have all we want? No. Do we have all we need to keep body and soul together? Yes. Did the poor complain in Africa and India?  They begged and they sat in the dust but I have heard more complaining at Macy's on Sale Day than I have in the developing world. And the greatest thing to be thankful for is Salvation through Christ a free gift.  

James 1:17Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Happy Black Friday where Mammon rears its ugly head.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Feeling Gratitude on Thanksgiving"

J said (November 28, 2024):

This is a strange thanksgiving for me because I am in danger of death. Presently, I am on 2 liters of 02. I have 60-70% lung damage and this past summer I suffered a collapsed lung twice along with 3 infections. I can die at any time from infection or asthma attack.

My entire family is dead, and they're trying to take away my inherited home because I can't afford to pay property taxes. I live in a evil area where people are in constant fear of crime, government and each other. It's sort of like being in hell. I remember one Christmas Eve when carolers from a local college were going door-to-door singing Christmas songs and how several "neighbors" opened their doors and turned up their $5,000 home theater systems to drown out the carolers and made them leave. I was healthy then and went outside and made an audio recording of the incident and sent it out in emails. I believe William Gheen of Alipac answered and thought that was pretty lousy. Yet these were white people in middle class homes doing this evil.

I haven't done anything to harm anyone other than declare truth as best as I am able, yet I don't have a single invite for Thanksgiving. Many of my friends are dead and the ones living are not really friends.

To be alone with no one is one of the most evil things there is.

Where paganism rules the people have no hearts and no mercy. They are frozen souls who are incapable of human love.

Still there is something to be thankful for--that God will provide a way to defeat the evil that is ripping our souls and world apart.


RH said (November 28, 2024):

We are having the traditional American Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends today. I am grateful for all to come and eat at our table.

I am grateful we were asked, and we were able to share a bag of groceries with our Church's food shelf this week as well.

Our day-to-day needs are being met and for that I am very grateful. We saved and invested for retirement, and it was not always easy nor perfect in the end result but so far so good.

I have learned to bless my enemies! (Unfortunately, I have a few because I believe in law and order and each of us is to be treated the same under the Law.)

I am very grateful that I love to read and by reading I have been taught much.

I am grateful for websites like yours to gain insight in how the world really operates.

God bless all of us on this day of Thanksgiving.

JM said (November 28, 2024):

People in the west have had far too much for far too long henry a catastorphy for them is when the lawnmower isnt fixed by the week end they will blow a fuse over that. The amount of stuff they buy on impulse and throw out again is shocking. Thats selfish brits all over.

DD said (November 28, 2024):

Grateful today!

Grateful for Our Creator's gift that, every moment, gives us the choice to be so.

Grateful for His Crucible that from within I have been heated thru and thru... and The Forge that has rendered me hammered, cleansed, now sober, renewed and adopted by The Father and Jesus Christ. Salt and Light .. and on the proper path... to Celestial City. [Witnessing and Proclaimage]

I relate to John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress more than I can put in words, Henry.

Thank you for my [and countless others'] every-day / commencing / go-to website to "check in" to the madness surrounding us... just like Daniel was in the lion's [Satan's] den.

The War is on and it's against Sin.
That is simply the way it has always been.

Christine said (November 28, 2024):

Messiah came 2,000 years ago and offered mankind a peaceful utopia.

But we have consistently rejected it.

We don't like obeying simple instructions, because it interferes with our pleasures.

And so, we were placed in the hands of Antichrist (i.e. the kabbalists of Judaism) instead.

And we have al helped them engineer waht is stated in the Zohar in order to bring forth their fantasy character "Moschiach" who does not exist.

Precisely as propheised, evil has increased and increased until now, the world is the lying Satanic cess pit the kabbalists were instructed to create in the Zohar (i.e. the curse of Zechariah 5).

The Messianic Era - which is now over - was a time of punishment and Judgement, not peace and happiness.

Isaiah 2:4 is describing the spiritual peace of the nation of Christianity, as it laboured in the vineyard of God.

There is no peace unto the wicked.

The Final Judgement is coming, Henry.

G said (November 28, 2024):

Well Henry, since you asked... One thing I'm grateful for is the fact that more people are becoming vegetarian. Some for health reasons, some for environmental reasons, and some, like myself, simply because we love animals and cannot involve ourselves in the suffering they endure. Some of us even view them as healers and teachers. Too bad the UN seems to be planning on using laws, that is to say, force to advance this idea. Folks must come to this only of their own will, and intelligence, and heart.

Anyhow, you wrote: "This survival instinct is mirrored by all people no matter their material status." I'd have to extend that survival sentiment to all creatures. Ain't never met a one that didn't want to live. They all want to survive, even thrive and feel safe.

Here are a few quotes from Gandhi:

"It ill becomes us to invoke in our daily prayers the blessings of God, the Compassionate, if we in turn will not practice elementary compassion toward our fellow creatures."

"One can measure the greatness and the moral progress of a nation by looking at how it treats its animals."

"To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being."

A Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!!!

PS: I know you like to cook. Here's a recipe you might want to one day try:

JJ said (November 22, 2018):

The reason we find it hard to feel gratitude is that, first of all, we have lost touch of the fact that we are sinners who only live by God's mercy and grace. Jesus Christ intercedes for us moment by moment otherwise we would be wiped out.

Secondly, those of us born in recent years fail to understand what life was like pre-socialism and government deficits. Life was hard back then. If you needed care or help and your family was not there for you, you were out on the street. If you were sick, you had to pay the doctor out of your own pocket. Years ago people lived in houses without electricity and plumbing unless they could afford it. People prayed much more years ago because they needed to.

Thirdly, we are not thankful because we ignore everyday threats that can ruin our lives such as unjust lawsuits and accusations. God does protect us when we are not aware of such. God watches over us when we drive, when we walk across streets, when we converse with feminists who have daggers and we don't know that such a person is searching for a lawsuit that will make them a hero. God keeps us because if His eye is on the sparrow, how much more will His eyes be on us. We are His children.

George said (November 22, 2018):

Simple rule for being thankful: "Look down, not up." Besides, those that you imagine to be more fortunate than yourself are often very miserable, because they look up, not down.

Essel said (November 22, 2018):

"... because the Illuminati have stolen God." That it is true and well said!
But as with every bad move we make, it's almost always with our mysterious collaboration. For we find some miserable interest in the operation.
The serpent did the worst of the bad things to Eve, but she consented because he was able to flatter his pride.
That is why the privation of God, like that of a true Pope and an authentic Authority (the Church is currently overshadowed) is a deserved punishment. The Illuminati are not all-powerful and act only within the limits permitted by God.

Deo Patri sit glória,

Eiúsque soli Fílio,

Cum Spíritu Paráclito,

Et nunc, et in perpetuum. Amen. (Hymn taken from the Prime Office of the Roman Breviary.)

Bruce said (November 22, 2018):

Today (Wednesday) was my last day of work before enjoying a four day weekend holiday. We were asked by our supervisors to write on a post a note what we were thankful for. I wrote life itself and I mean that sincerely.

When I awaken everyday to find myself alive and sometimes well, and the sometimes not; I am thankful indeed to spend that day accomplishing something worthwhile. At the moment I am thankful for that four day holiday weekend to stay in the in the safety of my home away from the Black Friday weekend madness where gratitude is nowhere to be found. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your readers.

JG said (November 22, 2018):

Don't mean to be a scrooge here but holidays in America aren't what they once were and for good reason.
Thanksgiving and Christmas were never meant to have a profit motive attached to them like they do now.

The abundance of wealth in America today was nonexistent for the Pilgrims who were literally carving out an existence in the America of the early 1600's. Also, the Pilgrims may have been far more gratefull than a lot of the prosperous Americans we have today. Is it a wonder that those who have the least seem to be the most grateful?

The Thanksgiving and Christmas that was the year before often seems better than the one you have now because more of it's true meaning has been lost year to year and because we are decaying as a nation. And, larger parades and fancier meals can never fill that void.

Mike said (November 23, 2017):

If people were truly grateful it would collapse the developed world economies overnight.

I guess that's why we're bombarded with mind control advertising to maintain this fetishistic desire for more stuff.

And be ye thankful. 1Tim.6:8-10 Colossians 3:12-15

Deirdre said (November 23, 2017):

I'm thankful for all your hard work and research, time spent posting things on your website! I am thankful that my FATHER in JESUS said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." Praise JESUS! I don't wait till Thanksgiving to give my FATHER thanks for all HE has done for me. All HE has brought me through and all HE has taught me! Gratitude is something I practice, even if it is finding something to be thankful about in my most painful times.

Robert K said (November 25, 2016):

Why should we feel gratitude when, as we are told incessantly, "There's no free lunch"? In other words, nothing in this life can come to us as a gift. We must expect to have to earn everything we get.

This is the most arrogant, false, abominable proposition ever devised by the demons among us. No primitive people has been so foolish as to advance it: they knew better because they were in touch with the real things of earth. It took the mad abstractionists--Marxists, Fabian Socialists, Money Men, etc.--to construct a matrix of perverse statistics that disarmed ordinary people against this assault on their common sense.

If I look at everything in my life, patently it has virtually all come to me freely, as a gift. Air is just there for me to breathe, water to drink, the abundance inherent in nature to eat, etc. Some power has given me a bunch of organs that not only perform miracles but work together to keep me alive. And what is this "being alive": I can hardly claim responsibility for that.

I have at my disposal a most fantastic array of technologies and products that have been inherited from previous generations. I never invented the wheel or the silicon chip, yet I have use of them.

I have the love of my family and friends, and my dog if I have one; I would be shattered to learn that this love had to be "earned" in accordance with some puritanical law of reciprocity. I have also freely had the benefit of the Incarnation that showed me my purpose and how I have been created to relate to others.

People do not feel gratitude as they should because they see things disconnected and out of proportion. They have had their egos stoked by delusions about their personal achievements and independence. If you took out of their lives everything to which they have contributed absolutely nothing, then they would be reduced to lifeless nonentities.

George said (November 25, 2016):

Another great and timely article.

Why do we find it hard to feel gratitude?

I suspect it is because we don't reflect enough about our precarious and very temporary situation
on this planet. This is likely due to our "not having enough time", being "too busy".

This in turn is most probably due to our ever-increasing paced "treadmill" geared by, primarily, the TV. (which
tells us, especially at this time frame, to go shopping, what to buy, what to do etc).

I find that those that fill the malls are shopping for happiness, acceptability, and find none.
It may well be that they are trying to fill the emptiness inside them, created by the false lifestyle foisted on us all.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at