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Oct 8 - Between a Communist Rock and a Zionist Hard Place

October 8, 2024

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In order to avert Kamela's Communist tyrany, Americans must elect Donald Trump 
who promises to persecute anyone opposed to Israel's genocide of Palestinians. 

"We are going to remove the Jew haters who do nothing to help our country." - Donald Trump

Turkey's Erdogan threatens intervention

Erdogan: "Israel's long-standing policy of genocide, occupation and invasion must now come to an end.

It should not be forgotten that Israel will sooner or later pay the price for this genocide that it has been carrying out for a year and is still continuing.

Just as Hitler was stopped by the common alliance of humanity, Netanyahu and his murder network will be stopped in the same way.

A world in which no account is held for the Gaza genocide will never find peace. As Türkiye, we will continue to stand against the Israeli government, no matter what the cost, and call on the world to take this honorable stance."

Russ Winter--"A united front is being formed by the two biggest militaries in the Middle East, Iran and Turkey. Russia has their back especially against the US. After one year Israel's ground forces demonstrate that they are about on par with Italy in WWII, and are barely able to perform against an insurgency. Their strategy of depending on standoff genocidal air and missile attacks will be nullified once Turkey, Iran and Russia enter the fray."

Encore - Trump visited gravesite of Chabad Rebbe to commemorate Oct. 7

Makow--"We cannot overstate the importance of Trump paying tribute to Schneerson on the anniversary of the Oct 7 attack which kicked off the Cabalist charade leading to WW3. Schneerson basically calls for the collapse of civilization and the genocide of non-Jews. "


Reader-- "Henry, I am so glad that you shared info about the book by Kerth Barker, Cannibalism, Blood-drinking, And High-Adept Satanism. I have begun reading it and it is just what I needed to find. It is filling in some of the gaps about what I know about Luciferianism and Satanism." 

Encore-- "Israel was created as the instrument to bring about the battle of Armageddon and the fulfillment of prophecy. It will destroy the sovereignty of all nations and result in a One World Government." Bill Cooper.

Israel is engaged on seven different fronts at the moment. A country the size of New Jersey is provoking World War 3, as predicted. Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, militias in Iraq and Syria, Russia through Ukraine, and soon China will be involved since they have oil interests in Iran. Israel was created to be destroyed.

barbara-lerner-spectre (2).jpg
Kill All in Palestine - "We Are the Center of the World Now" - Barbara Lerner Spectre

Reader--"They're getting bolder now that they have near total power in the world. It's not just the Rabbis dropping hints anymore. Specter here previously was a fawning simping goodie goodie, now she reveals herself. It's as Yossie Gurvitz said, when Israel became mighty, look out. Christian Zionists are so duped." 


Simulation Named "Hurricane Phoenix" a CAT 5 That Directly Hits Tampa Bay

Russ Winter--"Remember when they ran a Covid-19 plandemic simulation called Event 201? They just did the same thing for Hurricane Milton. In the simulation it's called "Hurricane Phoenix" and it's a CAT 5 that directly hits Tampa Bay. -- Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) October 7, 2024 BREAKING MAJOR Hurricane Milton Is A RECORD BREAKING Hurricane! (Likely [...]

Top Int'l Law Prof: Resist UN 'Power Grab' NOW

Is the United Nations' Pact for the Future legally binding on the U.S.? What does it mean? U. of Illinois Professor of International Law Dr. Francis Boyle offers a powerful warning.

Alex Newman - "The United Nations Pact for the Future, despite being passed using tactics of dubious legality, represents a "power grab" of enormous proportions that must be resisted by all governments and nations, explained University of Illinois Professor of International Law Francis Boyle to New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman.

Boyle, a Harvard-trained expert on international law recognized worldwide, also warned that the pact centralizes power and authority in the hands of socialist UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. All of that is a violation of the UN charter.

Finally, Boyle warned about the effort to create a "global totalitarian police state" under the guise of "public health." Volunteering his services to make it happen, the legal expert said Trump must take urgent action to protect America and the world."

Evidence that the "vaccines" have conservatively killed between 17-20+ MILLON people globally and vaccine damaged over a billion while the government's mandated health protocols of ventilators, remdesivir, and withdrawal of antibiotics caused an additional 14 MILLION deaths, many of which were blamed on "The Covid"- World-class scientists 

Denis Rancourt has done the most comprehensive research on this using death statistics from over 100 + countries to show that the majority of deaths occurred once the "vaccines" were introduced and have caused an uptick in all-cause mortality that continues today as more and more people continue to succumb to medium and long-term side effects.


Kamala Harris sat down for an interview with 60 Minutes ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election. Based on the clips that have been released before the full interview drops, this could be her worst media performance to date.


Emmanuel Macron - Rothschilds Protégé Turned French President?

"The Rothschilds appear to have a motif in supporting Macron - a predictable president playing in hand of the rich: the Rothschild banking structure was nationalized twice in the modern French history - by the Vichy regime in 1940 and by the Socialist coalition of President François Mitterrand in 1981."

The majority of our English bibles use the Masoretic text for the Old Testament, yet most Christians don't realize the Masoretic text has many corruptions. These corruptions are not just scribal errors, but actually the result of a rabbinic conspiracy to erase Christ from the scriptures and usher in a kabbalistic golden age through sigil magic using the Masoretic alphabet. Sound crazy? Learn the truth about the Masoretic text in this blockbuster presentation.


Justifying Slaughter: How the Cult of Messianic Zionism Conquered the West | Thomas Suárez


Israeli politician--"If we are the chosen people who are you to tell us what to do? International law doesn't apply to us" - A terrifying window into the mind of Jewish supremacists.
Gideon Levy is not a politician: he is a left-wing journalist, who was simply explaining the mind-set of the Zealots. He disagrees with them,


It has been almost one year since Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's kidnapping from Mexico. In less than a week, it will be a year.

Dr. Reiner Füllmich (or Fuellmich) has been in custody for nearly 12 months after being arrested at Frankfurt Airport on 13 October 2023. Since early May 2024, he has been kept in solitary confinement. And when he appears in court his wrists and ankles are shackled and the courtroom is under heavily armed guard.

"The security measures ordered during the trial and in the defendant's pre-trial detention are reminiscent of the criminal trials of earlier years against the RAF [Red Army Faction] terrorists," defence attorney Katja Wörmer said.

In written statements recently released by Fuellmich, he said he had been denied his right to freedom of expression during his hearings and the presiding judge, along with others, has engaged in the obstruction of justice.


Israel looking at $66bn war bill as economic woes deepen
Columbia University professor Adam Tooze says Israel is fighting an expensive war of choice to make Gaza 'unlivable'

Hillary Clinton Declares 'We Lose Total Control' If We Don't 'Moderate and Monitor' Social Media Content More (Yeah it's obvious our elites, not a foreign threat is the biggest threat to Americans)


What do Jesuits believe today? Their woke parish websites provide clues
A sampling of the websites of the 66 Jesuit parishes in the United States reveals distinctive priorities, visible in both large metropolises and smaller cities with Jesuit colleges.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at