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August 29 - We Need a Universal Ceasefire

August 29, 2024

("Argentur" i.e. agents, like Netanyahu and the Islamist leaders) 

I keep reposting this reminder because this agenda is playing out in real time and few want to admit it.

Humanity has a death wish. We are in a Death Spiral. 

We need an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and Lebanon, in Ukraine and wherever there is war. We need to unite against the people perpetrating this deadly agenda - the World Central Bank Cartel and the WEF who have captured most governments, MSM and social institutions. We are SATANICALLY POSSESSED. 

Let's feel compassion for the dupes calling for war. We are all the same and want the same things, material security and personal freedom. We are all connected to God in our souls. The Earth is a Paradise, a Gift from the Creator. 

Our Divine mission is to create the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth. 

Do not seek the truth in books. Become the Truth by striving for perfection in every thought and deed.

Please send links and comments to

Reader - "Best article summing up the pandemic I have ever seen."

There Never Was a "New Corona Virus", There Never Was a Pandemic
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky  

What is ultimately at stake is the value of human life and the future of humanity.

"'You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones", Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Japan's former Minister of Internal Affairs's

Our objective is to save lives including those of newly born babies who are the victims of the Covid-19 "Vaccine".


The goyim die young


Bassett died suddenly on August 13, 2024. She was 56.  No cause of death was released.

Meloni Impounds NGO Ship in Fresh Migration Crackdown.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's government seems to be changing course on illegal migration, seizing the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) migrant taxi ship, Geo Barents. The ship was impounded for 60 days by Italian authorities after dropping off 191 migrants it picked up in the Mediterranean. 

My Awakening to the Jewish Question---They're Not the Victims They Would Like You to Think They Are

"We are also always told that Jews are smarter than the rest of us. If they're so smart, why can't they figure out why they have been hated everywhere they have settled - for thousands of years?"

Makow-- They don't want to know. Cabalist Judaism (Communism and Zionism, society in general) is a satanic cult. Satanic cults destroy their adherents. Satanic cults demand conformity. "COMPLY!"

Universities Unveil New Rules to Ban Anti-Israel Protests, Classify Criticism of 'Zionists' as 'Hate Speech'

The Jewish Daily Forward on Wednesday shared the following list of changes aimed at shutting down students' right to protest:


British human rights activist and social media influencer Sarah Wilkinson was arrested by UK police on 29 August, reportedly over "content she posted online."

"The police came to her house just before 7.30am. [Twelve] of them in total, some of them in plain clothes from the counter-terrorism police. They said she was under arrest for 'content that she has posted online.' Her house is being raided, and they have seized all her electronic devices," Jack Wilkinson is quoted as saying by the social media account Suppressed News.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Announced the Removal of 1 Million Ineligible Voters From Voter Rolls
Election integrity is the battle of our time.

On August 26, 2024, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that since he signed Senate Bill 1 into law in 2021, Texas has removed over one million people from Texas' voter rolls. The people removed from the voter rolls include individuals who moved out-of-state, are dead, and are non-citizens. The entire removal process will continue apace. 

Oregon joins California in discriminating against American citizens 

Hacienda an Oregon non-profit that receives 29% of its funding from the government recently distributed a flyer that is offering $30,000 to individuals who ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS. 

Another Jewish boondoggle

U.S. to Spend Record $454M Securing 'Mostly Jewish Institutions'

"The funds announced today will provide communities across the country with vital resources necessary to strengthen their security and guard against terrorism and other threats," Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, who is Jewish, said in a statement. "The impact of these grants will be measured in lives saved and tragedies averted."

Steve Kirsch--Norway's post-vaccine results have been terrible. The authorities cannot explain it so they won't be publishing stats anymore.

Norway since the mRNA experiment: 14X times more COVID 3X more hospitalizations and 3X times as much death.

From Savvy Granny-  Further to your post on "Freemasonry" , the reason why the "The American elite still believes the myth of the 'noble savage,' the innate good nature of Man, ruined by bad institutions [Bukovsky] "  is because they have been inculcated from cradle to grave with the Freemasonic religion of man and perfectibility of man by natural, scientific, progressive, liberal means. . 

This is the Freemasonic tier of the world hegemon built by The Owners of the Babylonian Sexigesmal System going back to Ur: naturalism, religious indifferentism, noble savage mythology, religion of man, humanitarianism, evolution, revolution.  This entire schmazz of mind rot has been concocted by the Freemasons in service to The Owners and dynasts of the BSS.

The Freemasons do not get a pass.  

Don't you think all these ideological 'isms' and all their contentions, values, issues etc were concocted by Freemasons .  Starting with liberalism (liberty, fraternity, equality), republicanism of the Great Revolution we have seen the ideologies of atheism, nihilism, deism, naturalism, humanism, progressivism, dialectical materialism, classism, feminism, male chauvinism,  racism entrain.  In the nations of the former Christendoms (East and West) which have undergone the Great Revolution, these have been rigorously promoted  by every [subverted]  institution of social influence belonging to a nation captured by the Babylonian Sexisgesimal System (of banking - credit issue, slave-making and empire building and the Plan outlined in the Protocols). 

I think what we are looking at is an ancient  system owned by The Owners and their posterity.  And The Owners of this system took over the ancient pagan empires as certainly as they took over the covenant religious institutions and theocratic government of the people of Judah / Judea, as certainly as they captured the once Christian nations of the former Christendoms and subverted them into post Christian societies. 

Since the Great Revolution 1789, the Owners of the BSS (and in our time the BIS) have promoted these ideologies.  They have been promoted, inculcated and made into the hermeneutic or frame of reference or lens for all liberal arts and cultural studies.  Just like the 'think of Darwinism and the successes we arranged for Darwinism"   -  I think this applies to the entire ideological paradigm of thinking and study.  I think this explains why someone can have a Ph.D in a subject of serious study like history and be completely dumbed down."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "August 29 - We Need a Universal Ceasefire "

ML said (August 29, 2024):

"Become the truth by striving for perfection in every thought and deed." In other words, save yourself!

Unfortunately, that is an impossible task. We are not good enough to save ourselves. God's Law, and He is in a position to make them, said that there is NO FORGIVENESS OF SIN WITHOUT THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD! That is why God saved us the way He did! He sent His Own Singular Perfect Son to die in our place, as payment for all our sin, because the penalty for sin is, was, and always has been death. Jesus paid this horrific ransom price for us, shedding His Own Atoning Blood in the process and legally imputing His Own Perfect Righteousness to those of us who would come to believe on Him and cast all our care upon HIM! Then, because God would not allow His Holy One to see corruption, He raised Him from the dead, sealing our salvation....

There is no salvation without the Savior. All that is required of us is to BELIEVE that Jesus accomplished this work for us on His Cross. THE GODHEAD DID IT ALL, in this plan that was established before the foundation of the earth. If salvation were left up to man to accomplish, it could never be accomplished. That would be a works-based salvation, and that is not possible. Salvation is all of God's Overwhelming Grace, received by faith! It is a FREE GIFT provided by the Godhead, start to finish. No man can earn or merit such a glorious gift.

There is no other way of salvation, for there is no other name given under heaven by which we may be saved. We cannot redeem ourselves. We can repent, but we cannot remit our own sins, and everybody's got 'em. That is a condition of being a member of the fallen human race.



This is why I am not a Christian. Don't think Jesus would agree with your reply.


SH said (August 29, 2024):

By reminding us to "Become the Truth by striving for perfection in every thought and deed"…

I feel reminded of Fr. George Zabelka‘s beautiful response in an interview that you too might very much enjoy:

"God, Christ, lives in every human being. Our Lord tells us that what is done to the “least” is in fact now done to Him (Mt 25). I believe that! That is the only kind of God that I could adore and love, a God who lives in human history and suffers with people. I could only fear a god that sat as a depersonalized king above the anguish of humanity.

This is part of what the Incarnation is all about. Christ suffers and dies at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Therefore to condone or support war is to condone or support the call to “Crucify Him.” To kill in war is, in fact, to be a “Christkiller.” I’m sorry I can say nothing else — if Calvary is a holy place, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are holy places.“

And isn’t GAZA, the UKRAINE war fronts - all WAR "THEATRES" anywhere in the world - HOLY PLACES like Calvary… (as any other place of murder, massmurder, genocide…).

Fr. George Zabelka’s life (2) changed when he woke up to the true Gospel and DID something for PEACE (travelling to Hiroshima & Nagasaki, praying, repenting and asking for forgiveness):

“I want to expose the lie of ‘Christian’ war. The lie I fell for and blessed. I want to expose the lie of killing as a Christian social method, the lie of disposable people, the lie of Christian liturgy in the service of the homicidal gods of nationalism and militarism, the lie of nuclear security.”

Myself, having pondered a lot about the intrensic Evil of warfare, the permanent wareconomy (and the spiritual & mental sickness enabling both) I am more than ever convinced that it is existencially important to REFLECT all the time on this ONE question:


Wouldn‘t that require to truly KNOW who HE is, the Power and the Wisdom of God?

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at