Rob Watson - Illuminati Plan to Fry Humanity
August 22, 2024
Compare the SAR values in the Rat Model vs. SAR values from current mobile phones in the next 2 links Brain Tumors
At 1:47: 05. Cellular damage from 15 minutes of cell phone use is equivalent to smoking 300 cigarettes.
A quote from the main editor of this report: "Exposure to cell-phone radiation is the largest human health experiment ever undertaken, without informed consent, and has some 4 billion participants enrolled. Science has shown increased risk of brain tumors from use of cell-phones, as well as increased risk of eye cancer, salivary gland tumors, testicular cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and leukemia. The public must be informed."
L. Lloyd Morgan, USA, Bioelectromagnetics Society, Electronics Engineer (retired)
All the above diseases are triggered by current ambient microwave radiation from cell phones.
PROGRAMMED DEATH: Science proves billions of mRNA VACCINE NANOPARTICLES might be used to control appetite and emotions of entire vaxxed populations
Also by Rob Watson-
Why is Titanium Dioxide in Our Food?
Rob Watson is a retired photographer and independent researcher. During his working career he worked with many government doctors and scientists.This paper first appeared on Jim Stones Reactor Breach Forum in 2015
RK said (August 24, 2024):
Thank you Henry and com-mentor Glen for this article. As a fan of the old Avenger series I’ve noticed that it like the Simpsons is a portal into the hidden hands agenda.
Nearly half of the plots in the series involve the control of people or weather by the use of frequencies. The only thing that changes is the method of delivery for the frequencies. Today we see the results of their experiments. To control the weather they fill the skies with chemtrail particles and then hit them with frequencies from the HAARP antennas scattered around the world while vaccines, foods and medicines fill humans with particles influenced by frequencies sent out from cell towers, cell phones, fiber optic lines ending in peoples homes with 5G devices, smart meters, and 5G units in plain view or hidden in public spaces.
And by the way, the world is not overcrowded. It is mismanaged. No one should fall for the over populated earth baloney. Next, they’ll convince you to become a transvestite, like some primitive creatures that change sex according to the species needs.