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August 16 - Commie Bimbo Versus Zionist Con Artist

August 16, 2024

(Trump is seen smashing capsules against his ear)

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Reader--"Have you heard about little blood capsules?

"It was all pre-staged by the Trump campaign and Trump has been a very good actor since the time that he acted when confronting wrestlers, some 15 years ago. He did not need to use a blood bag !! It was a small blood capsule hidden inside his hair on the top of his right ear. When he heard the first shot, He just slapped his ear hard squashing the capsule and that is why there is not more blood than the little amount in the blood capsule and the neck his shirt is white as well as the rest of his shirt."

 photo of capsules 


Censored: Naomi Wolfe, Journalist and Former Democrat Insider, Reveals Democrat Plan to Steal Election

Following an interview with Alex Jones, Naomi Wolfe was censored off of Twitter/ X; she had 420,000 followers. She said that she was also censored by YouTube.

In the interviews, Naomi Wolfe explained how Democrats will push their agenda and will cheat by a margin of 5% to 10% using current election policies including extended voting periods, voting machines, no voter ID, ballot harvesting and more. She is concerned that Republicans and Robert Kennedy's independent teams are failing to clean up elections. 

Taking the 2024 Election Seriously Makes You Look Stupid and Delusional, by Andrew Anglin - The Unz Review

"Enjoy the show if you like the show. I think it's fun. But don't get emotional about it, and certainly don't become so delusional that you start believing it's real.

If you're watching it, remind yourself: this is not real.

And please: don't vote. It's degrading at the very least, and more likely, you're engaged in a ritual of signing over consent."

(Voting for a Governor or President at this time in history is giving your consent for a Dictator to tell you what you can and cannot do 24/7; 7 days a week; 350 days a year from cradle to grave.  The three branches of government have failed to keep checks and balances in our Constitutional Republic. The American Great Experiment failed years ago.)

"Presidents are selected, not elected." 
― Franklin Delano Roosevelt


gov-taxpayer.jpgYemeni blockade inflicts 60 percent profit loss on UAE shipping giant
The UAE, a key part of the Saudi-led war against Yemen, has boosted its close cooperation with Israel lately

AE logistics and maritime services firm DP World announced on 15 August a 59 percent drop in profits due to the pro-Palestine operations of Yemen's army and Ansarallah resistance movement in the Red and Arab Seas. DP World made $265 million in the first half of 2024, down from $651 million in the same period last year. 

Steve Kirsch--We got Google AI to finally admit the truth about the COVID vaccines and the US childhood vaccine schedule

We found a way to have a frank discussion with Google AI. I'm sure it will be re-programmed so it will never tell the truth again. So this is an important reference point to judge AI veracity.


image1 (6).JPG
(l. Kamal toe's tie to pizza gate)


I follow a generic religion and wonder if it applies to other true religions.
Satanists have banished God from His Creation (to take His place.)
By banishing God, we are banishing ourselves

God is Reality- God is Perfection, the Moral Order, synonymous with spiritual ideals like Love, Truth, Beauty, Justice and Goodness. Everything strives for that. 

Do you believe in God?  We are one with God. The pain we feel, the desperation at the center of our lives, is because we have been separated from our Creator. Religion. Discerning God's Will. We have a direct connection to God in our souls.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "August 16 - Commie Bimbo Versus Zionist Con Artist"

rh said (August 16, 2024):

The US presidential campaign feels more like a professional wrestling match with an assortment of weirdos barking threats into a microphone, fake punches with foot stomping, and jumps off the high rope. The winner parades a championship belt around the ring after the pretend beating. Then, a contender jumps on the Champ from behind to knock him over. Now, it's a new grudge match. The crowd roars! It's all real to them! The ring announcer (CNN/FOX???) shakes his/her/their head in disgust and speaks of a future bout when the champ will get even with that upstart. Y'all come back now for that match. And we do.

Further, me thinks we have suffered under a version of communism since 1913...the elite opt to own everything (or will) and the rest of us will work for nothing and be happy. Our reward is a new vaccination that will be forthcoming soon to save us from having a flu, but instead gives it to us.

BT said (August 16, 2024):

Reader--"Have you heard about little blood capsules?

Henry -

The two words stuck in my brane vector for the last several weeks,
in a deepening spiral, are " Patsy" and "Betrayal".
"Crooks"(or Yearick)(19 hijackers with boxcuttters/Arnon Milchan/SandyHook).

If no ballistics are recovered to match bullet/fragment to "Crooks' gun"...I'm not convinced Trump was "winged"... and I have to reserve space for "blood pack".

If "blood pack"...we are ALL betrayed.
Colin Powell...UN vial...WMD.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at