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July 23 - Trump Will Fill Swamp With Jewish Bankers

July 23, 2024

left. JP Morgan-Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and Donald

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Trump says he mulls Jamie Dimon for US Treasury, won't try ousting Fed's Powell


Reports say Trump is likely to name BlackRock CEO Larry Fink as Treasury Sec if he wins in November

Reader-"Donnie's cabinet from first term was proof positive that the whole "swamp drain" rhetoric was nothing more than one of many facades. Donnie is simply selling this country to the highest bidder. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised."

Will Trump REALLY Drain The Swamp This Time? w/ Whitney Webb - YouTube

Is Joe Biden Dead?

Has not been seen alive since July 17. Brother tweeted he is dying.

Having been a prostitute for 30 years, Kamila Harris is more than qualified to become US President

KH is more of the humiliation ritual Organized Jewry and Freemasoinry are inflicting on the American people. Yes, she is married to a Jew like Kier Starmer and Geert Wilders. 

To his credit Tucker Carlson condemned Israeli genocide in Gaza, unlike Zionist shills, pretentious moralists Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson.

Tucker Carlson went after Israel -- and his fellow conservatives are furious

"Carlson mainstreamed antisemitism for a long time, and conservatives seemed not to care. Then he set his sights on Israel."

British farmers are being paid to leave crops rotting in the ground or to "plant" food for the birds

"A British farmer has said that the government has offered a scheme to pay farmers not to supply food for three years. This scheme is part of a larger trend where farmers are being financially incentivized by the state to reduce food production.  Why would they do that?"

More evidence that radical Islam is alligned with Communism in the phoney Zionist-Communist repeat of World War Two 

Hamas, Fatah, Palestinian factions agree to end divisions, form unity gov't after China talks
The Beijing Declaration was signed at the closing ceremony of a reconciliation dialogue among the factions held in China's capital from July 21-23.


Brad Salzberg-- Behind Trudeau's "Liberal" Agenda Lies A Calculated Transition To Communism

Joachim Hagopian--Here is my latest showing that Trump the actor played along with the false flag shooting...

Reader--- "In the Bible the concept of blood on the right ear (Leviticus 8:22-24 and 14:28) serves as a visible mark of consecration, signifying that the person is dedicated to God's service and has been set apart for a specific purpose. This act represents a physical and spiritual transformation, preparing the individual for their sacred role". ----Entering Donald J. Trump,....... "I am the Chosen One."

Levticus 8:22-24: And he brought the other ram, the ram of consecration: and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram.And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. And he brought Aaron's sons, and Moses put of the blood upon the tip of their right ear, and upon the thumbs of their right hands, and upon the great toes of their right feet: and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about.

"The Singularity Is Nearer - When Humans Merge With AI"By Ray Kurzweil. Nanorobots Replacing Every Cell In Our Bodies, Zombies, And Fusing Our Brains With AI.

"I recently finished reading Ray Kurzweil's new book. It is imperative reading, for all those who negate the fact that self-assembly nanotechnology has been found in the COVID-19 bioweapons, that nano and microrobots are swimming through the blood of every human being right now and that their information is being uploaded into the cloud - their data managed by AI. AI is expected to exceed collective human intelligence any minute now, or at least by 2029. In the biotechnology sector, it will take over all pharmaceutical trials, it will replace doctors, it will automate jobs. You can read about all the ways you will be replaced in his book. In other words, you will own nothing and be happy - the nanobots in the brain will take care of that. Kurzweil supports smart sustainable development goals, which we know that 13 out of 17 are supported by nanotechnology."


Trump, Hillbilly Elegy, and the dismantling of the US

 " Hi Everyone, my name is JD Vance. I married an Indian woman and am a CIA asset.  I aim to assist Trump in dismantling white American culture. There will never be another white Christian male US president ever again. Look at the last two presidential embarrassments. For now on, the people will vote in presidents like the one in the movie, Idiocracy, where the president was a dim-witted black machine gun-toting professional wrestler. Maybe we'll get a homosexual black transvestite, like Micheal Obama.

As Timothy Fitzpatrick says, Communism never died. The US will begin to resemble any other democratic-run city. I think of Baltimore or San Francisco."

Club of Rome: "The Real Enemy... Is Humanity Itself."

"In 1991, a globalist think tank called the 'Club of Rome' released a document titled 'The First Global Revolution', in which "global warming" was announced as the new pretext to wage war on humanity"

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."

Makow- The real enemy of genocidal Jewish supremacism is humanity itself. And they intend to exterminate us using the pretext of a phoney world war. 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "July 23 - Trump Will Fill Swamp With Jewish Bankers "

ML said (July 23, 2024):

That explanation of the blood on the ear was a cool one. It just shows that the Jews have no idea what they are doing, when they seek to re-enact past issues in history. They missed the Lamb when He came, are stuck in a past that no longer exists, and have no real future. Let them play! Our God still rules over it all! We are HIS PEOPLE and the SHEEP OF HIS PASTURE and no one can take us out of HIS Hands.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at