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July 18 - GOP Convention Licks Israel's Feet

July 18, 2024

The Zionist Wing of Organized Jewry which favors world conquest through orchestrated war is taking the reins from the Communist wing which favors woke social engineering and police state control. The human race is satanically possessed by Jewish Cabalism (Freemasonry) which is imposing totalitarian control on a worldwide basis. Through its support of Israel, the West is complicit in genocide and has zero moral legitimacy. This is satanic possession.

Republican National Convention Cheers when Jew Pledges the US to the Service of Israel 

No self-respecting country would allow itself to be controlled by a tiny minority of Satanists who plot its destruction.

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Shabbos Kestenbaum, an Orthodox Jewish American and recent graduate of Harvard who is suing the university, spoke at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Wednesday, a day devoted to foreign policy and national security, as well as Sen. J.D. Vance's formal acceptance of the vice presidential nomination.

"Let's elect a president who recognizes that although Harvard and the Ivy League have long abandoned the United States of America, the Jewish people never will. Because Jewish values are American values, and American values are Jewish values."

"It was so good! There were Israeli flags all over! So many cheers. At least one party still likes Jews.

Democrat Activist Shabbos Kestenbaum Speaks at RNC, Endorses Plan to 'Expel Foreign Students'

"I have been a registered Democrat since the day I turned 18. If Joe Biden cannot forcefully condemn the rampant promotion of terrorism and Jew-hatred on college campuses, then we will not vote for him. We young, progressive Jews are fed up with the inaction."

Snipers having coffee inside while shooter climbed on their roof
Footage of bystanders being shot at the trump rally... was there a second shooter??

A huge army of veterans is currently forming in the US, ahead of a possible civil unrest, after the failed assassination on Trump.

Government Bans Pro-Trump Magazine for Criticizing Multiculturalism.

Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has unilaterally banned the right-wing, pro-Donald J. Trump Compact Magazin, accusing the publication of fostering "hatred" of migrants and ethnic diversity. "The ban shows that we are also taking action against the intellectual arsonists who stir up a climate of hatred and violence against refugees and migrants and want to overcome our democratic state," Minister Faeser said."Our signal is very clear: We will not allow ethnic definitions of who belongs to Germany and who does not," she added.
Donald Trump is NOT a 'threat to the deep state'. Here is his warmongering record.

Following a shooting at a rally in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump's supporters have  portrayed him as a so-called "threat to the US deep state". But in reality, Trump was a warmonger as president, and appointed top CIA officials and neoconservatives to run his foreign policy. Ben Norton reviews Trump's support for Israel and Ukraine and his aggressive policies against China, Russia, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba.

A bullet did this? No Trump cut himself

They're blaming Iran for Trump assassination attempt.  This is the kind of false flag they will use to justify attacking Iran.

Reader-"The recipe? always start with a false flag then blame it on an opponent
and there you have it, Doc - Lucifer's Lounge... and here it shall begin...
It's The NeoCon's Turn - the 9/11 War Mongers are back!

The tide has turned. Woke is dead.

'Changing Business Needs' - Microsoft Lays Off DEI Team.

Microsoft has laid off an internal team dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), suggesting it is no longer important to its " business needs." In a leaked email, the DEI team leader expressed dismay, citing that DEI programs are no longer perceived as business critical, in contrast with their perceived importance in 2020."True systems-change work associated with DEI programs everywhere are no longer business critical or smart as they were in 2020," they lamented. The email indicated that the team's dissolution, effective July 1, was down to "changing business needs."

Mark Trozzi- Unveiling COVID-19: Science, Crimes, and Recovery
Insights on COVID-19, covering the story, science, medical corruption, vaccine harms, and practical steps for recovery and prevention.
JUL 18, 2024
The Health Secret team did a great job orchestrating this interview. I provided as much honest, understandable, life- and society-saving information as possible in just one hour.

We discussed COVID-19: the story, the science, the crimes, and the challenges of being an honest doctor through the COVID operation and beyond. This includes inside insights into medical politics, corruption, and coordinated crimes against humanity. This interview also dives deeply, in language we can all understand, into the science of COVID and the genetic "vaccine" injections; why they don't work, the many ways they harm and kill, and what we know so far about how to undo the damage and prevent further deterioration.


Klaus Schwab's co-author turns against the WEF, pens novel on Davos racket

"No one was there to improve the state of the world, let alone the state of her own country."

Throughout the book, you get the sense that Malleret, who again, is definitely an ideological liberal, is fed up with the notion that the Davos agenda items are helpful to anyone outside of "The Circle," which is a stand in for the WEF. It is clear that the author understands both the WEF's mission and its annual meeting in Davos as nothing more than a networking festival for the global elite, who are more interested in consuming power and "networking up" than in the WEF mission to "improve the state of the world."

Thierry Malleret, a longtime trusted adviser and friend to Klaus Schwab, has come to understand that the Davos class is motivated by nothing but the pursuit of power and prestige. Nonetheless, he seems to hold out hope that his personal worldview has a legitimate basis for it outside of the captured labels of WEF-aligned actors.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at