Oct 24 - They're Still Using Tainted Voting Machines!
October 24, 2024

HOLY SHIT!! This is the most important video you'll see before the 2024 presidential election.
Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
Both sides are likely to reject the results of the Nov 5 election. Biden has authorized the army to use lethal force against "election deniers."
Gary Berntsen, a whistleblower with deep ties to the Department of Justice, FBI, DEA, and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), has come forward with an explosive revelation: our elections are being hijacked by foreign entities.
"After witnessing election irregularities associated with the 2020 U.S. presidential election, we decided to direct time and resources to investigating cartel links to U.S. and global election fraud.
Dominion Voting Systems manages elections in almost all the swing states in the U.S., which determines who wins the presidency. We have evidence and witnesses that can prove the source code operating the election machines of both Smartmatic and Dominion, and other election companies, are owned by the Venezuelan narco regime. We also have evidence and witnesses proving the machines are manufactured in the People's Republic of China.
To further conceal its manipulation of U.S. elections, Dominion moved its research and development and servers, which store swing state voting information, to its office in Belgrade, Serbia. In the Belgrade office, Venezuelan, Chinese, and Serbian software engineers maintain system administrative status over swing state elections. The Cuban DGI and the Chinese CCP are also involved. The facility and its personnel are protected by Serbia's counter-intelligence service. Swing state voter information is saved on Huawei servers in Dominion's Belgrade office, and these servers are linked to Huawei servers in Hong Kong, China."
This election manipulation often involves large bribes to alter election results such as the case in the 2016 Philippines election where the President of Smartmatic Roger Piñate was indicted for bribery in relation to the 2016 Philippines election.
His team has the CNE source code, the source code employed by Smartmatic, Dominion and others. They will surrender it to the appropriate authorities.
This criminal evidence was presented two years ago to a Senior FBI Agent in Washington DC. That Agent after seeing three hours of evidence told them to flee Washington DC, that the FBI under Christopher Wray would actively work to destroy their efforts and seek ways to prosecute them in order to stop their investigative efforts.
Seven months ago his team briefed three U.S. Attorney's who were Federal Prosecutors from Merrick Garland's Department of Justice and they never heard back from them.
Elections are being stolen around the world, including in the United States of America. This is a direct attack on our Democracy. We must stop the greatest crime being committed against the United States of America. We must stop the Election theft of 2024 and stop all future election thefts around the world.
Medvedev warns of 'total war'
The world needs a "balance of powers" to avoid "extermination," the former Russian president has said. The US must abandon its ambitions of "world domination" or risk a war which could lead to the "complete extermination" of humanity, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned on Monday.
According to Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy head of Russia's Security Council, Washington's goal is "domination over the Old World, as well as over the rest of the world."
Encore: Trump "Netanyahu called me, i'm going to speak to him now and tell him he is doing a great job" - David Icke.
One must understand that the disease of racial superiority being flaunted by the Israelis does not confine its self-acclaimed preeminence over the Palestinians only. In the minds of Benjamin Netanyahu and his fellow eugenists, every goy (gentile) is nonhuman and, thus, warrants any act of racial cleansing."

First clue: Turkish president Erdogan "was holding talks in Russia with Vladimir Putin at the time of the attack." That suggests that one or more members of the "collective West"--in other words, the Zionist-occupied US empire--probably orchestrated the attack as a rebuke or warning to Turkey and Erdogan. And by targeting Turkey's leading aerospace facility, someone was presumably sending a message of disapproval regarding activities related to that facility: "We know what you're up to, so don't even think about it."
Scott Ritter-- "Very little concern is being expressed by US politicians or the American public at large over the implications not of the leaked documents, but rather the information they contained--that Israel is preparing a massive strike on Iran that could trigger a larger conflict which, realistically, could end up involving the use of nuclear weapons."

NC Gov Confirms Land Grab! Community Buy-outs
Edward Dowd: Global Vaccine Impact: Study Reveals Up to 15M Deaths, 60M Disabilities Worldwide
Ex-BlackRock exec Ed Dowd reveals a startling analysis, claiming COVID-19 vaccines have resulted in millions of deaths and disabilities globally.
The entire Russo-Ukraine War was meticulously engineered by you know who. But why?
The Ukraine War started because Putin's Russia went into Syria in 2015 to stop the Zio-Anglo-American Empire's ongoing terrorist invasion, which threw a HUGE wrench into the Greater Israel project. This enraged the Zionist State of Israel to no end. And their only way to compel a Russian departure from the Mideast was to preoccupy their armed forces with a major threat to Moscow from Ukraine, so they thought.

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
Both sides are likely to reject the results of the Nov 5 election. Biden has authorized the army to use lethal force against "election deniers."
The source code operating US election machines in Smartmatic and Dominion voting machines are owned by the Venezuelan Narco Regime and made in China.
Whistleblower from DOJ, FB!, DEA, and Homeland Security exposes roadmap of foreign control over US elections
Gary Berntsen, a whistleblower with deep ties to the Department of Justice, FBI, DEA, and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), has come forward with an explosive revelation: our elections are being hijacked by foreign entities.
"After witnessing election irregularities associated with the 2020 U.S. presidential election, we decided to direct time and resources to investigating cartel links to U.S. and global election fraud.
Dominion Voting Systems manages elections in almost all the swing states in the U.S., which determines who wins the presidency. We have evidence and witnesses that can prove the source code operating the election machines of both Smartmatic and Dominion, and other election companies, are owned by the Venezuelan narco regime. We also have evidence and witnesses proving the machines are manufactured in the People's Republic of China.
To further conceal its manipulation of U.S. elections, Dominion moved its research and development and servers, which store swing state voting information, to its office in Belgrade, Serbia. In the Belgrade office, Venezuelan, Chinese, and Serbian software engineers maintain system administrative status over swing state elections. The Cuban DGI and the Chinese CCP are also involved. The facility and its personnel are protected by Serbia's counter-intelligence service. Swing state voter information is saved on Huawei servers in Dominion's Belgrade office, and these servers are linked to Huawei servers in Hong Kong, China."
THE MANIPULATION OF ELECTIONS: Veteran U.S. Air Force CIA Officer has evidence that can prove the source code operating the election machines in Smartmatic and Dominion voting machines that determines the U.S. Presidency are owned by the Venezuelan Narco Regime and made in China.
He states that Dominion took an additional step to conceal its manipulation of U.S. Elections by moving its research and development and servers which store U.S. Swing States voting information to its office in Belgrade Serbia. In the Belgrade Office, Venezuelan, Chinese and Serbian software engineers maintain system administration status over U.S. Swing States elections and alter elections as directed by Cártel de los Soles, the Cuban DGI and the Chinese CCP.
He states that Dominion took an additional step to conceal its manipulation of U.S. Elections by moving its research and development and servers which store U.S. Swing States voting information to its office in Belgrade Serbia. In the Belgrade Office, Venezuelan, Chinese and Serbian software engineers maintain system administration status over U.S. Swing States elections and alter elections as directed by Cártel de los Soles, the Cuban DGI and the Chinese CCP.
This election manipulation often involves large bribes to alter election results such as the case in the 2016 Philippines election where the President of Smartmatic Roger Piñate was indicted for bribery in relation to the 2016 Philippines election.
His team has the CNE source code, the source code employed by Smartmatic, Dominion and others. They will surrender it to the appropriate authorities.

Seven months ago his team briefed three U.S. Attorney's who were Federal Prosecutors from Merrick Garland's Department of Justice and they never heard back from them.
Elections are being stolen around the world, including in the United States of America. This is a direct attack on our Democracy. We must stop the greatest crime being committed against the United States of America. We must stop the Election theft of 2024 and stop all future election thefts around the world.
Medvedev warns of 'total war'
The world needs a "balance of powers" to avoid "extermination," the former Russian president has said. The US must abandon its ambitions of "world domination" or risk a war which could lead to the "complete extermination" of humanity, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned on Monday.
According to Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy head of Russia's Security Council, Washington's goal is "domination over the Old World, as well as over the rest of the world."

This agenda is unfolding in real time. No one wants to acknowledge that we are accomplices in our own genocide. We hear nothing about Freemasons.
Encore: Trump "Netanyahu called me, i'm going to speak to him now and tell him he is doing a great job" - David Icke.
Toronto Jew-owned Red Star is printing stories which incite hatred toward white people.

Ex-Girlfriend Comes Forward to Accuse Doug Emhoff of Domestic Violence
"This alleged hypocrisy by claiming to be a feminist in media interviews, finally became too much for her."
Pastor Chuck Baldwin- How Long Can Christians Continue To Turn A Blind Eye To Israel's Atrocities?
"The last twelve months have unveiled a racist, bloodthirsty, maniacal Israeli society that looks at people of other races as nonhuman. They are described as animals. The babies born to their mothers are called little snakes. These killers recognize no law but their own--not international law, not Natural law, not moral law, not Biblical law, not even the law of humanity. They kill at will. Defenseless women and children are slaughtered like cattle. They celebrate death and destruction. They are willing to take the world into global nuclear war to achieve their goal of complete ethnic purging of the Palestinian people. They are wholly without conscience.
"This alleged hypocrisy by claiming to be a feminist in media interviews, finally became too much for her."
Pastor Chuck Baldwin- How Long Can Christians Continue To Turn A Blind Eye To Israel's Atrocities?
"The last twelve months have unveiled a racist, bloodthirsty, maniacal Israeli society that looks at people of other races as nonhuman. They are described as animals. The babies born to their mothers are called little snakes. These killers recognize no law but their own--not international law, not Natural law, not moral law, not Biblical law, not even the law of humanity. They kill at will. Defenseless women and children are slaughtered like cattle. They celebrate death and destruction. They are willing to take the world into global nuclear war to achieve their goal of complete ethnic purging of the Palestinian people. They are wholly without conscience.
Yet, in the Christian West, we find abject apathy or even exuberant excitement for this satanic behavior. Our national government protects and defends it. Worse than that: It assists and facilitates this murderous madness by providing money, weapons of mass destruction, satellite surveillance, intelligence, etc., to the Zionist zealots of death.
Make no mistake about it: The United States of America is as culpable in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents in Palestine as are the Israelis. So, too, are those Americans--including Christians--who in their hearts support Israel's genocide.
Make no mistake about it: The United States of America is as culpable in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents in Palestine as are the Israelis. So, too, are those Americans--including Christians--who in their hearts support Israel's genocide.
One must understand that the disease of racial superiority being flaunted by the Israelis does not confine its self-acclaimed preeminence over the Palestinians only. In the minds of Benjamin Netanyahu and his fellow eugenists, every goy (gentile) is nonhuman and, thus, warrants any act of racial cleansing."

UN report says female athletes have lost 890 medals to trans competitors
"Israel" Is Top Suspect in Turkish Terror Attack
"Israel" Is Top Suspect in Turkish Terror Attack
A "political, military, and security message" from Tel Aviv, sent with US approval?
Who was behind Wednesday's terrorist attack on Turkey's leading aerospace company? According to reports, at least five people were killed, and 22 others wounded, when two terrorists attacked the facility with explosives and gunfire before being "neutralized."
First clue: Turkish president Erdogan "was holding talks in Russia with Vladimir Putin at the time of the attack." That suggests that one or more members of the "collective West"--in other words, the Zionist-occupied US empire--probably orchestrated the attack as a rebuke or warning to Turkey and Erdogan. And by targeting Turkey's leading aerospace facility, someone was presumably sending a message of disapproval regarding activities related to that facility: "We know what you're up to, so don't even think about it."
Scott Ritter-- "Very little concern is being expressed by US politicians or the American public at large over the implications not of the leaked documents, but rather the information they contained--that Israel is preparing a massive strike on Iran that could trigger a larger conflict which, realistically, could end up involving the use of nuclear weapons."

Forcing people off the land into 15-min cities
NC Gov Confirms Land Grab! Community Buy-outs
Make the connection. What Israel is doing to Palestinians, Organized Jewry did to you with COVID vaccines.
Make the connection. What Israel is doing to Palestinians, Organized Jewry did to you with COVID vaccines.
Edward Dowd: Global Vaccine Impact: Study Reveals Up to 15M Deaths, 60M Disabilities Worldwide
Ex-BlackRock exec Ed Dowd reveals a startling analysis, claiming COVID-19 vaccines have resulted in millions of deaths and disabilities globally.
The entire Russo-Ukraine War was meticulously engineered by you know who. But why?
The Ukraine War started because Putin's Russia went into Syria in 2015 to stop the Zio-Anglo-American Empire's ongoing terrorist invasion, which threw a HUGE wrench into the Greater Israel project. This enraged the Zionist State of Israel to no end. And their only way to compel a Russian departure from the Mideast was to preoccupy their armed forces with a major threat to Moscow from Ukraine, so they thought.

This book documents the Communist Jewish subversion of America
Reader--"I am reading the book, "The Devil and Bella Dodd". What I read is the communists are experts at twisting the meanings of words to paint their opponents in the most unfavorable light. In essence, they are bold liars. So when this is written: "Two weeks before the election, the US Dept of Defence issued a directive permitting the US army to kill American citizens" They will define all the words, the circumstances and actions to kill whomever they want. Their prime emotion is hatred and this sets their agenda. When someone challenges them, they are automatically painted as treasonous who purport such illegal and unAmerican behavior, even though it was not so in pre-communist times. The press will print it accordingly and we will think it was always so. In their minds, we are the Soviet America already and the vise will be tightened accordingly. Abolition of private ownership, religion and marriage are among their top goals. Is this not already happening? (Women should question being considered as communal. In other words, no one single household for them to be a Mother. Yikes, this is what feminism is bringing to them?)
Christianity is to be destroyed as it is based on love. Again, communism is based on hatred. Deception and infiltration rule. No one is safe, because the wolf wears sheep clothing.
The book is excellent and I imagine it will be targeted soon for burning and discrediting."
Reader--"I am reading the book, "The Devil and Bella Dodd". What I read is the communists are experts at twisting the meanings of words to paint their opponents in the most unfavorable light. In essence, they are bold liars. So when this is written: "Two weeks before the election, the US Dept of Defence issued a directive permitting the US army to kill American citizens" They will define all the words, the circumstances and actions to kill whomever they want. Their prime emotion is hatred and this sets their agenda. When someone challenges them, they are automatically painted as treasonous who purport such illegal and unAmerican behavior, even though it was not so in pre-communist times. The press will print it accordingly and we will think it was always so. In their minds, we are the Soviet America already and the vise will be tightened accordingly. Abolition of private ownership, religion and marriage are among their top goals. Is this not already happening? (Women should question being considered as communal. In other words, no one single household for them to be a Mother. Yikes, this is what feminism is bringing to them?)
Christianity is to be destroyed as it is based on love. Again, communism is based on hatred. Deception and infiltration rule. No one is safe, because the wolf wears sheep clothing.
The book is excellent and I imagine it will be targeted soon for burning and discrediting."
ACLJU Leadership Rejects Staff Demands to Condemn U.S. Role in Israel's Gaza War
ACLJU Leadership Rejects Staff Demands to Condemn U.S. Role in Israel's Gaza War
More than 650 ACLU staffers signed a petition calling on the organization to decry the ongoing war and divest from Israel.
KG said (October 25, 2024):
Voted last week in the BC election. Notice Dominion Voting equipment was used to register my vote. What are the odds there is some tweaking going on? Paranoia?