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Oct 14 - The US is a Jewish Vassal State

October 14, 2024

greaterisrael (1).png
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Israel and the West are inviting the same treatment as Israel metes out in Gaza and Lebanon

Israel Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich again calls for Israel's borders to 'extend to Damascus'

Smotrich claimed that Israel would expand 'little by little' and eventually encompass all Palestinian territories as well as Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. This is what the US has signed on to.


Trump team requests military-level security citing threats from Iran

This doesn't auger well if Trump wins in November. He's not even in the White House yet and the Iranians are already being set up as a problem to be dealt with

[Nigel] Farage's [UK] Reform Party Hits Record High in National Poll as Labour Support Collapses

Foreign Exchange Student Goes Public: Accuses Tim Walz of Grooming and Sexual Assault, Threatening Deportation
3.5 Million Views. Accuser says Walz has a raised scar on his chest and a Chinese tattoo on his thigh, and he will go public.

A foreign exchange student has now stepped forward and accused Tim Walz of grooming and sexually assaulting him. He claims that if he spoke out, Walz had threatened him with deportation.

Walz is a gay sexual predator


Russia send its goyim to the meat grinder

The Average Training Time For Russian Recruits is 15 Days

Well, actually, we have plenty of evidence to suggest that new men who foolishly signed up a few days ago are being sent to their deaths en masse. They seem to be disproportionately from the lower, quasi-criminal caste of society. Like this recent example:

'Tinfoil Hat' Folks Get the Last Laugh: Former CIA Chief Brennan Lauded Chemtrails in CFR Speech

"These empty suits are out-of-control transhumanists trying to play God and with nature. With this admission, the disingenuous "conspiracy theorist" debunking of the chemtrail evidence is looking more and more dicey and suspect. Who is wearing the tinfoil hat now, suckers.

Aerosal is the preferred method of delivery especially if the goal is penetrating the blood brain barrier. The goal isn't always die off or making people ill, but zombification.

The TD is the most DEI of all Canadian banks encouraging sodomy and miscegenation

The TD Bank Scandal: Corruption, Fraud, Hypocrisy, and the Fools Who Buy It

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

~ Henry Ford

Gay Bartlett- "I am going to break away for just a moment from the murder, slaughter, weather manipulation, famine, floods, poisoning, pharmaceutical and medical killing, fires, chemical explosions, mass surveillance, AI, and genocide, and talk about banks and finance. In particular, I am going to discuss the recent Toronto-Dominion Bank's (TD Bank) pleading guilty to 'money' (fiat currency) laundering for drug cartels. I imagine there will be much sarcasm in this essay, as this theater is meant to prop up the notion that the U.S. banking regulators actually have an interest in policing the criminal banking industry. They do not of course, as they are all criminals themselves. The bottom line here is that one bank was openly caught doing what most banks do every day, so the hypocrisy begins."

Mo with the Flow: How Third-World Migration is a War-Crime against the White West, by Tobias Langdon - The Unz Review

Written by a progressive Jew who hates both his cousin Roy Cohn and Trump.

How my odious cousin Roy Cohn was responsible for creating Donald Trump -- and me

With a bit of artistic license, The Apprentice illuminates the truths that several documentaries have depicted. We see Roy molding Trump out of a lump of formless clay. We watch Trump wallow in Roy's world of chicanery and bribery, bold-type gossip pages and bald-faced lies.

Russ WINTER- 'Tinfoil Hat' Folks Get the Last Laugh: Former CIA Chief Brennan Lauded Chemtrails in CFR Speech

These empty suits are out-of-control transhumanists trying to play God and with nature. With this admission, the disingenuous "conspiracy theorist" debunking of the chemtrail evidence is looking more and more dicey and suspect. Who is wearing the tinfoil hat now, suckers.

Aerosal is the preferred method of delivery especially if the goal is penetrating the blood brain barrier. The goal isn't always die off or making people ill, but zombification.

Bill Kristol, a Big Scum-Bag Jew in Amerika, has echoed his Tribesmen by saying that White men are the problem in America and need to be replaced by non-white immigrants.

They also want the US Military to be able to operate within the US, killing its own citizens. That's the question; when Rothschild Jewry thinks it has fully conquered the US, will the police & military obey their orders to shoot Americans down in the streets?? If they do, they'll get their asses shot off. 

Mashiach Trump's Pedophiles part 1


"I do not give a F**k what happens to AntiVaxers, Let Darwin do his work, they've helped kill 700,000 Americans" This was Florida House District progressive Candidate Richard Rowe who 'Died Suddenly' aged only 41. RIP.
WEF talks about a cyberattack depriiving us of access to our "money"

But they want to protect us from what they plan to do.


Haven't watched this yet

Hitler's Jewish Outlook and Lifestyle


Chabad, Mossad and the KGB

The true story of Chabad's secret networks during the cold war in Mother Russia, and how these networks helped Judaism flourish after the wall came down.

This lecture took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat
There Is No Way Around the Fact That There Is Malicious Intent With Those Who Knew About Covid "Vaccines"

Naomi Wolf about COVID-19 vaccines: "They just want to kill you all. I mean, there's there's no way around it.

Our experts have looked at what's called bio distribution of the materials of the injection. And in Canada, you were told in the US, we were told around the Western Europe.

They were told that the materials from the vaccine stay in the deltoid in the injection site. That's not true.


Central Banks of Australia, Canada, and Colombia put CBDC projects on ice

The 'inevitability' of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) has taken a hit recently as multiple countries - including Australia, Colombia, and Canada - have paused their CBDC initiatives, calling into question the need for digital fiat. 
 BRICS to build 'New World Order': Russia calls for alternative to IMF and World Bank
 According to a report from Reuters, Anton Siluanov, the finance minister of Russia, met with top BRICS finance and central bank officials this week in Moscow, where he highlighted that the global financial system is controlled by Western countries and said it's time for the bloc - which accounts for 37% of the global economy - to create a new alternative. 

 "The IMF and the World Bank are not performing their roles. They are not working in the interests of BRICS countries," Siluanov said. "It is necessary to form new conditions or even new institutions, similar to the Bretton Woods institutions, but within the framework of our community, within the framework of BRICS."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at