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Mike Stone - Springfield is Poster Child for 3rd World Invasion

September 14, 2024


They are eating our pets. 
Next they will be raping our women.

Springfield, Ohio is the model for every small town in America if Trump doesn't win.

By Mike Stone

Are Haitian cannibals running wild in Ohio? 

Are they killing and eating ducks, dogs, cats, and geese? 

Are they stealing family pets from people's backyards and eating them? 

The answer, as you already know, is yes.

Springfield, Ohio, with a population of 60,000 people, has been overrun by 20,000 Haitian "refugees," courtesy of the Democratic Party. Here's a Springfield man calling a non-emergency dispatch line to report Haitian "refugees" snatching geese from a park.

The caller says, "I'm sitting here and I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of 'em, they all had a geese in their hand."

Resident Lisa Hayes told the City Council, "I try to help them the best I can to keep them from trying to squat on my property. But it is so unsafe. I have learned they cannot speak English in my front yard. They're screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard, throwing trash in my front yard.

Here's a black resident of Springfield telling the City Council that Haitians are in the park grabbing ducks, cutting their heads off, and eating them:

In nearby Canton, Ohio, police arrested a woman for killing a cat and eating it on the sidewalk:


Of course, Democrat "officials" in Ohio claim none of this is happening. Just like they claim the border is secure, crime is down, and there is no inflation. They say that citizen reports, now numbering in the hundreds, of Haitians driving erratically, cursing locals, and stealing and eating animals are lies made up by racists. Deputy director of public safety and operations Jason Via told NPR News: "I think it's sad that some people are using this as an opportunity to spread hate or spread fear." 

Why do you suppose they're doing that? Why are they so insistent on denying reality? Are they being bought off? Are they under some sort of Jeffrey Epstein pedophile blackmail?
Here's Kamala Harris bragging about flooding the country with 100,000 Haitian "migrants":

If Trump is not reinstalled in the White House this January, then Springfield, Ohio is the future for every city in America. Ours will be a country overrun with savages stealing family pets and eating them. Remember, too, that Haiti is a country where voodoo is the primary religion. If no one in Ohio is being arrested for stealing animals and eating them - and almost nobody is - then it could easily escalate to abducting and eating children. Who's going to stop them?

Haiti is also a center of child trafficking, in large part through the Clinton Foundation. Laura Silsby was arrested for trying to smuggle children out of Haiti.

Klaus Eberwein was a witness to the Clinton Foundation's involvement in smuggling children out of Haiti to be sold as sex toys. He was found shot to death.

Monica Peterson was a journalist investigating the Clinton Foundation's involvement in child sex trafficking through Haiti. She was found dead by hanging. Her death was ruled a suicide.

Dr. Dean Lorick was another witness to the crimes of the Clinton Foundation in Haiti. He was found dead with a knife in his chest. His death was also ruled a suicide.

Take a look at Springfield, Ohio. It's the model for every small town in America if Trump doesn't win.

Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt  and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man. 

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Comments for "Mike Stone - Springfield is Poster Child for 3rd World Invasion"

K said (September 16, 2024):

I lived in tropical Africa - the far reaches of Sierra Leone - for 2 years, 1972 - 1974. The town was called Kailahun, near the border of Guinea and Liberia. I was famous for being part of the Mende culture.
I can tell you for a fact that you cannot take the Juju out of the African. The Paramount Chiefs cannot be deposed and must rule until they die. African politicians were known to eat the hearts of unborn children for power. "Elections" were accompanied by prison for any African not supporting the power within.

The Haitians in Springfield, apparently 30,000, are a force to be feared. One pastor said that he complained at City Hall for a year and that it took a fricasseed cat to bring the story to the public.

rh said (September 14, 2024):

This stuff will stop overnight if the wrong children go missing. Until then, its DEI/multiculturalism.

Funny how some far away countries can't live peacefully in DEI/multiculturalism, but I digress. So sorry.

TT said (September 14, 2024):

Hello Henry. In regard to Mike Stone's remark about if Trump is not reinstalled in the White House. The White House, the congress, the media, churches, schools, etc. are under control of the real owners of this country who put their symbol on the back of their dollar bill. This is a brief story of America's fall. GGG.


You know that this country was hijacked long ago. It became official in 1913. In his "Decline of the West" Oswald Spengler wrote in 1918 that the money power could only be defeated by blood. It did not happen and they instead used our blood to defeat us.

Now in Ukraine/Russia, Europe, Palestine and the insane asylum called America they are finishing the job of White extermination. A voluntary death spiral in White countries and fighting the enemies' wars produced a helpless zombie america. BIZWOG rules all.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at