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Mike Stone - Was Assassination Attempt Genuine?

July 15, 2024

For Mike Stone, the verdict is still out. I believe it was a genuine assassination attempt by the Demonrats, in particular Hillary for whom murder is a modus operandi. See it in context of assassination attempts on Putin and Fico. 

By Mike Stone

What actually happened in Pennsylvania last Saturday night? Did a leftist soy boy attempt to assassinate Donald Trump? Was the shooter then killed? Did everything take place in the way we're being told it took place?

Remember what we've talked about so many times before, which is that the best way to analyze any event is to begin with the knowledge that everything you see on television or hear on talk radio is a lie. Only then can you begin to put the pieces together and tell the true story of what actually happened.

If you haven't seen the alleged shooting, here's a good three minute clip from NBC News:

Here's an unhinged liberal White woman, speaking for millions of other unhinged liberal White women, literally screaming because the shooter missed:

All across the liberal media and in liberal chat rooms people are laughing and cracking jokes about Trump's bloody appearance, while simultaneously lamenting the alleged shooter's poor marksmanship.

So what happened on Saturday night? Did a shooting actually take place? Unlike what we have seen with Parkland High School, Sandy Crook, the Boston bombing and others, where the fakery is obvious, this one is a little more difficult. The only thing we can compare it to is the 1981 assassination attempt of Ronald Reagan.

If you go back and watch what happened then, you can see some glaring differences between the way the Secret Service acted then and the way they acted in Pennsylvania. Here's are a couple of quick clips from the Reagan assassination attempt:

For starters, look at how quick the Secret Service had Reagan in that limousine and how quickly the limo took off. It's the exact opposite of what we saw the other night in Pennsylvania. Not only did the Secret Service fail to get Trump out of harm's way as quickly as possible, they failed to adequately cover him with their bodies.

And then to have Trump say, "Wait, wait, wait!" and get everyone to pause so he can pump his fist in the air - and expose himself to more gunfire - is completely outlandish. What do you think Reagan's Secret Service protection would have done if he had told them to wait? I'll tell you what they would have done, they'd have ignored him. 

Yet look at what Trump did and how his actions have created a clear divide between the two candidates. First, you have Biden, a senile, doddering, incoherent old man; and then you have Trump, posing with blood on his face, his fist in the air, and the American flag flapping in the background. It's the most iconic photograph since the Marines raised the flag at Iwo Jima; a photograph that's absolutely guaranteed to get him elected in November.

And look at the timing, only days away from the Republican National Convention. I can tell you right now what music will play when Trump makes his grand entrance to accept the nomination: Bad to the Bone 

Did DEI Destroy the Secret Service?

Another difference between the Reagan assassination attempt and this one is how Reagan's Secret Service protection immediately drew their guns. One guy pulled a submachine gun out from under his suit jacket. I distinctly remember seeing his picture plastered in the newspaper the next day, because a kid I was going to school with pointed to it with bulging eyes and said, "Look at the guns those guys have!"

In Pennsylvania, not one of the agents who rushed to Trump on the podium drew their guns. Why not? How could they possibly know the threat was over? 

You could make an argument that these failures on the part of the Secret Service are due to DEI. You could say that competent White men have been phased out and replaced with incompetent diversity hires. Those are legitimate points.

The Lone Nut Assassin

Something else to keep in mind is that never in the history of political assassinations has there been a so-called lone nut assassin. In every case, the alleged lone nut was either a patsy who never even fired a weapon, or someone who was trained, financed, and put into position to carry out his job by others. If this indeed was a true assassination attempt, then it didn't consist of a soy boy acting on his own. After all, how did he get there? How did he manage to get atop a roof with a rifle without being arrested?

Blood on Biden's hands

Here's a witness who says he saw a guy with rifle on a roof and told police, who did nothing:

Of course, the alleged shooter is now being referred to by three names: Thomas Matthew Crooks. Why is that every alleged lone nut assassin is identified in the press by three names? All that's missing is a manifesto. Either that or a copy of The Catcher in the Rye.

Here's Thomas Matthew Crooks in an ad for Black Rock. He appears at the 19-second mark.

 The one thing we do know for sure is that Thomas Matthew Crooks did not act alone. We also know that there was a complete breakdown in Secret Service protection. The breakdown could have been caused by incompetence or it could have been intentional. We know that Trump's betting odds to become the next president went from -180 before the shooting to -380 after, and climbing. 

And sadly, we also know, that if this was indeed an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, there will likely be more.

Mike Stone is the author of the new book 101 Reasons Why You Might Have a Low IQ and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man:  

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Mike Stone - Was Assassination Attempt Genuine?"

Art said (July 16, 2024):

Since we're entertaining wild theories ... I believe Trump stood there and stared down an AR-15 at 130 yards and invited the kid to pull the trigger. "DO IT .. make me president again". You might wonder how could someone be so stupid? What if he KNEW he couldn't be mortally wounded?

I suspect Trump is invulnerable for a time (until Christ's return) and he'll likely try the fantastic again in order to further pre-condition the minds of humanity of his potential divinity. It's already started .. people from all walks of life claiming God's hand is protecting him.. is chilling. His malignant narcissism just cannot get enough of all the attention.

I see lots of really smart people that I have admired .. completely missing obvious clues. The Strong Delusion is strong on this one. Buckle up

UUL said (July 15, 2024):

This is all a laughable event and just another one of those distractions.

First off, Trump is a crypto Jew—and as it follows—a hardcore Zionist:

Second most important point, the “Deep State” means what it says it is—it has a DEEP ROOT for everything above the surface, which INCLUDES the two political parties playing false opposition.

In that whole set up you will see symbolism aptly done as they always do:

The Iwo Jima pose of Trump and his security detail—holding up a backwards American flying flag—the fake blood on poor Trump’s face and his look of defiance--and the supposedly sharp shooter school boy 150 yards away on a rooftop—wearing gay socks on his feet—and a T shirt of Mt. Rushmore—with the great Americans of history along with the anomalous presence of a Zionist president.

The Deep State is telling you that this time, America did not win this War against Them. She is being destroyed at the foot of their god, Lucifer (the gay socks.)

At the same time, if the boy was a patriot he would not be shooting at Trump whose public face is to be a patriot.

Overall, the whole scene had the definite feel of box cutters on 911, and Osama Bin Laden orchestrating the whole thing on a lap top in a cave in Afghanistan.

ALL LAUGHABLE—except for casualties (“collateral” damage a banker term mind you) like those who jumped from the buildings on 911.

Further, multiple goals are achieved through one action as is the tactic of military psyops—or what they term “wheels within wheels” – reality bits within reality bits, agendas within agendas—where they all originate as off-shoots from the Deep State.

So how long are we going to suffer through this Trump assassination thing? When the reality that best suits them emerges for another new story in the history of world and national events. YAWN.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at