Amy Gallagher -Are Crazy Women Destroying the West?
October 13, 2024

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October 13, 2024
rh said (October 13, 2024):
re. First Comment
Well, Jennifer, with the 1960s and the so-called free love movement, proper dating behavior was thrown out the window. Playboy and Penthouse were in the magazine racks in drug stores promoting the fun of sex! (Or was it a curse?) Mini-skirts, long hair and rock and roll songs were the thing. Still, some young men and women married young, but many of us were told to get an education and start a family later. It took a while, but many young women have fallen for the wait-until-30 to marry hook, line and sinker. Did you?
Couple this with the attack on Christian religion and we get the mess you are describing. Believe or not, Christian men don't want or need free sex because a family is not raised on body counts on either partner. The point I am trying to make is that there is an attack on the family as a unit (a Communist ideal according to the Bella Dodd book I am reading.)
God bless us because we are being cursed.
Jenifer’s Response to rh
Are Crazy Women Destroying the West?
No, the onus is on men because they are supposed to lead.
I was born in 1963. The so-called free love movement wasn’t really happening full force in the small Midwest towns I grow-up in. If a girl was found out to have had sex in high school she was slut shamed. But by college, good Christian young men were ditching their values expecting, demanding and manipulating for marriage -free “fun” sex.
I was the odd exception to the rule; I did not fall for the wait for the wait-until-30 to marry hook because my mother was an early feminist. She went to the University of Chicago Law School on a merit scholarship, graduating at the age of 21. She loved law and worked full time and dumped her 5 children with nannies and my father was a businessman. There was really no family. All my girl friends were baking cookies with their mothers or doing various mother-daughter feminine things —but not me. My mother thought girlie girls were boring and stupid. She had no time or patience for women. She preferred the company of men and the topics of law and politics.
Growing up all around me there was a feminist wave for women to work—be lawyers, doctors—get an MBA --climb the corporate ladder… When I tried to tell people and the mid to upper class men that I dated, that it did not work. They thought I was nuts and lazy and just wanted a free ride being a stay home mom taking care of our future children and my husband. Almost everyone fell for the lie. My mother, now in her 80s realizes it was a feminist propaganda agenda -- you cannot have it all --a career, children, family and husband. I witnessed it a generation a head of my peers.
But who, except the uber rich, can afford a stay home wife/mother today ?
But its not women’s fault —“They” are men. So its good men that are going to have to fight this evil.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
C said (October 13, 2024):
Just like I said to Mike S. on his last article.....
The Brainwashing and what has been done to food has worked out all too well !!!!!
As the saying goes, ( It's In The Water and The Food ) !!!!!