August 3 - Mankind is in an Occult Death Spiral
August 3, 2024
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By assassinating the Hamas leader while engaged in ceasefire talks, Netanyahu has shown he is intent on escalating the conflict into a full-scale war against Iran. He is fulfilling his 1990 promise to Chabad honcho Menachem Schneerson to fulfill prophecy by destroying civilization, a prerequisite for the return of the "Messiah." Our feckless ancestors gave our national credit cards to Satanists who use wars and pandemics to dispossess, enslave and destroy us. Most of our politicians are working for them. What they're doing to Palestinians, they want to do to us all under the pretext of war.
As Pike said, their agents are on both sides dragging us into the third Masonic Jewish world war. As with WW2, WW3 will pit the Fascists ( The Right-Zionists, Nazis, the West) against the Left - Communists (Russia, China and radical Islam, Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah.) Both sides are controlled by (((Freemasonry.)))
"After Bibi comes the Messiah"
What Judea Demands, Judea GETS-US to send jets and warships as Iran threatens Israel
Haniyeh, 62, was widely considered Hamas's overall leader and played a key role in negotiations aimed at reaching a ceasefire in the Gaza war.

America Will 'Lose Everything' if it Continues to Back Israeli Depravity - Analyst

"I was expecting escalation," said Marandi in response to Tel Aviv's targeting of Palestinian leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran and Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in Lebanon within the space of a few hours earlier this week. "I've been of the belief for the last two weeks that the Israeli regime can't continue the war as it is, and they're not willing to have a ceasefire. So, the only thing left would be escalation."
"The attack on Beirut, where they bombed a residential complex, and the assassination in Tehran, as well as the bombing of a civilian target in Yemen in Hodeidah were all carried out in order to bring about escalation. And now here we are. There has been escalation."
Twenty-one years ago German historian Wolfgang Eggert warned us that the Rothschilds belong to a fanatical doomsday cult that is instigating a world war to cleanse the world of non-Satanists.
Historian Predicted Cabalist Plot to Exterminate Goyim in 2003
"All human history is about Messianic-satanic Judaism ("Chassidim"); they´re "making" it happen. History and politics are a big movie, and they are the directors, bringing old-testament-prophecy into reality."
Kabbalists Publicly Discuss Their Plot to Kill Millions
The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian Civilization
There's Trouble Ahead, You Can Feel It As Apprehension Saturates The Air - History's Door Is Rattling, And We Don't Yet Know What's On The Other Side
Authoritarian governments have inadvertently "awakened" the masses. An idea is taking shape: perhaps governments have become as big a threat as those threats they claim to combat. That quandary should haunt global leaders over the next decade. In the end, there are so many of us and so few of them.

Slovenian Nurse Exposes Politicians Getting Saline Placebos and There's a Way to See What you Got, Real or Placebo
During the conference, the nurse said about 30% of the general population also receive a placebo saline solution while 70% receive the real thing but categorized in 2 branches, one toxic and the other highly toxic. She showed codes on the bottles where each contains 01, 02 or 03 digits, and then explained the meaning of those numbers.
Number 01 is the placebo, saline solution which all politicians receive and 30% of the population.
*Number 02 is a the mRNA spike protein. This is a toxic jab, the spike protein itself is a highly toxic poison as exposed by numerous scientists. One example being a South African doctor who treated thousands of patients.
*Number 03 is an mRNA stick that contains the onco gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. She said those receiving the number 03 bottle will develop soft tissue cancer within 2 years of receiving the jab."
Harris on verge of choosing a Jewish running mate, PA Gov Josh Shapiro

My call to fame is actually being Mr. Rothschild's friend".
-Putin's Chabad Rabbi, Berel Lazar
"When observing the conflict in Ukraine, it's important to note the outcome; the genocide of Ukrainian Christians, dispersion of women and children across Europe and ultimately, the depopulation of Ukraine. The West finances the war, Zelensky sends young men into the meat grinder,
Putin finishes the job with his military. No matter how you look at the conflict, all parties serve the Jewish agenda of relocating Jews to Ukraine.
Why would Putin serve the Jewish agenda? In 1999, Putin initiated a scheme with his Jewish allies, Israeli diamond tycoon Lev Leviev and Jewish oligarch Roman Abramovich, who would later become significant benefactors of Chabad globally.
Together, they established the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, with Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar at the helm. Lazar is commonly referred to as "Putin's rabbi." "He (Putin) sends a message of not tolerating anti-Semitism."
Putin's allies and Jewish oligarchs that rule Russia found next in thread, followed by article clippings of Putin and the Jews
The Italian-born and Brooklyn-educated Lazar, 49, has lived for nearly a quarter of a century in Moscow, where he was sent by the Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, one of the very last envoys appointed by the Lubavitcher Rebbe before he slipped into a coma from which he never emerged.
Those were also the dying days of the Soviet empire and Lazar set about building with tenacity and determination, some say through intimidation of rivals and obsequiousness to Putin, the largest and most influential Jewish organization in that part of the world.
Lazar and his men repudiate any claim that Russia is today a nondemocratic dictatorship. "In America anyone can say nasty things to Jews," says one Chabad shliach, "so that's democracy. In Russia, anyone who says anything anti-Semitic can be arrested or sued."
Tony said (August 3, 2024):
I agree with Archbishop Vigano that this is a cosmic battle and the 2 main players are the synagogue of satan vs the church of Christ.
I agree with you that virtually all leaders are compromised and that trump is also a false choice.
I have read some of Ilan Pappe's articles and think you are actually closer to truth when pointing out that hamas is just a puppet of israel and against Palestinians.
Just like the hundreds of centuries old prophecies identified and proved that Jesus was the Messiah, the prophecies of Revelations are proving it is truth.
albert pike was a leading voice of the synagogue of satan and his words use truth only to sell the lies. israel will always claim to be a victim and always genocide all in her way.
We can not stop events, but we can speak truth and not take part in any victim excusing for the synagogue of satan and this goes for israel, usa, canada, ...
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a]