The average American has no interest in
nor any ability to understand
the details of [the Masonic Jewish conspiracy]
but they do care about their pets.
We need to reach them at their level.
by Mike Stone
"They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there."
Are fat, dumb Americans finally waking up? At least some of them?
Hundreds of reports of Haitians in Ohio killing and eating cats, dogs, ducks, geese, and family pets appears to have galvanized many Americans. The average American has no interest in, nor any ability to understand, the details of fiat currency, Continuity of Government, military occupancy, fake school shootings, World War II truth, 9/11 truth, fake vaccines designed to murder millions of people, or a whole host of other issues.
But they do care about their pets. That's why this story has riled up millions of people and why the Fake News media is in full meltdown mode trying to suppress it. Despite their best efforts, have you noticed how the story isn't going away? It's sweeping the nation, and rightly so.
It's funny how these things work. It took Israel's mass murder of children for a certain segment of the population to finally wake up. Now an entirely different segment of the population - many of whom support Israel's mass murder of children - are waking up due to "migrants" killing and eating people's pets. Twenty years ago, it took 9/11 (Israel again murdering thousands of people) for a handful of Americans to wake up.

The common denominator between these awakenings is intrinsically evil people murdering innocent lives, either human or animal. For whatever reason, the average American refuses to listen to facts, evidence, or anything that runs counter to what they've been brainwashed to believe until innocent lives are killed. The one loss-of-life issue that doesn't wake people up is abortion. Men don't care, and women remain fanatically devoted to their "right" to murder their own children. (If abortion was about killing cats, those same women would be up in arms.)
This business of waking people up is not to be taken lightly. Literally every problem we are facing today is due in part to the stupidity and programming of the average American. Without a brainwashed populace, our enemies would not be able to function.
As a boy as young as ten, I became aware of the hypocrisy and stupidity of the adults around me. Of course, I thought it was just THEM.
In other words, I readily accepted that the adults in my hick town were stupid, but surely, I thought, other adults weren't like that. I reasoned that when I grew up and moved away, I would finally meet adults who weren't hypocritical imbeciles. Only that didn't happen.
I moved to Los Angeles, where I continued to meet adults who were stupid hypocrites, and again I continued to think it was just them, that everyone wasn't like that. It wasn't until the fake pandemic that began in 2020 that it finally hit me that stupidity is universal and that everyone is a brainwashed hypocrite. That's why the Springfield, Ohio story is so important. Anything that wakes people up like that should be encouraged.
Granted, this latest mass awakening has sent some people over the deep end. When a person has undergone extensive programming their entire life suddenly realizes that everything they've been brainwashed to believe is a lie, it can cause serious cognitive dissonance. In some cases, it can cause people to double or triple down on denying reality.

Nathan Clark, the father of Aiden Clark, an eleven-year-old who was killed by a Haitian "migrant," has publicly stated that he wished his son had been killed by a White man. He also called the Haitian who killed his son a "community member."
Can you imagine the kind of mental detonations that are going off in this guy's head? He's been told all his life that White people are evil and racist, and that non-White people are loving and compassionate. Then reality comes along and kicks him in the teeth. His son is killed by a non-White who eats cats for breakfast, and now his brain processes are imploding. What's even worse is that this guy represents millions of other Americans, particularly White women.
I'll bet any amount of money that Nathan Clark is double-jabbed and boosted. He's also suffering from what I call Tibbets syndrome, which I named after the father of Mollie Tibbets. You've heard of Tourette's syndrome - people who have it spew obscenities. People with Tibbets syndrome spew hatred towards White people. They also pledge subservience to non-Whites, no matter how criminal they are. It's mind-boggling how many fat, dumb Americans are afflicted with Tibbets syndrome.
Look at White Dudes for Harris. What kind of a faggot would call themselves a White dude for Harris? You would have to be the most guilt-ridden and self-hating person in the world. Yuri Bezmenov was right. There are some people who are so far gone, they are never coming back to reality.
LF said (September 23, 2024):
I am in agreement with MS. People in general, are all brain dead, or damaged beyond retrieval. They have been, programed, to not think for themselves. They take their cues from our “Officials and the Legacy Mass Media”, in which it makes it virtually impossible for them, to identify truth from other sources.
If any trace of truth, does penetrate the mind, then, Cognitive Dissonance, immediately appears. There are usually, one of two responses, that surface. It is either a Conspiracy Theory, or, it is too depressing to contemplate, the latter of which usually occurs in younger minds.
Our current generation, is irretrievably gone,forever. They are incapable to defend themselves against an Invisible Enemy, Themselves.
What we need is a counter revolution, aimed at the next generation. Douglas Reed (DR) called it “The Conspircy Of Truth” (TCOT), The Controversy Of Zionism (TCOZ).
Revolutionaries, always arose from the young 19 to 20 years old, FITHMOM, James H Billington, the origins of the Revolutionary Faith.
These younger minds, have not been fully programed, so they are susceptible to the truth. Future Counter Revolutionaries will come from this group, with God’s help.
The Invisible Collective, now in charge to finalize their erection of the (NOW), will ultimately fail, DR TCOZ, but not before they cause a lot of damage, reference Gaza and or Ukraine.