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Mike Stone - Nothing Substantial Will Change Under Trump

October 20, 2024


"Look at the millions of fake Christians and sniveling cuckservatives who cheered the torture and murder of Palestinian children, and the brutal suppression and arrest of anyone who peacefully protested that torture and murder. That blood lust is not going away under Trump."

Makow Disclaimer - Trump will win and it will make a big difference in terms of Ukraine, CRT, migration and gender dysphoria. Unfortunately national survival requires a renewed commitment to Israel, genocide and war against Iran. 

By Mike Stone

With one notable exception, nothing substantial is going to change when Donald Trump wins the presidential election in November. 

 And by substantial, I mean policy that affects our country's moral foundation. Policy that literally saves souls. 

So let's start with the economy, because for the majority of brain-addled, selfish Americans, that's the only issue that counts.

The economy will improve under Trump. But so what? What can you buy with the extra money Trump is going to put into your pocket that you can't buy now? And while the economy as a whole will improve, the inflation of the last four years is not going away. Do you think the greedy bastards who price-gouged you during the fake Biden presidency are going to change just because Trump is back in office?

Is your boss going to give you a raise? Is your bank going to lower your mortgage? Is your landlord going to lower your rent? Fat chance. Landlords, being some of the greediest and most despicable people on earth, are going to raise your rent as high as they legally can.

Illegal immigration will decrease, but legal immigration, which is just as bad, will increase. The country will continue to be flooded with undesirables.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. says he's going to clean up our food, water, and air. More power to him, but the human scum behind the poisoning of our food, water, and air are not going to give up the billions of dollars in profits they reap over the deterioration of people's health without a fight. Neither will their pussified stock holders. 

People will be bribed. People will be threatened. People might actually be killed. 

Even worse, the majority of American people don't want clean food, water, or air. They want their poisonous drugs. They want their processed food and chemical-laden produce. They want their cigarettes, alcohol, candy, and cake. If Kennedy made a push to eliminate those things, the dumbasses of America would do what they wouldn't dare do to those who are actually poisoning them - they'd rise up and go after the very people who are trying to help them. 

Americans Will Remain Hopelessly Brainwashed

Look at the millions of fake Christians and sniveling cuckservatives who cheered the torture and murder of Palestinian children, and the brutal suppression and arrest of anyone who peacefully protested that torture and murder. That blood lust is not going away under Trump.

Look at the millions of low-IQ retards who want Trump to lose. They are the most annoying people to ever walk the face of the earth. Homos and pedophiles (the same thing), trannies, BLM, liberal White women . . . They push for pronouns, face diapers, and fake vaccines that cripple and kill. They promote abortion, racism, trannyism, open borders, gun confiscation, the sexual molestation and mutilation of children, the hatred and suppression of White men, the destruction of the Constitution, and more. They're not going to change when Trump resumes office. They're going to turn Trump Derangement Syndrome into the biggest mental health crisis in American history.

Women will continue to murder their own babies. Men will continue to jerk off to pornography. Libtards will continue to molest and sexually mutilate children. Cuckservatives and fake Christians will continue to crawl on their knees and pledge their obedience to Israel. None of those things are going to change.

You Get What You Deserve

The bottom line is people get the government they deserve. In 2020, the American people surrendered to a non-existent virus, refused to boycott their oppressors, and embraced George Floyd as their savior. So they got exactly what they deserved: four years of an impostor Joe Biden and his fake administration. 

In 2024, the American people are behaving as if the stolen election of 2020 and the mass murder that occurred during the fake pandemic never happened. They're watching sports, reading romance novels, cheering the mass murder of Palestinians, and jerking off to pornography, all the while damning their souls to hell. They will get the government they deserve too.

Now I said at the beginning that there was one notable exception to nothing substantial changing under another Trump presidency. That exception is the arrest and prosecution of everyone who participated in stealing the 2020 election. And that's good news. We want to see everyone who helped steal the 2020 election hunted down like dogs and prosecuted under the full extent of the law. We want the same for everyone who attempts to steal the 2024, which has already started with early voting. 

Some of the people responsible for the 2020 steal have already been arrested, tried in military tribunals, and hung, but not nearly enough. We want all of them tried for treason.

Get Your Popcorn Ready

By all means, vote for Trump. Get your popcorn and fireworks ready to go. Pop a champagne cork when Trump wins and enjoy the endless spectacle of Trump haters screaming and crying like babies when the good news is announced. It will be 2016 all over again.

But keep in mind that nothing substantial is going to change under another Trump presidency. It won't be his fault. It will be the fault of gutless American people.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Mike Stone - Nothing Substantial Will Change Under Trump"

AR said (October 21, 2024):

I repeat for the hard headed retarded children posing as adults still waiting for Santa Clause to come down the chimney and eat their milk and cookies. ELECTIONS ARE NOT REAL ! It's just a survey.

Put a fork in America. Its done! From Adolf (Rothschiild) Hitler's gay Nazi 4th Reich Grandson Barak Obama with his Tranny Wife to actors with dementia to mass murdering with bio-weapons grifing Trurmp hiding underground eating caviar. US presidents are a joke.

Only mass repentance and turning back to the One True God of all creation can save America but I'm not holding my breath for that day.

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Revelations 18: 4And I heard another voice from heaven say, Go out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues:

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at