July 29 - Gulags Have Been Constructed in America
July 29, 2024

(Left, remembering the great David Dees)
Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
Considering that the Demonrat-Harris Party is Communist, the construction of a system of concentration camps is plausible.
Celeste Solum: FEMA Camps Part of DEPOPULATION Agenda in America
According to former government employee Celeste Solum, the camps set up by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the U.S. are part of a bigger depopulation agenda.
"FEMA camps are going up all over the place. There were a couple hundred now there's over a thousand that we're aware of that are literally in the U.S., coast to coast," she said, adding that the largest FEMA camp can be found in Juneau, Alaska. This camp can hold three to four million people at once.
TREASON documentary: CONCENTRATION CAMPS are being built right under your nose in all 50 states
"They do not need humans. They have millions and millions of synthetic humanoids built. Japan did it, China did it, the U.S. has done it, Canada made them. They're about ready to come out," Solum said.
"They were constructed in subterranean caverns. They're about ready to come out and replace you. So they do not need you for slave labor."
Disclaimer - I don't like fearmongering but complacency in the face of a real danger is worse.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who was excommunicated from the Church by order of Pope Francis, has come out strongly condemning the satanic Olympics in Paris as a vile attack on God by the anti-Christian elite who want to undermine traditional family roles.
He says these satanic rituals are a recurring theme, previously seen at the 2012 London Olympics, the 2016 Gotthard Tunnel opening, and the 2022 Commonwealth Games.
He was disturbed by the following:
- Transvestite and effeminate dancers
- A parody of the LGBTQ+ Last Supper
- Holograms of the horsemen of the Apocalypse
- A decapitated Marie Antoinette celebrating the French Revolution
He even called Emmanuel Macron's wife a transvestite and described Michelle Obama as a muscular man in a wig.
"Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig."
He ends by advocating for Christians to unite globally and boycott the Olympics and its sponsors.

Elon Musk says 'America is going bankrupt' as 76% of June tax receipts went to interest on debt
"Treasury now expects interest on the federal debt to breach $1.14 trillion this fiscal year; if that estimate is anything like their usual overly optimistic projections, then be prepared for it to be much higher," he said. "Interest on the debt surpassed both the Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Social Security Admin. to become the single biggest line item in the Treasury's monthly statement for Jun - still think this is fine?"
"Interest is now equal to more than three-quarters of all personal income taxes, and over 30% of all taxes and duties received by the Treasury in June," Antoni wrote in an article. "Not only is the nation drowning in debt, but now the interest payments are an anchor around its neck."
"For the federal government, creating money is the preferred way to conduct a backdoor default on its obligations," he said. "Through the Federal Reserve, the government has been expanding the money supply and devaluing the dollar, including the nearly $35 trillion that make up the federal debt. This allows the government to repay that debt, and pay the interest, using depreciated currency."
"This is why the stratospheric rise in the interest on the debt should concern everyone. Not only is it displacing funding for things like roads and the military, but it will also mean much more inflation unless we take a chainsaw to federal spending, à la Argentinian President Javier Milei," Antoni concluded. "That course correction had better come quick. The federal government is already running $2 trillion annual deficits, driving up interest on the debt exponentially. The time bomb of federal finance has already started ticking down."
Salvador President Bukele says we have taxes to make us think they fund the government. Actually the government is funded by creating money out of thin air.

Keir Starmer is a former Director of Public Prosecutions ("DPP") and Head of the Crown Prosecution Service ("CPS"), where he was central in making sure the case against Julian Assange continued.
As DPP, Starmer failed to bring charges against Jimmy Savile for paedophilia. The decision was made despite the CPS receiving substantial evidence of his crimes from witnesses and victims several years before Savile died in 2011. All CPS files on Savile were destroyed in October 2010; it is an open question whether Starmer himself made that call, and if so, why.
No Matter Who Wins The November Election, Zionists Will Control The White House By Chuck Baldwin
July 25, 2024
Tim Brown reports that Zionists, both Christian and Jewish, have said some remarkable things about Trump, identifying him as:
"The King of Jerusalem." "The Second Coming of God." "King Cyrus."
Some have poured upon Trump God-like platitudes and honors. Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, hosted the 2023 Israel Heritage Foundation Gala at Trump National Bedminster in New Jersey and accepted IHF's Keter Yerushalayim (Crown of Jerusalem) award.

(Fourth horseman of the apocalypse?)
Jeff Berwick--The 33rd Ozempic Hunger Games Opening Ceremonies, Trump Hoax and Mileikowski Ovation
"And it all started with a few shots and Donald Trump falling to the ground with a ketchup packet on his ear...
In today's show, I also speak about Kackles Harris and the new, improved NBA-Joe who grew at least 4 inches since his last proof-of-life appearance. Not having the (s)election stress worked wonders for PedoPete v14, as he even grew taller than his good friend Bibi Mileikowski. Who, by the way, received 55 standing ovations at the US CONgress for being the most prolific anti-Semitic mass murderer of all time. Preferably women and children. And, preferably in the most heinous ways they can think of, like starving them to death, or slaughtering them in front of their kids.

Then, to put the proverbial cherry on top of the absurd circus of a month, the Pedolympic Games in Paris kicked off with some arson attacks on the French railway (IRAN!) and a total lock-down of the city as residents and tourists enjoyed it all under chemtrail skies that eerily resembled a pentagram. Including the morbidly obese woman surrounded by trannies having the last supper and the Blue Smurf guy singing which broke out into a tranny drag show featuring my tranny twin."
Does Hezbollah have an EMT (Electromagnetic) Weapon that will fry Israel's electronics?
"IT'S NON-CONVENTIONAL" | Hizbullah's Game-Changing Weapon That Entered Lebanon
BR said (July 30, 2024):
Since the Fed creates the USD vs. commitments to pay,
FEMA gulags would re-orientate white-collar parasites to produce for what they had consumed.
Killing the weak and the dumb in the process.
The only alternative is NRFA:
at best - with a brain-protector, too: