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Oct 3 - Third Masonic Jewish World War

October 3, 2024

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Organized Jewry (Rothschilds) is dragging humanity into another culling. Both sides of the conflict are controlled by Illuminati agents (Freemasons.) The war is designed to destroy the West and stamp out any remnants of Christian civilization.

Israel Cannot Fight A Multi-Front War Without Support From The US Military

"There are two ways to look at Israel's strategy:  It was an attempt to decapitate enemy leadership and send their forces into disarray so that a larger war could be avoided.  Or, it was intended to enrage Iran and draw them into a larger war.  

If the latter option is the case, then Israel would have to be operating on the assumption that the US will supply military forces to the fight, because Israel will not be able to survive a multi-front war of this scale alone."

Genocidal death spiral 

Israelis imagine they are victims of Genocide while committing It

"This is just a continuation of what has been going on in the Arab world since 1948 toward Israel, nothing but murderous hate, terror, and war in order to try to destroy Israel.
Arabs working in Israel, and benefiting from its prosperity are seen cheering as the Missiles hit Israel.   They must be thrust out of Israel as soon as possible."

Iranian commenter says Iranian gov't doesn't rep them. Israeli puppets will be worse.

Israeli soldiers 'TikToking' potential war crimes in Gaza, Al Jazeera documentary reveals

Mark Glenn - "Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, let us state the foundational facts associated with all of this that even now, 3,000 years too late, seems to elude everyone's understanding, which is that 'they'- whether we refer to them as 'Jews' or as they originally called themselves, i.e. Hebrews or 'Israelites'-DESPISE Gentiles, their civilizations, their culture, their religions/value systems etc, as well as understanding the fact that this hatred began LONG before there was ever this thing known as 'Zionism', LONG before there was this guy named Theodor Herzl, LONG before there were these books known as the Talmud, Zohar, Kaballah, etc."

The West has been subverted by this alien power.  Assimilated Jews want to join their non Jewish neighbors to resist.

Distraught Father on TN Guard Sent Abroad for Israel, But No Help to Save Kids From Hurricane - Deadly Sad

Bodies in Trees, No Help, Gov Plans to Bulldoze Towns & Claim Them as Fed Property - Could this be true? It does fit with the overall property confiscation plan & as per E. Palestine.

Biden-Harris Govt Says FEMA Needs Money for Hurricanes After Agency Spends $1 Billion Housing Illegals.

While FEMA claims the catastrophic damage and costs from Hurricane Helene will limit its ability to respond to future storms, the agency announced $380 million in supplemental funding for illegal immigrant housing just a month ago--bringing the total to over $1 billion for the 2024 fiscal year.
Super-Fit Triathlete Suffers Deadly Heart Failure after Second COVID Vaccine
A super-fit triathlete, Ingi Doyle, has spoken out about the severe heart damage she suffered after receiving the Pfizer Covid vaccine.

Prior to getting vaccinated, Doyle had no health problems and was extremely active, participating in triathlons and half-marathons. However, just one day after her second jab, she experienced swelling and fatigue, and later developed a tear in her aorta's lining.

Doyle underwent multiple surgeries and suffered organ failure, hematoma, and a pulmonary embolism. She believes her injuries were caused by vaccine spike proteins found in her bloodstream.

360 Substations Out in Carolinas - This makes the transfer of spare US transformers to Ukraine even more ominous.
Social Media Taking Down HAARP Directed Hurricane Info - Thus, spread it.

image - 2024-10-03T084926.540.png
Hurricane Control Device
LOOK UP US PATENT #: US20030085296A1
"A method is disclosed for affecting the formation and/or direction of a low atmospheric weather system. Audio generators are positioned to project sound waves toward a peripheral area of a weather system. The sound waves are generated at a frequency to affect the formation of the weather system in a manner to disrupt, enhance or direct the formation. The sound waves can also be projected in a manner to cause the system to produce rain."
In Application - From


"Guess what forms of money are working in the storm-hit areas of NC, SC, TN and FL right now? CASH and SILVER. Guess what's not working? Credit cards, debit cards, SNAP cards (food stamps), cryptocurrency and anything else that requires electricity and infrastructure to function. I was told that single dollar bills are worth FAR MORE than $1 because people need small change. Divisibility of money is what matters in these situations. That's why people love highly divisible forms of gold (like Goldbacks) or silver (like "junk silver" coins). Before long, you'll probably also see people bartering with ammo and other survival supplies. CBDCs would be completely useless in these circumstances".

The UK's "Chicken License" Rebellion - the GOOD way to deal with BAD laws
 In the run-up to the deadline thousands of people took to the DEFRA website to register their "chickens" - frozen, nuggets, unhatched and even rubber:
 Dozens of 'Special Interest Aliens' Among Massive Group of Illegals Caught Crossing Into Texas

Military-age males from Egypt, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey pouring across U.S. borders

China Celebrates Her 75th Anniversary - A Story of Peaceful Success

Yesterday, 1st of October 2024, China was proudly celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution - an outright socioeconomic success never seen before in human history; a development in Peace, and ever seeking cooperation with the rest of the world. Never aggression."

What has PK been smoking? This totally discredits him. Considered him one of the best critics of Agenda 2030.
They use fear to paralyze us. Courage is overcoming fear, not being fearless.

Fears soar as deadly 'eye-bleeding' disease spreads into Europe as 9 killed

The World Health Organisation has warned the virus is a 'highly virulent disease that causes haemorrhagic fever, with a fatality ratio of up to 88 percent'.

The Hollywood Pedophiles by Issac Kappy

Kappy was exposing some powerful people in the entertainment industry, that's why he was unalived.

Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg

Kevin Barrett-

Zionists Invade Lebanon to Accelerate Murder/Expulsion of All Palestinians
Will the World Allow It?

The Zionist invasion of Lebanon isn't just about Lebanon. It isn't even primarily about Lebanon. Rather, it is an attempt to provoke a huge regional war, under cover of which the Zionist messianic-millenarian fanatics hope to murder and expel the remaining Palestinians from Palestine. (Yes, they do want to exterminate Lebanese too.) Whether they lose that war, as seems likely, or "win" a Pyrrhic victory that turns the world decisively against them, their project is finished.

The terror attack on Lebanon was followed by a massive bombing campaign. As usual, the zionists managed to kill large numbers of civilians. Clearly, they are doing everything they can to incite a regional war.

Why would "Israel" want to provoke a huge war in which it would likely suffer massive damage, if not complete annihilation? The zionist entity's leadership is dominated by messianic millenarian maniacs, not rational statesmen. Though many are atheists, they believe the God they don't believe in gave them all of Palestine--and quite possibly everything from the Nile to the Euphrates, or maybe even the entire planet. From the very beginning of the zionist movement, that long-term plan of ethnic cleansing and permanent expansion has been assiduously pursued.

Currently the zionists are gambling on finishing the genocide of Palestine while simultaneously stealing part of Lebanon. As they continue their murderous onslaught on Gaza, which has killed more than 41,000 people in less than a year, they have accelerated attacks on the West Bank. As of September 22, Israeli settlers and their military allies have killed 716 Palestinians and injured more than 5700. Additionally, the zionists have "arrested" (kidnapped) more than 10,000 Palestinian hostages, who are being held in atrocious conditions and being subjected to unspeakable tortures.


"A young Donald Trump (Sebastian Stan), eager to make his name as a hungry second son of a wealthy family in 1970s New York, comes under the spell of Roy Cohn (Jeremy Strong), the cutthroat attorney who would help create the Donald Trump we know today. Cohn sees in Trump the perfect protégé--someone with raw ambition, a hunger for success, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to win."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at