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July 22 - Is Trump Lying About Assassination Attempt?

July 22, 2024

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If this meme is accurate, Trump faked the assassination attempt to garner support. On the other hand, why would the secret service headed by Jill Biden's BFF cooperate in a charade to elect Trump? 
Why would Soros-connected funds short Trump stock? Why would Alex Soros make this death threat?

Carnegie Mellon University Prof Says Trump Assassination Attempt Was "Staged" Like "Stupid Tubi Movie Set" 

 "People dying doesn't make the attack any less staged. Someone who thought the attack was real could've killed others trying to prevent harm. Also, someone could've shot the shooter to hide the plot," associate professor of second language acquisition, Uju Anya, tweeted. 

 "Politicians kill all the time and kill many more people to steal power," she added. "And people died behind this farce. Actual people's lives gone for them to stage this stupid show.... It was staged. Like a stupid Tubi movie set in the Bronx with palm trees in the background," she added. "They lie, and people die. That's exactly what they do. That's the record. Whatever 'attack' on him they set up to stoke his followers' fears and sentiments, threat and persecution has now cost lives," Anya said. -- 

 Investment Firm Shorting $DJT, Trump Botched Assassination & Other "Coincidences"

From a reader-"Here are a few more indicators for a shooting or bombing event being fake:

No record of deaths at county coroner's office (which outed Sandy Hook as fake).
No visiting dead bodies at the morgue.
No wakes or funerals for the dead.
Politicians and journalists immediately call for anti-gun legislation.
The perpetrators set up their enemies as victims of the event.
The perpetrators blame the event on their enemies.
Event inspires strong emotional responses.
Initially-published stories get censored, if they conflict with the official narrative.
The government immediate identifies a perp.
All CCTV video disappears.
And here are some links returned by Yandex when I queried "false flag indicators":


How Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley funded the sudden rise of JD Vance Donald Trump's VP pick was a venture capitalist who has been bankrolled in business and politics by billionaire investor


Reader--"The only rabbi that the secular Israelis like is the Ram Bam, because he was a scientist and philosopher. That is why they name hospitals, roads etc. after him. If they knew what he had actually said about non-religious "Jews" they would be horrified. He then recounts some of the sayings of the Ram Bam, and summarises that in the eyes of the sages, secular Jews are much worse than the goiym and deserve execution for disobedience to Moses.
"It's never nice when people hate you; never nice when they attack you"
 Israelis incapable of realizing their genocide is the reason they are hated.

HORRIFYING: COVID Vaccinated Teen Now Has the Heart of a 60-Year-Old
"...he had to get the shots to go to university and participate in his sport."

"No fewer than 4 girls that she knows, that she plays hockey with at the university level have all been diagnosed with myocarditis following the shots and I'm told they can no longer play collegiate level sports. All of them were forced to take these shots to go to school. 


Israeli Soldiers Tell Story of Savage Cruelty in Gaza - One Hidden from Western Public

Israel's twin goals have been biblical vengeance and the elimination of Gaza - a genocidal rampage to drive the terrified population out, ideally into neighbouring Egypt. If that was not clear enough already, six Israeli soldiers recently stepped forward to speak out about what they had witnessed while serving in Gaza - a story the western media has entirely failed to report.

Their testimonies, published by the Israel-based publication 972 last week, confirm what Palestinians have been saying for months.
Commanders have authorised their troops to open fire on Palestinians at will. Anyone entering an area the Israeli military is treating as a "no-go zone" is shot on sight, whether man, woman or child.

After months of an Israeli aid blockade that has created a man-made famine, Israel's military has turned the people of Gaza's ever-more frantic search for food into a game of Russian roulette.

This perhaps explains, in part, why so many Palestinians are unaccounted for - Save the Children estimates some 21,000 children are missing. The soldiers quoted in 972 say the victims of their shoot-everyone policy are bulldozed out of view along routes where international aid convoys pass.

A reserve soldier, identified only as S, said a Caterpillar bulldozer "clears the area of corpses, buries them under the rubble, and flips [them] aside so that the convoys don't see it - [so that] images of people in advanced stages of decay don't come out". The soldier also noted: "The whole area [of Gaza where the army operates] was full of bodies... There is a horrific smell of death."

VIDEO - Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus was suspended for investigating 9 babies who died after their mothers received COVID-19 Vaccinations.

Both the US and Canada have a lot of "vaccine hesitancy" now because most people know someone who have become sick or died after flu shots. It will be very hard to get people lining up anymore for the next fake pandemic. That will be the next stage - coerced jabs like it or not.


Helena Glass- Can America Survive When Bolsheviks Rule?

"CrowdStrike is a CIA/Mossad Asset - and the recent global computer outage was orchestrated as likely a test or Trial aka, Election 2024 disruptions.  It was not an update gone awry - it was purposeful. How much disruption could be activated with a singular key stroke.   Given computers run the tabulations of ballots, a shutdown would allow the interface of millions of corrupt ballots to suddenly invade the system which when updated would reveal - another Biden historic WIN!"

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "July 22 - Is Trump Lying About Assassination Attempt?"

C said (July 23, 2024):

Thank you for highlighting this.

I started off thinking the whole thing was a scam, having seen Tim Truth's video asking where the blood went since he put his hand up to the ear and there was no blood on his hand—not there or anywhere on his shirt collar or cuff. I still have trouble with the line of fire angle since turning his head to the right IMO would've made it more of a direct hit. But if there were more than one shooter, that could be explained.

I need not bother with all the deets, but when I watched him blatantly lying about "blood everywhere," I knew it was another psy op.

R or D—they win either way. And if he wins, people will go right back to sleep, and then dutifully will go off to war to "finish the job [genocide]" in Israel.

I am on an e-mail chain, and seemingly intelligent people still think it was all a miracle or refuse to even watch the video or your website b/c it's all a distraction to demoralize. Pathetic! Keep up the good work, Henry!

Tony said (July 22, 2024):

Does the bear shit in the woods?

Another Psyop Believed By Ignorant and Gullible Americans

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at