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August 17 - Monkey Pox - Do Not Comply!

August 17, 2024

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If it weren't for this work, I wouldn't know how bad things are. 
But not paying attention has gotten us into this impasse.

"The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the ongoing mpox (monkeypox) outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), highlighting its severity and the need for a coordinated global response. The virus has spread to over 70 countries, with significant outbreaks in Africa, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where thousands of children are affected. Recently, Sweden and Pakistan reported cases, indicating the virus's expansion into new regions. 

"The WHO is pushing for increased production of mpox vaccines to address a more virulent strain of the virus. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, and distinctive skin lesions, with transmission occurring through close contact, respiratory droplets, and contaminated surfaces. Efforts to contain the outbreak include calls for international solidarity and financing, especially in Africa where the Africa CDC has also declared a Public Health Emergency." (AI summary from X)

Funeral Director John O'Looney on the latest Monkey Pox scare.

"It's not a conspiracy anymore"

They've been preparing monkey pox vaccines for a year. You take em, you will die.


Katie Hopkins impersonates Gov't Plandemic Chief

Says they are rolling out MPOX to make money. Do your duty and die,


The US-Israel strategy is to use threats to prevent retaliation while continuing to attack and kill. 
US official warns Iran of 'cataclysmic' consequences if it attacks Israel
Senior official says Iranian strike would 'basically derail what we think is the best opportunity' in months to secure a Gaza ceasefire deal


A senior Israeli official tells the Kan public broadcaster that progress was indeed made in Doha on several controversial aspects of the hostage deal being negotiated.

However, the official notes that this progress was only between Israel and the mediators. It is still unclear how Hamas will respond to these new arrangements.

The FBI is the American Gestapo/ Stasi. They have also been hassling Scott Ritter and Tulsi Gabbard.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided a property in Rappahannock County, Virginia, belonging to Russian-American political analyst Dimitri K. Simes this week.

"You are a prominent member of the expert community, both in Russia and the US. And still you were subjected to this kind of treatment by the US state. Your home was searched by the FBI, your property rights were violated. And what about an average American who is less of a public figure than you? Isn't your example supposed to show that he or she can be subjected to the state's pressure, even for a smaller digression from the mainstream views, not necessarily on Russia?"

Helena--Viruses vs Parasites: Big Pharma vs Homeopathic Cures

"Oddly, the symptoms of a large swathe of supposed viruses are all the same.   People whose immune system is compromised will have more severe reactions to each. People who are healthy and well nourished will have symptoms for a few days up to two weeks before cure.  No medications necessary. People who believe the WHO and CDC will be on ventilators and die.

First Rule of Famine Club- Michael Yon

One of the worst things governments can do when things go badly -- but always seem to do -- is make price controls. Gas on fire.

In case of actual food emergency, police military, thugs, and hungry people, go house to house, warehouse to warehouse, farm to farm -- and seize food. People become expert at hiding food.

Farms often are picked over by plagues of locust-people. Farmers stop farming...

Hoarders, speculators, and preppers are different sorts, but they all get blamed as if they are hoarders.


Sick Kabbalistic Jew Says 'Jews Run the World'

   They are the 'Synagogue of Satan' (Rev 2:9, & 3:9)
   Jesus warned us about 2,000 years ago (!), & they believe their own delusional Babylonian witchcraft - that
   'They are serving God'.

   NOTHING good for Jews (& Gentiles) is
   going to come from all of this.
Revealed: Border Czar Kamala Harris Smuggled into the US Nearly 1,000,000 Illegal Aliens Using Fast-Pass Entry Phone App

"In October it was estimated that more than 10 million people had reportedly illegally entered the United States since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021. This is the greatest number in history and of any administration. They total more than the individual populations of 41 states. Now, new numbers from the the US Customs and Border Patrol found that Border Czarina Kamala Harris quietly 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at