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Sept 4 - Is War a Charade to Kill Goyim?

September 4, 2024

1957 Prediction of a Third World War between Israel, backed by the US, and Islam, backed by Russia. 

Mankind is held hostage by religious fanatics intent on fulfilling "prophecy" that entails the destruction of civilization to prompt the return of the "Messiah" i.e. antichrist. 

Is the Ukraine war part of this charade? 

Arguments for YES- Satanist Jewish bankers run both Russia and the West yet the Russians refer to the West as "Anglo Saxons."  They never mention that most of the principal players are Jewish, including Putin.

Arguments for NO - The scamdemic ended the day Russia invaded Ukraine. The economic cost of this charade would be prohibitive.

Williams was a US military intelligence officer during World War II.

"THE JEWISH UTOPIA", discovered by the author in an unlisted Jewish collection in the library of the University of Texas, is the authentic and complete plan of the Zionists for world domination. It pictures the ultimate "new social order" that the Zionists hope to establish after they have used Communism, democracy and a third world war to gain their ends. THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER is an analysis of "The Jewish Utopia", with photographs and excerpts from the original text

"If the Communists think they are going to conquer all the nations and set up a world government under a dictator of their own choosing they 
may be in for a surprise. For their parent, the sect that originally launched the Communist movement as an offshoot to accomplish a specific and temporary purpose has plans for an ultimate world order of its own; and this sect, commonly called Zionist, now vastly overshadows the much cruder Communist machine in skill, finance, organization and influence." 


Russia issues a warning to the United States and NATO: "If Western weapons are used to strike deep inside Russia, the consequences will affect both sides of the Atlantic."

Ukraine wants permission from the West to use long-range Storm Shadow missiles to destroy targets deep inside Russia, believing this could force Moscow into negotiating an end to the fighting.

Washington's 'Ukraine project' has brought destruction to Slavic people, Russia's ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, warned on Monday. He accused the Americans of using Ukrainians as "cannon fodder" in an unwinnable conflict.

He further warned that the White House will face serious consequences if it removes restrictions on Kiev using Western missiles to conduct long range strikes inside Russia. 


The US is close to an agreement to give Ukraine long-range cruise missiles that could reach deep into Russia, but Kyiv would need to wait several months as the US works through technical issues ahead of any shipment, US officials said.

"The inclusion of Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSM) in a weapons package is expected to be announced this autumn, three sources said, though a final decision has not been made. The sources declined to be named because they are not authorized to discuss the topic.


Trump previously refused to declassify the Epstein files. In an interview with Lex Friedman now: "Trump seemed to justify the [Epstein] list of powerful men being kept secret all this time, adding that releasing the list "endangers certain people." Mainly DJT


West Virginia Gov. Joins 23 Other Governors Opposing the WHO's 'Unprecedented Power Over US'



It's come to this: School girls labeled 'transphobic' for opposing boys in their locker rooms

It will never stop being surreal that parents are fighting school board trustees to prevent boys from being allowed to change alongside their daughters - and that trustees, backed by the LGBT movement and Democratic politicians, are doing everything to stop them.


French Conservative Leader Proposes Big Tent Right-Wing Party, Including Populists, as France Remains Without a Government.


There are about one million "targeted individuals" worldwide

"Dr. Duncan believes there are currently about one million targeted individuals worldwide.  These people are being used as guinea pigs to work out what needs to be done to hook everybody up to the internet. "[They] are testing on [targeted individuals'] brains this new technology, which they do from far away," Orlewicz said.


Trump's Israel Advisor: We're Gonna Annex the West Bank and Make America Pay For It

The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act

The Canadian government is on the verge of passing legislation to create a pandemic, prevention and preparedness plan WITHOUT first having an official review and analysis of the response to COVID-19.

Before any plans are made of how to respond to a future "pandemic" there must be an independent review of the various government's response to the COVID-19 "pandemic." Serious mistakes were made with COVID-19 including violations of fundamental rights and freedoms and the medical ethics of informed and voluntary consent. These mistakes must be acknowledged and rectified.

Makow--There were no "mistakes." The whole thing was a scam, flu rebranded. 

National Guard Veterans Who Served with 'Coward' Tim Walz Blow Whistle: 'He's a Habitual Liar'

Recalling their time serving with Walz, they describe the Minnesota governor as "a coward" and "a habitual liar" who has "no integrity."

One of the vets said that Walz's behavior in the Guard was "morally indefensible."

A Jew Myron Fagan Warned the Goyim of the Illuminati Agenda in 1967

"In a world where every significant event has been meticulously documented centuries in advance, the shocking revelations of Myron C. Fagin come to light through a 1967 recording. Fagin, a renowned Hollywood writer who unearthed dark secrets within the entertainment industry, claims that the world's major events have been orchestrated by an elusive and powerful group. This secretive faction, which he identifies as the Illuminati, has purportedly been manipulating global affairs since its inception in the 18th century. According to Fagin, this clandestine organization has been intricately involved in shaping history through a series of carefully planned events and covert operations."


(left, Goring makes MAsonic hidden hand gesture. World wars are charades fought between two branches of Freemasonry - Zionist and Communist)

Mother billed $30K to see 17,000 pages of sexual diversity docs at Regina Public Schools

I asked for information on gender, parental consent, pronouns, Pride, the rainbow week of equality and all of those buzzwords that you would have heard used against parents," Merle told Western Standard in an interview. On August 13, Merle received a response saying there were 17,447 pages relevant to her request. Despite having already found the pages, the board was charging her $6,000 to search for them, $1,455 to review them, $17,460 to prepare disclosure, and $4,632 in printing costs, minus an hour of free labour. The total bill was $29,247, for which half ($14,623) had to be paid as a deposit to begin work on the response.

The letter said if an electronic response was acceptable, photocopying costs could be waved.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at