Sept 13 - Jim Stone is Back!
September 13, 2024

Jim Stone, one of the most acerbic and informed critics of Jewish hegemony is back!
I disagree with his conclusion that Kabala will be re-selected.
Clearly Trump is the Chosen Chosenite. Meanwhile nuclear war could break out
this weekend as some NATO leaders authorize strikes deep into Russia.
(How would NATO respond to a conventional attack on its capitals?)
Clearly Jews Zelensky and Satanyahu must embroil the world in a catastrophe
in order to save their own necks.

Forensic Arborist says Jasper was a DEW Attack
Based on Robert's research what we are witnessing is a microwave affect wherein trees are burning from the inside out and metal is a huge convector of the fires, not wood or plastic. This defies physics, yet these anomalies are consistent throughout his investigations.
Ford's Patent Allows Vehicles to Eavesdrop on People in Car for the Purpose of Targeted Advertising
Trump's DeFi platform to launch on Monday to address conservative de-banking
The Trump family is going full speed ahead with their plans to launch a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform to tackle issues such as the de-banking of conservative voices as Donald Trump Sr., the 2024 Republican presidential nominee, announced that World Liberty Financial (WLFI) will launch on Monday.
Trump made the announcement via a video posted to X on Thursday, saying he would go live on Twitter Spaces at 8 pm on Sept. 16 for the launch of World Liberty Financial. "We're embracing the future with crypto and leaving the slow and outdated big banks behind," he said.
Details about the platform are sparse at this point, aside from several cryptic tweets from Trump and his sons that have suggested the project will be a DeFi platform for borrowing and lending.

Russ Winter--Harry Dexter White - Enemy Within
The Franklin D. Roosevelt administration opened the flood gates to a cadre of Jewish leftists with alien ideas and positions, including warmongering. As subsequent history borne out, many of them were traitors, moles and spies.
Such was the case with Harry Dexter White aka Weit, a pro-Soviet, dedicated communist, master manipulator and schemer. White (1892-1948), born in Boston, Mass., was the seventh and youngest child of Jewish Lithuanian immigrants Joseph Weit and Sarah Magilewski.
Excerpt from Michael Rectenwald Substack
Nine-Point Plan for Stopping the Great Reset
1. Refuse CBDC (Central Bank Digital currency). This requires using alternate, parallel currency.
2. Refuse digital identity. "Inclusion" means totalitarianism.
3. Reject Internet of Bodies (IoB) technologies, the installation of devices in your body, the Metaverse, and transhumanist technologies.
4. Practice the free market.
a. Reduce/eliminate dependence on the state.
b. Disengage, as much as possible, from establishment institutions, including most educational institutions.
c. Become or remain as entrepreneurial as possible.

d. Buy locally, from farmers' markets, etc.
e. Establish parallel economies, currencies, and social networks.
f. Consider joining independent communities, such as freedom cells.
g. Move assets off-shore. (See Expat Money Summit, below).
5. Divest from ESG stocks and electronically traded funds (ETFs) that include ESG-indexed stocks.
6. Remove money from ESG-reporting banks and avoid buying insurance from ESG-reporting insurance companies.
7. Put extreme pressure on government representatives to do the following:
a. a. protect national sovereignty and individual rights;
b. divest and disassociate from the World Economic Forum and all its tentacles;
c. withdraw from the UN and the World Health Organization;
d. withdraw state and other pensions from ESG-indexed stocks, withdrawing from ESG-investing asset managers such as BlackRock, Inc., State Street, and the Vanguard Group, among many others;
e. bring antitrust legislation against ESG investing.
8. Encourage the defection of elites from the globalist agenda.
a. Identify elites who might oppose the agenda for moral, ethical, or economic reasons and appeal to them by writing emails, letters, and by putting this nine-point plan (included in my book, The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty) into their hands.
9. Network with like-minded individuals and spread this plan digitally and analogically.

Helena Glass-Long Range Missiles. UK built Storm Shadows. Fall approaching. Election 2024.
While the UK and US discuss allowing Zelenskyy to hit targets deep inside Russia, the obvious reaction would be an escalation against Europe and the US. These government officials are deciding the fate of the world without regard to life.
Yet Antony Blinken and the UK's David Lammy are in Kyiv right now contriving a way for Ukraine to be the instigator of WWIII. After thought: vast majority of Israel's Prime Ministers came from Ukraine, Poland and Belarus Soviet Union. The mentality exhibited by Netanyahu is rife - and Blinken is of the exact same species. Pathologically insane.