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Douglas Read - Judaism's Destructive Mission

September 10, 2024


(Any city USA)

The hardship we experience today is the culmination of a centuries-old  satanist Jewish conspiracy to overturn Christian civilization and re-engineer humanity as their slaves. They installed a class of Gentile traitors, our leaders, Freemasons, to be their proxies.

In 1954, Douglas Reed wrote, "Jewish history unfolds itself ... exclusively as a tale of destructive achievement and of Jewish vengeance, in the present time as three thousand or more years ago."

Current events must be seen in the context of an age-old Jewish dictate to destroy or enslave the goyim, which veteran journalist  Douglas Reed (1895-1976) described in The Destructive MissionChapter 17 of The Controversy of Zion (1978) extracted here. 

zelinsky-wife-shopping.pngI am an ethnic Jew and believe that most Jews would find this statement abhorrent. However, this is the agenda of the Jewish leadership at the forefront of Communism, a Masonic Jewish central banker monopoly over EVERYTHING. They are behind the gratuitous war in Ukraine, UN AGENDA 2030, climate change, the scamdemic, lockdowns, the toxic "vaccines," the election steal, destruction of family (gender dysphoria), race (migration, miscegenation) censorship and the promotion of Satanism in general. Presented as "progressive," their real purpose is destruction of Western (Christian) civilization.  You have been brainwashed, distracted and degraded so you do not see this BIG picture.

Judaism's destructive mission puts all Jews in jeopardy when only a fraction are involved in it. Assimilated Jews like myself must speak out or be blamed for the gruesome consequences. Most Jews, including Israelis, are also being vaccinated like cattle (goyim) or sacrificed in gratuitous war. Only, Satanists (Illuminati) are avoiding the consequences and profiting. 


from Dec 18, 2022
by Douglas Reed 
(excerpt by

The study of hundreds of volumes, during many years, gradually brought realization that the essential truth of the story of Zion is all summed-up in Mr. Maurice Samuel's twenty-one words: "We Jews, the destroyers, will remain the destroyer forever ... nothing that the Gentiles will do will meet our needs and demands."

At first hearing they sound vainglorious or neurotic, but increasing knowledge of the subject shows them to be honestly meant and carefully chosen. They mean that a man who is born and continues a Jew acquires a destructive mission which he cannot elude. If he deviates from this "Law" he is not a good Jew, in the eyes of the elders; if he wishes or is compelled to be a good Jew, he must conform to it.

This is the reason why the part played by those who directed "the Jews" in history was bound to be a destructive one; and in our generation of the Twentieth Century the destructive mission has attained its greatest force, with results which cannot even yet be fully foreseen.

This is not an opinion of the present writer. Zionist scribes, apostate rabbis and Gentile historians agree about the destructive purpose; it is not in dispute among serious students and is probably the only point on which agreement is unanimous.

All history is presented to the Jew in these terms: that destruction is the condition of the fulfilment of the Judaic Law and of the ultimate Jewish triumph.

"All history" means different things to the Jew and the Gentile. To the Gentile it means, approximately, the annals of the Christian era and any that extend further back before they begin to fade into legend and myth.

To the Jew it means the record of events given in the Torah-Talmud and the rabbinical sermons, and this reaches back to 3760 BC., the exact date of the Creation. The Law and "history" are the same, and there is only Jewish history; this narrative unfolds itself before his eyes exclusively as a tale of destructive achievement and of Jewish vengeance, in the present time as three thousand or more years ago.

stupid-goy3.jpg( The Talmud--"Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed") (Abodah Zara 26b)

By this method of portrayal the whole picture of other nations' lives collapses into almost nothing, like the bamboo-and-paper framework of a Chinese lantern. It is salutary for the Gentile to contemplate his world, past and present, through these eyes and to find that what he always thought to be significant, worthy of pride, or shameful, does not even exist, save as a blurred background to the story of Zion. It is like looking at himself through the wrong end of a telescope with one eye and at Judah through a magnifying glass with the other.

To the literal Jew the world is still flat and Judah, its inheritant, is the centre of the universe. The ruling sect has been able, in great measure, to impose this theory of life on the great nations of the West, as it originally inflicted The Law on the Judahites themselves.

The command, "destroy," forms the very basis of the Law which the Levites made. If it be deleted, what remains is not "the Mosaic Law," or the same religion, but something different; the imperative, "destroy," is the mark of identity. It must have been deliberately chosen. Many other words could have been used; for instance, conquer, defeat, vanquish, subdue; but destroy was chosen, It was put in the mouth of God, but obviously was the choice of the scribes.

This was the kind of perversion which Jesus attacked: "teaching for doctrine the commandments of men."

It comes first at the very start of the story, being attributed directly to God in the original promise of the promised land: "I will ... destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come." 

Even before that the first act of destruction has been imputed to God, in the form of the first "vengeance" on the heathen: "I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt ... I will smite all the first born in the land of Egypt ... And Pharaoh's servants said unto him ... knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed?" (Exodus)

(It appears that China dropped its absurd zero COVID policy after the people pushed back. Imagine what would happen if Westerners weren´t such  pussies.)

From that beginning the teaching, "destroy," runs through all The Law, first, and all the portrayal of historical events, next. The act of destruction is sometimes the subject of a bargain between God and the chosen people, on an "If" and "Then" basis; either God offers to destroy, or the chosen people ask him to destroy. In each case the act of destruction is depicted as something so meritorious that it demands a high equivalent service. Thus:

"If thou shalt indeed ... do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies ... and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come" (Exodus). (In this case God is quoted as promising destruction in return for "observance"; chief among the "statutes and judgments" to be observed is, "Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served other Gods"; Deuteronomy).

Conversely: "And Israel vowed a vow unto the Lord, and said, If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand, then I will utterly destroy their cities; And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Israel, and delivered up the Canaanites; and they utterly destroyed them and their cities" (Numbers).

As will be seen, the bargain about "destruction" is conditional, in both cases, on performance of a counter-service by the people or by God.

The command, "utterly destroy," being high among the tenets of the inflexible Law, any exercise of clemency, or other shortcoming in utter destruction, is a grave legal offence, not merely an error of judgment. ...

This was the basis on which all The Law, and all history of that time and later times, was built. From the moment when Israel rejected them and they were left alone with the Levites, the Judahites were ruled by a priesthood which avowed that destruction was Jehovah's chief command and that they were divinely chosen to destroy. Thus they became the only people in history specifically dedicated to destruction as such. Destruction as an attendant result of war is a familiar feature of all human history. Destruction as an avowed purpose was never before known and the only discoverable source of this unique idea is the Torah-Talmud.

The intention clearly was to organize a destructive force; therein lies the great truth of Mr. Samuel's words in our time.

As long as any large body of people, distributed among the nations, submitted to such a Law their energies, wherever they were, were bound to be directed to a destructive end. Out of the experience of 458-444 BC, when the Levites with Persian help clamped down their law on a weeping people, the nation was born which ever since has performed its catalytic function of changing surrounding societies while remaining itself unchanged....

First Comment - This is what pogroms are made of--  FROM GAB

"The Kikes aren't even hiding it anymore. We cannot live with these parasites, as hundreds of city states and nations couldn't, who booted them out. We're done with their whining, we're done with their fake holocaust, we're done with them seizing the centres of power. We're done with their Hollywood and porn industry depravity, and sponsoring the LGBTQ filth and BLM racial division.

The time has come. They have to go.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Douglas Read - Judaism's Destructive Mission"

rt said (September 11, 2024):

" The hardship we experience today is the culmination of a centuries-old satanist Jewish conspiracy to overturn Christian civilization and re-engineer humanity as their slaves. They installed a class of Gentile traitors, our leaders, Freemasons, to be their proxies."

Superb summary .

JC said (September 11, 2024):

In his book The Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed speculates about the fate of the so-called "lost ten tribes of Israel," and about the race change that occurred in America after the Civil War.

"Then, in 721 BC, Israel [the 10 northern tribes] was attacked and conquered by Assyria and the Israelites were carried into captivity.... At that point 'the children of Israel' disappear from history .... Given the prevalent westward trend among the movements of peoples during the last twenty-seven hundred years, it is probable that much of their blood has gone into the European and American peoples....

Before the Civil War the American population was predominantly Irish, Scots-Irish, Scottish, British, German and Scandinavian, and from this amalgam a distinctly 'American' individual evolved. In the direct sequence to that war the ear of unrestricted immigration began, which in a few decades brought to America many millions of new citizens from Eastern and Southern Europe. These included a great mass of Jews from the Talmudic areas of Russia and Russian Poland." (Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion [San Pedro, CA: GSC & Associates, 2013], pp. 10, 231).

IMO, the so-called "Lost Ten Tribes of Israel" migrated to Northwestern Europe. The various people of Northwestern Europe fit the biblical and historical descriptions of true Semites. No other race does. Contrary to popular opinion, true biblical Semites were never a dark and swarthy people; they are described as being of a pale complexion.

James said (September 10, 2024):

I also cannot stomach the people who call themselves jews, but I maintain that they are simply an opportunistic infection, like cancer, and it is the dirty body of the public that gives rise to it.

Because the majority of people engage in self deception. They willfully deny evidence to protect their own narrative because there are no principles that such people are ready to die for, their sole concern being self preservation.

So, you want to live like beasts? fine, then you are to be ruled by beasts. All is as it should be - until the people grow a respect for what is sacred. THEN it would be a crime to subjugate them. But right now, they are reaping what they sowed.

Tony B said (December 18, 2022):

Judaism 101 provided by Henry Makow. For myself I would add only that this self-imposed "leadership" of world Jewry is satanic to the core. Most of them know for whom they labor if not that it is the seat of their hatred for everything, including other Jews who do not go along with their destructive agendas.

Ed said (December 18, 2022):

Henry, if there is a God, may he bless you for having a fucking ballsac big enough to tell the world the truth that people are too fucking stupid and distracted to see.

Please don't worry too much about your Twitter account. The fact that you are denied a platform on Twitter only tells the world that you are a truly "dangerous" man, dangerous in the sense that you are fearless in unearthing and exposing the miserable jealous greedy vile malevolence that currently infests our planet, namely ORGANIZED JEWRY.

In this coming New Year, I ask that you please be braver than ever and continue to pen the best exposes on the net.

Henry, you ROCK !!

I don't know deep down how you feel about these Holidays of ours, but if you do believe in something like "Christ," then yes, please have a Merry Christmas.
Either way, eat some good food, chill out for ONE day, sleep late, enjoy some pretty multi-colored lights, and for all our sakes, please stay alive and healthy, because my friend . . .


V said (December 18, 2022):

"I am an ethnic Jew and believe that most Jews would find this statement abhorrent. However, it is the agenda of the Jewish leadership who are at the forefront of Communism, a Masonic Jewish central banker monopoly over EVERYTHING."

Henry, it's not just in the Talmud, it's throughout the group culture. What Jew could deny the Rabbis are saying the EU & US are Esau & must be destroyed? This is everywhere. They know it too.

They know the Kol Nidre & how Gentiles are to be cheated.They know the thrice daily prayer of their Orthodox. They know the spitting on the churches & Christians. They know that when their Moshiach comes, most Gentiles must be destroyed.

They know this, Henry. They may not know every detail, or all full quotes from the Talmud, but they know. I see it in their eyes & they want this to happen. Most are silent go-alongs like Ostrovsky wrote of the Sayanim.


part 2

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but these evil ones are destroying the world now for their stupid ancient hatred (when most did not even come from there) which is just a bronze-age goat-herder myth. Supposed Esau lived 2,000 BC, but all must die over this fake spat? (I always admired Esau hunting & bringing home food over lazy, cheating Jacob who also married pagans.) I can't be hung if my Grandpa was a horse thief, but I can be killed because of Esau? Insane belief. To me, the 'innocent' follower Jews are as the co-dependents in a dysfunctional family - covering up, or ignoring just to get along. They share guilt. And they play passive aggressive too - "No criticism, that's anti-Semetic. We get to kill you by right without objection.". I think the quote you had long ago is correct - "Every Jew's worst enemy is another Jew." But so is every Gentile's.

You can't tell me after the Rosenberg conviction, & that of the collaborators, that every Jew in the world was not transfixed by the possibility of this happening to them. They know. Yet, they did not universally call out these criminals, they supported them & pleaded for them. Despite all that the US did for them! They know Communism is the Jewish Utopia & that their leaders are behind our suffering & deaths again now to fulfill their delusional, genocial NWO. They know what the coming of the Moshiach means. They don't care as long as their herd protects them.

They want group privileges, wealth & power, but not responsibility. Take a poll.

BR said (December 20, 2020):

A culture is a standard, thus within a specific confinement of space and time - it is either one none.

Thus "Multi-Culturalism" is a euphemism for abrogating the hitherto civilized standard.

The driving force behind "Multiculturalism", i.e. the extermination of anything civilized and/or intelligent and/or honest and/or white,
is an attempt to vassalize society, namely to dumb it down in order to corral it to slavery aka NWO commencing with the great-reset,
following the ignorant scaremongering lies named viruses (a violation of the physical energy-conservation law, infeasible),
and immunization (archive-based targeting of dynamic-targets, ludicrous).

Kristine said (December 20, 2020):

Very dangerous article by Douglas Reed, based upon lies. Esau is not Jacob-Israel, the former sold his birthright and missed out on his father´s blessing. Therefore the “red” harry man still rages against his brother. But his “yoke” will be broken, soon (Jeremiah 30.8).

A real study of the Bible will and must result in the understanding that both Israel and Judah were carried off into captivity, the latter with the help of Esau, who has replaced Judah (Book of Obadiah – for example) and is counterfeiting “Israel". For this, Esau will be “for stubble” and burned up with the rest of the tares. (Obad. 1.18, Ezekiel 25.12, Amos 1.1)

Judah (+Benjamin) do not have the rank of Israel, though a remnant of both will be saved, not by wars or that duplicitous minion of the devil Baalfour, but rather by the Lord God Almighty Himself, according to the Scriptures. (Isaiah 11, Jeremiah 30/31, virtually all of the Psalms etc.)

A careful study of terms indicates that “Israel” means “nations” and that Israel are the “goyim” and of course, that all are of Hebrew and not “jewish” (edomite) stock. The “goyim” are the antithesis of “sodom” according to Genesis 14, whose “king” is looking to devour the souls of men (Gen 14.21*) and will manifest upon the earth shortly to accomplish just that.

This article by Reed is an inversion and perversion of the truth. For shame.

*here the word “persons” in the English is translated as “souls” in German. And that is the true meaning. Coming soon to the world stage.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at