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August 18 - Choice: Two Flavors of Masonic Jewish Supremacy

August 18, 2024

To save the country from the Communist hoards (Kamaltoe Harris) Americans are forced to embrace Zionist conman and traitor Donald Trump who would deport anyone who objects to Gaza baby murder. What Israel is doing to Palestinians, Organized Jewry and Freemasonry are doing to mankind. See World Wars One, Two and Three.

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Trump Pledges Deportation for Israel Critics

Former U.S. President Donald Trump, during a rally in Pennsylvania, declared that individuals who express hatred towards Israel are not welcome in the United States. He stated his intention to arrest and deport supporters of Hamas and other jihadist groups, emphasizing his stance on national security and support for Israel. Trump also highlighted what he perceives as the most perilous times for Jewish people globally since the Holocaust, particularly in America. This statement has elicited varied reactions, with some supporters praising his strong pro-Israel stance, while critics argue it prioritizes Israel over American interests."

"If you hate Israel, we don't want you in our country. I will arrest and deport all Hamas and jihad supporters."

Reader- "I predict if there is ever another civil war in America it will be because Americans are left with no choice but to purge Zionism from our nation. We have no representation in government, our elections are obviously rigged, our military is little more than an attack and guard dog for a foreign country, inflation is out of control. Things have been bad for a while now, the difference now is people are starting to see the truth."

American Evangelicals Are 'Praying For Armageddon' And Pulling The Levers Of Power To Achieve It 
Imagine not only believing the world is coming to an end, but wanting it to happen. Eagerly. Then, take it a step further and imagine people with such a mentality engineering American politics and foreign policy to bring about the very thing they seek -- the apocalypse.

 Ukraine and Israel have this in common. In each case the (((West))) is begging Russia and Iran to retaliate for aggression, giving them an excuse to wage a world war. 

Meet Biden's MonkeyHoax Response Deputy Coordinator

His name is Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, M. He was chosen in 2022 by the Biden Admin. to help lead the U.S. response to the Monkeypox outbreak, working alongside Robert Fenton


David Icke - The Biowweapon was never the "virus" that doesn't exist, but the fake "vaccine" which is killing and maiming millions

Prostitution is training ground for today's politician

The more things change, the more they remain the same

"As a young prosecutor, Kamala Harris was gifted a BMW and lavished with trips to Paris and the Oscars by a much older lover who also jumpstarted her meteoric rise in California politics, according to reports."


Iranian politician claims they have nuclear weapons

IMO, it would be pure negligence not to have them.


Jordan Peterson - If you feel empty, try pursuing meaning instead of happiness

Makow- "Serve an ideal whether it be Truth, Beauty, Love, or Justice"   (Mine is Truth. God is Truth.) 

Alex Newman: Democrats And Globalists 'Urgently' Prepare To Re-Impose Covid-Style Policies On Schools

"At a summit last month, CEPI, which basically wrote the script for COVID response in its 2017 business plan, called on governments and international "health authorities" to get ready for mass vaccination ahead of "disease X."  

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization is convening an emergency meeting to consider declaring a public health emergency of international concern. And an "International Bird Flu Summit" in D.C. in October will prep for "mass fatality management planning" and delivery of "vaccines," according to its website.


Why they call it money pox. Look at people profiting from making other people ill.

Mpox Vaccine Maker's Stock Price Soars After WHO Declares Global Public Health Emergency


Am I Ok? Movie actively promotes lesbianism to young straight women as the solution to despair caused by the elimination of marriage and motherhood. They do not realize that this is a depopulation program. None of us is too many for them.

Steve Kirsch -Google AI cannot find a single COVID vaccine success story
If the COVID vaccine is so darn effective, why are there no success stories? If it worked, the biggest impact would be in the nursing homes. Every nursing home should be a success story, right?

The reason that there isn't a real-world success anecdote is because the COVID shots didn't work. Only in the fantasy world of papers in the peer-reviewed journals did the COVID vaccines save lives.

These people do not represent 99% of the public

And this is one of the most conservative parts of the country.

City of Regina chooses trans activist as artist in residence


Reader- "I just read a paper by Dr. Sam Bailey and 19 other MDs and scientists titled, 'Settling the Virus Debate' and they
claim that viruses don't exist in the real world. They are only computer simulations, but none have ever been isolated. Checkout the paper here,

Seditious Traitor Trump Calls for Flooding America with Anyone Who Is Not a Murderer

Reader--"He's a Zionist Traitor & Butt-Boy for Jewry. Period. I'm tired of these Morons running around acting as though he's our Savior!" 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "August 18 - Choice: Two Flavors of Masonic Jewish Supremacy "

Christine said (August 18, 2024):

Since the Lord God Almighty sent it into Spiritual Babylonian captivity in 1948, the kabbalists have deliberately, systematically, and maliciously destroyed the Christian West

Because they think it is Edom.

But the Christian West is not Edom.

The Christian West is Israel:

" I was wroth with my people, I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand: thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke." Isaiah 47:6

The kabbalists are now trying to lure the West into war with Russia and Iran.

But the West knows.

The attack on the Zionist state will come.

And they will be left to deal with it alone.

"None shall save thee." Isaiah 47:15

DT said (August 18, 2024):

Henry, quoting you:

Am I Ok? Movie actively promotes lesbianism to young straight women as the solution to despair caused by the elimination of marriage and motherhood. They do not realize that this is a depopulation program. None of us is too many for them.

"Depopulation" actually feels like a Trojan horse to mask the true objective of eliminating white people from the planet. The ethnic groups flooding former Western democracies all have higher birth and fertility rates than whites. By their actions the elites want more people, just no whites. David

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at