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July 6 - Iran Reformer Wins But Foreign Policy Unchanged

July 6, 2024

(left, the raised right fist is a Communist gesture. WW3 is Communism vs. Zionism -Nazism--like WW2.) 

Iran announces presidential election winner
A heart surgeon-turned-politician, Masoud Pezeshkian, will succeed the late Ebrahim Raisi

Reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian defeated his conservative opponent Saeed Jalili in the second round of the presidential election by nearly three million votes, according to the election headquarters in Tehran.

Reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian has won Iran's presidential election, securing 53.3% of the vote and defeating his conservative rival Saeed Jalili, the national election authority announced on Saturday. 

With all ballots counted, Pezeshkian secured 16.4 million votes, while Jalili received 13.5 million votes, Press TV reports. Turnout was 30.5 million, or 49.8% of the 61 million eligible voters, a reminder that the Masonic Iranian regime is deeply unpopular. 



Victor promises to ease hardline laws, but supports Khamenei and says he wants good ties with 'all countries except Israel'; turnout at 49.8%, with 600,000 spoiled ballots

Reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian won Iran's runoff presidential election by promising to reach out to the West and ease enforcement on the country's mandatory headscarf law after years of sanctions and protests squeezing the Islamic Republic.

Iranian--"I don't expect anything from him -- I am happy that the vote put the brake on hard-liners," said bank employee Fatemeh Babaei, who voted for Pezeshkian. "I hope Pezeshkian can return administration to a way in which all people can feel there is a tomorrow."

The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar - Full Audio book

The classic 1971 exposure of the Female sex scam
Viewer comments- 

--"I am a mechanic, and will never stop to help a woman anymore. I have been treated horribly all my life from 99% of women. What hurts me is that I believed women were kind and beautiful, now I have no feelings towards them. I just pretend they don't exist.

--"This book has virtually saved my life.

--"Women have gone too far! Men are waking up, and many are going very far right. It's not going to end well for the ladies who are alone. Men are walking away from women.

Makow- On Househunters International, a construction worker said of his wife: "She'll do anything for the family so I'll do anything for her."  This is the way women earn love. Not by taking off their clothes, but by serving husband and children.


The History of Klaus Schwab---A short video and summary.

For those who don't know the background of Klaus Schwab, here is a short summary that explains how he got started on the wrong foot.

"It's time to have a discussion about how black people are destroying Carnival Cruise Line...

Since 2022, Carnival's stock has taken a nosedive. What used to be a value-driven, family-friendly, and singles cruise line has now degraded into what many are calling the "Walmart" of cruising--marked by bloody brawls and block party hoodlum antics. Folks are now wondering why Carnival has gone full "ghetto."



Father Leonard Feeney--This guy knew the score way back in 1957..

Father Feeney was editor of The Point, which ran a mixture of theological and political articles, some of them branded anti-semitic by Feeney's critics. The newsletter frequently contained sentiments such as: "the Church has never abandoned her absolute principle that it is possible for an individual Jew to scrap his hateful heritage, sincerely break with the synagogue, and cleanse his cursed blood with the Precious Blood of Jesus. (October 1957)[22][23]

Those two powers, the chief two in the world today, are Communism and Zionism. That both movements are avowedly anti-Christian, and that both are in origin and direction Jewish, is a matter of record. (September 1958)[24]

As surely and securely as the Jews have been behind Freemasonry, or Secularism, or Communism, they are behind the "anti-hate" drive. The Jews are advocating tolerance only for its destructive value -- destructive, that is, of the Catholic Church. On their part, they still keep alive their racial rancors and antipathies. (July 1955)[25]


Pope Francis Orders Christians To 'Pray to Satan' for 'Real Enlightenment'

Reader--"I am listening (AGAIN) to THIS (AMAZING) interview:  (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it!)

Christopher Jon Bjerknes: Secrets of the Satanic Sabbatean Frankist / World Domination 

Mike Adams interviewed Bjerkness on Brighteon. At my request, he volunteered my services but I didn't hear back. How am I more dangerous than Bjerknes? 
Hijacking Ancient Symbols


TREASON' filmmaker JJ Carrell issues urgent INVASION warning for America

Concentration camps being constructed in USA

David Hill comment on this video- "Just see what 2025 brings to us all and where the CIA and their intel predictor DEAGEL determined in 2013 and where the depopulation through the Covid-19 jab will show its real devastation effect now and throughout 2025." 

On Tuesday, The Biden Administration awarded Moderna with a $176 million contract purposed with developing a vaccine for bird flu. It serves as a much needed lifeline for Moderna, because after its failed mRNA Covid-19 gambit, the $45 billion company has once again found itself without any functioning products. However, given Moderna's partnerships with the American government, the company has been able to sustain itself through regulatory capture.

But that's not even the nefarious part of the story.

Both Pfizer and Moderna have expanded the mRNA pipeline through a catch-all label that they refer to as "pandemic influenza," which can be identified as any current or future influenza-labeled "pandemic." And the federal government is very much on board.

"The award made today is part of our longstanding commitment to strengthen our preparedness for pandemic influenza," Dawn O'Connell, the Biden Administration's assistant secretary for preparedness and response, said Tuesday. "Adding this technology to our pandemic flu toolkit enhances our ability to be nimble and quick against the circulating strains and their potential variants."


120+ years of legalized, US-government-led pharmaceutical fraud.

"The people who develop, manufacture, promote, distribute and use these weapons to intentionally hurt and kill people don't want the targets to understand what's been done to us, our parents and grandparents, our children and our grandchildren, because people who understand biological product and vaccine non-regulation become people who stop believing false vaccine histories, stop trusting vaccine promoters, and stop taking vaccines.

"CIA 'Heavily Involved' in Creation of Covid mRNA Shots" - 

The American people have to wake up and very quickly now as the US will be destroyed...period.

American Domestic Bioterrorism Program
Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.


Hundreds of Doctors and Scientists Sign Accord Calling for Suspension and Investigation of mRNA Vaccines
Hundreds of doctors and scientists from around the world have signed an accord calling for the suspension and investigation of mRNA CV vaccines due to serious concerns about their safety and efficacy


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at