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July 19 - Satan's Wife Re-elected EU President

July 19, 2024

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Elected to another 5-year term as EU president despite profiting from vaccine mandates. 

 Polish MEP to Ursula von der Leyen: "You Should Go to Prison, Not the European Commission" 

Polish MEP absolutely dismantles EU Chief Ursula von der Leyen in fiery European Parliament session 

 Polish MEP absolutely dismantles EU Chief Ursula von der Leyen in fiery European Parliament session: "You are the face of the European Green Deal which is destroying the European economy and agriculture, which is leading to Europe becoming an economic backwater"

 "You are the face of all the EU's climate craziness, which leads to us Europeans becoming poorer and poorer" 

 "Finally you are the face of the migration pact...You are responsible for every rape, every assault & every tragedy caused by the influx of illegal migrants" "You should go to prison, not the European Commission"

Vax-pushing EU chief Von der Leyen's husband is an executive in the COVID-19 vaccine business, and there are major crimes being committed by her and the EU over this.  There are already court filings in Europe, which EU media and EU NGOs - nearly all in Soros' pocket - are trying to hide. 
It's also coming out that Von der Leyen - Germany's former defence minister - is pushing for the war, and killing all those tens of thousands of untrained Ukrainians dying in the minefields - apparently to enrich her friends in the weapons industries. Von der Leyen hints she has friends in NATO who can whack people dead if they don't shut up about her crimes. 

The 4th Reich's new twist is that it's led by criminal women, German women at the top. EU offices are largely female.

From a brief filed with Judge-President Lenaerts of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg: "Ursula Von der Leyen seems to be in major financial crimes involving millions, with her husband in the covid vaccine business ... Belgium has jurisdiction over crimes in EU offices, so OLAF and EPPO [EU prosecutors] would need to use Belgian officials to prosecute.
"Von der Leyen shields herself by engaging in open corruption with Belgian gov't ministers ... Belgium operates a bribery-extortion scheme over EU Citizen Rights, openly violating important CJEU Court Order C-535/19 of 15 July 2021, guaranteeing universal EU Citizen national Health System Access ... Belgium demanding bribes from EU citizens
"Honest EU Commission staffers are being intimidated and terrorized by Von der Leyen---"Von der Leyen, corrupt to the core regarding both covid vaccine contracts and her joining in crimes with Belgium and violation of Court Orders, is thought by some at the EU to be under blackmail by foreign powers, and this is related to Von der Leyen's continuous posturing and promotion of military conflict in Ukraine."

Another Psyop Believed by Ignorant and Gullible Americans By Gary D. Barnett

"As Trump was presumably shot by a bullet traveling at around 3000 feet per second, he took his hand from the podium, and clutched his ear, and over a stark white shirt, he returned his hand back toward the podium, without so much as one drop of blood on his hand or shirt; all this before dropping behind the podium awaiting several 'Secret Service' members to surround and cover him. When he arose, he had red on his earlobe, and what looked like a little dried 'blood' on his cheek. No other bleeding was evident, which considering the circumstances, seems impossible, but he did take this opportunity for photo-ops, and to shake his fist while openly exposed. Believable? I think not."

"JESUS Is JOB & GOD's Plan to Exterminate Humanity All Over Again"

Reader- Henry, is this the ultimate video? You decide.

CJB presents the culmination of his life's work. The Book of Job holds the secrets.
Frankly, I don't have an hour to listen to this. I wish he would have stated his conclusions at the outset.

In general, I wish people would seek the truth in their hearts instead of in books. 

Israeli Parliament Approves Resolution Against Establishing Palestinian State

Ironic that people who value a national home should deny the same right to others. Satanyahu and his ilk were never taught to share.

Brother Nathaniel rails against absurd recital of a demonic Hindu prayer at RNBC convention. He says the US is a white Christian country.

No Hindi spirits did we witness in President Trump when he turned his head at just the right moment.

And that right moment--ordered by "Divine Providence"--not "chardi kala," prevented his brains from splattering all over the bleachers and his supporters. We got the Hanu-kaka menorah every year on the White House lawn with some Jew head of state lighting it. Where's a "Nativity Scene" which honors the faith of majority White Christian Americans?

The Jews won't allow it. Hindu prayers at a public event do not belong here.
Thorn in Side of Crime Syndicate JFK Hit: Truth Seeker Dorothy Kilgallen Murdered

She was about to break the assassination conspiracy wide open.

(Thanks to Robert Malone MD for sending this)

Investment Firm Shorting $DJT, like they shorted airline stocks before 911

Trump Botched Assassination & Other "Coincidences"

Soros and company betting Trump would be killed? Or making the "assassination" seem genuine?

"Who was on that WATER TOWER?" 10 Witnesses Come Forward | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at