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Mike Stone - Are American Men Brainwashed Pussies?

October 12, 2024

Have you ever considered the possibility that cowardice is a habit? 
Look at what we recently went through with the phony pandemic. 
An entire nation surrendered without a shot being fired to a non-existent enemy 
(a phony virus that didn't even exist). How could such a thing be possible 
if cowardice were not a habit embraced by hundreds of millions of Americans?

Fatigue and Cowardice Go Hand-in-Hand

by Mike Stone

Vince Lombardi famously said, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all,"
and it's true. Look at what happened during the fake pandemic. People hid behind face diapers, locked their doors, and cowered in fear over a non-existent virus. They were so physically and emotionally depleted, they had no energy to resist. 

That level of fatigue isn't natural. It's been planned by our enemies for decades.

Protocol V states: "By all these means we shall so wear down the 'goyim' that they will be compelled to offer us international power of a nature that by its position will enable us without any violence gradually to absorb all the state forces of the world and to form a super-government."

Protocol X states: ". . . So as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so the the 'goyim' see no other issue than to take the refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else."

The fatigue that Americans are feeling was planned over a hundred years ago. 
Today American men are overworked like never before. Many are working two or three jobs just to survive. And almost everyone has a side hustle. On top of that, their bodies are depleted from drugs, processed food, and alcohol, and from constant exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. Remember the chemicals that Alex Jones said were turning frogs gay? American men are consuming those chemicals on a daily basis and it's leading to their fatigue.

Remember when the government made a big push to eliminate lead paint? They claimed it was because black children living in housing projects were licking the paint. The real reason was because it blocked EMF radiation. Why do you think all those 5G towers went up during the virus hoax, while the populace was locked in their homes? 

To top it all off, American men are fatigued from watching endless porn. Nothing weakens a man and depletes his life force more than jerking off to pornography. Succumbing to pornography is an act of cowardice on its own.

Selfishness Leads to Cowardice

Another component to cowardice is selfishness. The more selfish a person is - and there's no one on earth more selfish than the American male - the more likely they are to succumb to cowardice. The idea of self-sacrifice for the benefit of others or for the benefit of their country is abhorrent to American men. 

While the fake pandemic was raging, how many adult men in your life refused to boycott the airlines and continued to fly? How many continued to visit their family doctor or hospital, and continued to get their prescriptions filled? How many continued to pay for cable and streaming services, continued to watch and attend sporting events, continued to listen to talk radio, continued to provide financial support to the very people who were pushing the hoax the hardest? How many adult men in your life are doing those same things today and carrying on as if the virus hoax never happened? I'll bet any amount of money it's almost every adult male you know. Which taken to its logical conclusion makes them all guilty of treason. After all, what is providing financial support to the enemy if not the act of a traitor?

American Men are Brainwashed

The final factor that has turned American men into cowards is brainwashing - nonstop brainwashing from the media, academia, and every other means of communication.

Look at the war currently taking place in the Middle East between Israel and all of their neighbors. The brainwashing on that one is so extreme it has American men cheering for the torture and murder of thousands of innocent children. Could anything be more vile?

cicero2.jpgBrainwashing has caused American men to abandon their children by refusing to homeschool them. It's caused them to abandon their women in favor of pornography. It's caused them to abandon their country by refusing to fight the very people who want to see them dead.

Make no mistake, we are at war. A war no different than a shooting war. In fact, the war we're currently waging is worse than a shooting war. Less than 3,000 Americans were killed in our twenty-year shooting war with Afghanistan. Compare that to the millions of Americans who were murdered in nursing homes during the phony pandemic, and the tens of millions of Americans whose lives were lost because they were brainwashed into injecting themselves with the fake vaccine. Compare it to the thousands of lives that were burned alive in Maui via a DEW attack. Compare it to the thousands of Americans who have been killed in recent HAARP induced hurricanes. 

As I've said many times, nothing is going to change when Trump wins the election in November and resumes the presidency. That's because American men are going to act even more cowardly, if such a thing were possible, with Trump back in the White House, falsely believing that he is going to solve all of their problems. American men are exhausted, selfish, and brainwashed to the point where they are never coming back to reality. God help us all.

Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man 

First Comment from Jennifer

WOW! Finally an article that did not hold any punches about the horrific state of men in America and really world wide. This is why good women can't find a decent husband.  

During war, men rape and pillage. The way America's men treat women it's like War --in essence they are raping and pillaging women. If men are not out and out raping women by force or non-consent by drugging them, then they are raping women by manipulation, false promises, lies and extortion.  These selfish men think nothing of manipulating a women into having sex, which crushes a women's soul. 

Why are they doing this ?  As Mike Stone points out because these cowardly men can't be real men. So, they pathetically take their anger out on women by waring against women.   

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at