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Oct 18 - Civil War Post-Election?

October 18, 2024

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Americans are immersed in the election charade when it is clear that Organized Jewry is installing Trump to lead the rubes into World War Three. The only thing in doubt is whether the Demonrats will resort to violence. 

"My forecast 6 years ago was based on Predictive Programming in the mass media news. Alan Watt explained Predictive Programming as "...a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion."

Now I predict this new US Civil War will begin after the November 5th elections, because Georgetown University's Communist TIP (Transition Integrity Project) began planning another American Civil War in 2016 if Donald Trump won in 2020 or wins again in November 2024. This is explained in Tucker Carlson's interview of J Michael Waller last summer. Listen to at least the first 7-9 minutes, BECAUSE THIS IS VERY SERIOUS. 

Joe Biden is US President; however, he's too demented to really serve and is not running for President again. Kamala Harris is campaigning full time as the Democratic candidate so the 'Deep State' is now OBVIOUSLY running The White House. In the UK, they call "The Deep State' - 'The Blob,' according to former Prime Minister, Liz Truss.

So, whether you call it The Deep State, The Blob or Machine, these terms describe a situation where The Quiet Elite, The Central Banks, Big Business (BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, etc.) and The World Economic Forum, are highjacking the USA, UK and EU bureaucracies to govern as they see fit. 
Another pandemic might NOT provide LEGAL GROUNDS or justification for martial law, but a civil war definitely would.

So in order to undo a Trump victory and install the Deep State's Kamala Harris as President, martial law is a must. The TIP takes into account that a pandemic rerun doesn't bring enough intensity to declare martial law. A hot war with Russia or Iran is too internally destructive. Assassination is too obvious - and only gets a President Vance. A civil war is the surest, least destructive means for the martial law needed to install Harris as President. And that is my prediction."


The DoD has just cleared to use lethal force against Americans during upcoming tension and unrest in the country
Anyone see this one? Zerohedge has its article here. The directive isn't brand new but this year the DoD added something. 

From the article: "As the U.S. prepares for one of the most controversial and closely watched elections in its history, a concerning update to DoD Directive 5240.01 has quietly been put into effect. Reissued on September 27, 2024, this directive governs the Department of Defense's (DoD) intelligence activities and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances when assisting civilian law enforcement. While the directive forbids assassination, it opens the door to lethal interventions under "national security" conditions....

The reissuance of DoD Directive 5240.01 repealed previous versions, including the 1982 DoD 5240.1-R. While the update might seem routine, the changes regarding the use of lethal force in domestic operations are significant.

In the 2016 version, the directive primarily focused on intelligence collection and ensuring civil liberties protections for U.S. persons. It emphasized strict oversight and the need for authorization before collecting U.S. person information.

However, the 2024 version expands the military's role, particularly in assisting civil law enforcement, and authorizes lethal force under specific conditions, raising questions about its use during potential civil unrest surrounding the election."

Is this the end for Israel? It could be - Son Of Enos

American taxpayers fund Zionist war crimes. American taxes fund death and destruction. Americans are now complicit in genocide.
If they were really God's chosen, they'd be winning, and they're not. The only thing the "Chosenites" have been chosen for is to lose. This was over before it began. Now they lose all.

Photo is from Donald Trump's personal Instagram pages, Mandela and Trump and Melania

Interesting long friendship between Donald Trump and Communist Nelson Mandela.
When no one else would provide transportation, Trump let Mandela use his 727 jet to tour America after his 1990 release from prison -
'Trump Takes Mandela Under His Wing'
Trump: "Nelson Mandela and myself had a wonderful relationship - he was a special man and will be missed."

They all belong to the same satanic cult.
 Mark Trozzi's Former physician's legal battle for free speech and medical integrity continues
 Tamara Ugolini speaks with lawyer Michael Alexander about former physician Mark Trozzi's ongoing legal battle for medical integrity and free speech after being stripped of his medical licence.

Iranian general claims 'secret weapon' more powerful than nuclear bombs

Mandatory "anti-racism" training at the Univ of Arizona 


'Absolute hell' - German teacher describes sexism, bullying and racism in predominately migrant school
"When students insult us or want to offend, they usually do so in sexualized, fecal language," said the teacher, who has been called a "cunt," "whore," and "slut"

Biology Triumphs: Trans Men Soccer Team Routed 19-0 by Biological Men

 The first soccer team made up entirely of "trans men" was defeated 19-0 by a team of biological men. In simpler terms, a group of male players dominated a team consisting of women who identify as men.
How Can People Who Have Struggled So Much Become So Cruel?

"There is a book by a psychiatrist who was a prisoner in the concentration camps, and he asked himself the same question as you. He questioned the sadism of the Nazis, and after he was liberated, he also questioned the revenge and hatred of a Jewish survivor who, after leaving the camp, became a common criminal.

In short, the psychiatrist discovered that in this person's mind was the idea that: 'since this and that was done to me, now it's my turn to do the same.' And they don't see it as something wrong but as a right they have earned because of the suffering they endured before."


Israeli sickening war crimes exposed


History Of Anti Semitism by Hervé Ryssen, 2015 [PDF]

MUST SEE: Colorado Firefighter Grows Record-Breaking 1-Ton Pumpkin

Michael A Hoffman - The Occult Philosophy - speech in Anaheim 1987 [audio enhanced] 1080p

Michael A. Hoffman's speech from 1987 giving unparalleled insight on the ruling elite's philosophy and how they control societies through media, symbolism and other methods of control.

"It is always the inclination of man to deny reality, to tidy things up, to wrap perception in the pretty party ribbon of partisanship and prejudice. It is the fate of the revisionist historian to forever wander the frontiers beyond party and dogma, cognizant of the original sin of his own subjectivity, but always struggling to see more, and give an account of what he sees with an utter disregard for the consequences of so fugitive a vocation."

"Even at this juncture, information is not enough. For the key to getting as close to the truth as we can depends not on obtaining the most information, but rather, in honing our ability to detect fraud. Information is power, but it is not wisdom. Revisionist history consists in the art of discerning fraud and the courage to publicly strip illusion, even when the whole world is clamoring violently for it."


How the Masonic Jews dupe the sheeple

Rabbi Mizrachi: "The Jews run the show in the world" (Hanukkah Lecture, 2020)

Chief Chabad Rabbi of Russia & Putin's personal Rabbi, Berel Lazar:

"Bibi Netanyahu was in Moscow four times this year. There are 10 flights every day, Moscow-Tel Aviv....a lot of business....Everything that's happening in Syria, it's fully coordinated between Israel & Russia."

It's all a charade folks.

Encore -Altiyan Childs - Insider reveals that celebrities and political leaders are usually Freemasons. Freemasons are Satanists, go'fers for Rothschilds.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Oct 18 - Civil War Post-Election? "

Insider said (October 18, 2024):

Now I like this article !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, Smokey's brother is 100% correct !!!!!
And how many times have I said that to you also ??!!??!!??

ONLY the MASSES can stop all the bullshit going on !!!!!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at