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Oct 1 - Israel's End Game: World Power or World War?

October 1, 2024

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What is Israel's End Game? 
To drag the US into a world war? 
Or to become a world power?
Or both? 


The "Greater Israel" Scheme and its Global Power Play: a Delusional Recipe for Armageddon

His election campaign promised: 'We'll Return Israel to Its Place as a Rising Power Among the Nations'

Satanyahu offers to liberate Iranians from Islamist Yoke

End Game? He's talking about an Israel Controlled Iran

He chastizes Iran's leaders for wasting money on war. Irony

Netanyahu Says Regime Change in Iran Will Happen 'A Lot Sooner Than People Think'
The Israeli leader released a video in English that he said was a message to the Iranian people

The Two-Faced Donald Trump 

Zelensky Tells Fox: Trump Assured Me He Would Support Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Fox News that former President Donald Trump reassured him that Washington will maintain its support for Kiev should he return to the White House. 

The Ukrainian leader said Trump made the remarks when the two met last week. "I don't know what will be after [the] elections and who will be the president... But I've got from Donald Trump very direct information that he will be on our side, that he will support Ukraine," he said. 
Putin's nuclear talk shouldn't stop NATO backing Ukraine, Stoltenberg says, refusing to take Russia's threats seriously 

"What we have seen is a pattern of reckless Russian nuclear rhetoric and messaging, and this fits into that pattern," Stoltenberg, who hands over the NATO leadership to Dutch ex-prime minister Mark Rutte on Tuesday after a decade in charge.

Reports: Western NC Indescribable Catastrophe, May Be Way Worse Than Katrina: Thousands Missing, Total Blackout--No Food, Water, Cell Service, Or Radio In Worse Hit Areas--Why Weren't They Warned?

First Hand Report: "My Uncle Mitch Knows Someone Who Works For EMS...They Are Hauling Them By The Truckloads To The Morgue." Please Don't Call Me A Catrophist--This Is Real, Media NOT Reporting Truth


Russ Winter --MSM suppressing info on Israeli Defeats


Lebanese army, UNIFIL confirm 'no Israeli troops entered Lebanon'
Israel claims its troops initiated a 'limited ground invasion' of Lebanon Monday night amid the widespread bombing of targets in Beirut


Whitney Webb- How they Will Take Our Money

There will be a cyber attack. The hackers got your money but you can get it back in the form of CBDCs. 

Sacrificing more goyim to Moloch?

Putin orders conscription of 133,000 new soldiers to fight on the front line

One grieving Russian mother has risked arrest by demanding from Putin why her untrained conscript son, 18, was killed in the war, as she accused the autocrat of lying.

Elena Shumilova, mother of Valentin Shumilov, wrote to Putin saying she no longer 'respected' him: 'Explain to me, the mother of a conscript, how did my son die? You shout loudly that conscripts do not fight, but their mothers keep burying them.'


A Lobby Group Pushing unrestricted Immigration to Canada

Growing our population to 100 million by 2100 would reduce the burden on government revenues to fund health care, old age security, and other services. It would also mean more skilled workers, innovation, and dynamism in the Canadian economy. 100 million by 2100 is not just a number. It's a vision for the Canada we want to build for future generations.

Meet Don Harris, Kamala Harris' Communist Father

Don Harris was referred to glowingly by fellow Marxist Economics Professor John Gurley as "one of the leading young people in Marxist economics."

22 states ask court to block Biden-Harris rule allowing 'transgender' males in girls' sports, bathrooms

Women's advocates, athletes, and 22 states filed briefs urging a federal court to protect women's safety and privacy by blocking a Biden-Harris policy. 

Alex Newman ---Inside UN Plot to Censor You & Indoctrinate Children

"Information ecosystems" are being polluted by "toxins," say UN officials as a pretext to silence non-approved voices. Here's what you need to know:

The UN's long-anticipated "Summit of the Future" in New York City, which Muller and Newman attended as accredited journalists, was the springboard for turning the organization into "UN 2.0," as globalist leaders put it.

Among the reforms being contemplated: upending the UN Security Council and eventually stripping the U.S. government (and other permanent members') veto power, controlling information, and expanding education into "lifelong" indoctrination for all.

covid fact (2).png
Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president at Pfizer: "There was no pandemic, and the lie was maintained in order to inject... 5.5 billion people with an intentionally dangerous substance, 17 million of whom have died so far."

This speech was scheduled to be played in a parliamentary special meeting at the UK Parliament. Conveniently, due to "sound issues", it was never played.

"Replacement Migration"

HUNGERGAMES~ Disturbing UN Document on Replacement Migration Reveals Everything!

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Oct 1 - Israel's End Game: World Power or World War? "

rh said (October 1, 2024):

Its obvious one can say the Goyim will be sacrificed in WW3. What I do not understand is how certain Jews support the slaughter of their own people. We read article after article of the people who control the corporations, the media, and governments; their pictures are shown with the Star of David stamped on top of them.

Okay, why are they selling weapons of mass destruction to the supposed enemies of the Israelis, then? These weapons are not only killing the Goyim but Jews alike. Shipping, oil, food, technology seems to be in hands of a few…whose side are these people really on? It seems to be shared among the nations quite thoroughly. Otherwise, a war would seem quite lopsided in who has the best weapons.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at