July 28 - Trump's Hidden Hand (((Freemasonry)))
July 28, 2024

All major wars are orchestrated by Freemasons on both sides to increase their wealth and power, while destroying humanity.
Soldiers are nothing but civilians who have exchanged their street clothes for a uniform. Wars are contrived to make them kill each other. War is absurd self-destructive behavior that only benefits our Satanist rulers.
Look at the satanist Jew Trump trying to turn his fake assassination attempt into a casus bellum:
Trump: 'If Iran assassinates me, US must wipe it off the face of the Earth'
In online post threatening arch-rival Tehran, former US president shares video of Netanyahu referencing reported Iranian plots against him during speech in Congress
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Thursday invoked the annihilation of US adversary Iran in a social media post reminiscent of his most incendiary outbursts while in the White House. "If they do 'assassinate President Trump,' which is always a possibility, I hope that America obliterates Iran, wipes it off the face of the Earth -- If that does not happen, American Leaders will be considered 'gutless' cowards!" he wrote on his social media platform, Truth Social
Peace is "counter-revolutionary" since it is war that paves the way for revolution. (Revolution = overturning the natural order and replacing God with Satan at top)
Trump admits he is not a Christian, so why does he attend church? (He is a con man.)

"Netanyahu's speech before the U.S. Congress was so patently dishonest that it amounted to an insult. Moreover, giving Netanyahu a platform for his lies together with unquestioning support has done immense harm to America's standing in the eyes of the world
"Netanyahu's speech to Congress was one of the most horrifying things I've ever seen. A series of lies and an endless stream of genocidal propaganda, and the vast majority of these politicians just stood up and clapped at every single line. Genocidal freaks, all of them," one X user wrote.
What BS is this? Israel claims Hezbollah crossed a "red line" when a missile killed or maimed 30 Israelis Saturday and vowed retaliation.
Apparently, there is an understanding that both sides will hit only military targets. Hezbollah denied responsibility and suggested it was a false flag. Given the ethnic cleansing taking place in Gaza, surely this issue of military targets is a red herring. Israel just killed 30 women and children claiming they were sheltering Hamas in a school.
10 killed, some 30 hurt in rocket attack on Golan, in deadliest Hezbollah attack yet; FM says 'no doubt Hezbollah crossed all red lines'
More than 30 people were taken to hospitals following the rocket strike on Majdal Shams, according to medical officials. Ziv Hospital in Safed says it has admitted 26 wounded, including five currently being treated in the trauma ward, 11 in moderate-to-serious condition, and 10 who are lightly hurt.

'An Abomination, Blasphemy': Paris Olympics Drag Show Parodying The Last Supper Sparks Outrage
"The 2024 Paris Olympics has gone full Woke dystopian. The opening ceremony was filled with transgend*r mockery of the Last Supper, the Golden Calf idol, and even the Pale Horse from the Book of Revelation. The Olympics has made it clear that Christian viewers aren't welcome," Texas-based journalist Kyle Becker wrote on his social media handle on 'X'.
Thankfully no men in female sports.
The 2024 Paris Olympics removes video of its opening ceremony after a drag queen performance with a man's testicles hanging out.
'Our enemies are your enemies': Netanyahu demands 'regional alliance' in destroying Iran
Mark Glenn- "Besides the Jews themselves who are threatening/preparing to unleash nuclear weapons in the Middle East... there are over 2 billion Jew-worshipers (evangelical Christians of various species) who have allowed their otherwise rational thought processes to be hijacked by the fairy tales appearing in Exodus and who have allowed the foreign policy decisions of their respective governments to be hinged to these silly stories as if they were actually part of 'the real world'."

Who is Thomas Jolly, artistic director of the 2024 Paris Olympics?
42-year-old Thomas Jolly was born on February 1, 1982, into a Jewish family. He is a queer Jew.
Trump RIPS Ear Bandage Off for First Time Since Shooting | Reveals Something MIRACULOUS
No sign of injury on Trump's ear
Communism, Zionism, Socialism
Everything you wanted to know about the Masonic Jewish (Satanist) Conspiracy but were afraid to ask
Americans you have a choice between a bimbo and a conman. Despite his limitations, there is a credible candidate RFK Jr. but the ZOG media don't want you to hear about him.

As usual, photos of Jasper 'wildfire' damage proves DEWs and weather weapons were used to burn down the city Agenda 21-style.
Reader-"You can guess what the Zohar says, can't you, Henry?
Just before Moschiach comes, "Edom" must burn.
Demonically-possessed lunatics."
Women don't want to be "strong and independent" anymore
Feminism is a cruel hoax designed to make women think their natural reproductive instincts are socially programmed oppression. When I was young, in the 1960's, it was common knowledge that women fulfilled themselves by becoming mothers. Feminism is about depopulation and brainwashing children in nursery schools.

74% of ALL Deaths 'Directly' Linked to Covid Shots, Autopsy Data Shows
Researchers calculate that the global death toll associated with Covid mRNA shots, up to 30 December 2022, was 16.9 million people
Swedish company producing insects goes bankrupt due to low demand.
Klaus Scwhab's World Economic Forum has been pushing for people to eat insects instead of meat to stop climate change. Because apparently cows are now bad for the planet and fart too much.
So a Swedish company called Tebrito has been working hard to produce mealworms for insect proteins to put in human food like granola and protein bars.
They got a whopping $4.2 million in investments to push this stuff. And now they have gone bankrupt because it seems like nobody wants to eat their insects. In 2023 they only had a revenue of a meager $49.000 and losing almost $12.6 million!
They literally say the following: "To reach the goals and the 2030 Agenda, the way we produce food - and the types of foods we eat - must change".