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Is Geert Wilders Jewish?

July 18, 2024


Geert Wilders comes by his Zionism honestly.Like British PM Kier Starmer, he has a Jewish wife and children. In addition, he also has Jewish ancestry.

"[I]t is my duty as leader of the biggest political party in The Netherlands to do all I can to make life safer for Jews in Europe. To fight antisemitism and jihadism. To support Israel, especially when most European politicians are abandoning them. I never will."-- Geert Wilders, June 8, 2024. 1

Makow - It seems the Communist Jews are filling Europe with Muslims and Zionist Jews are fighting it. It would be nice if non-Jews had a say.
But all nationalists must have Zionist sponsorship. Why are there no authentic nationalists (who want no truck with genocidal maniacs?) 

See First Comment Below- Is Wilders a Mossad agent?

By Chris Boyle

Today it is known that Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician, is part Indonesian. This fact is not revealed in his 2008 biography, in which he lied about his ancestry, 2 but rather to an obscure article by the genealogist R. G. de Neve. 3 

According to Neve's work, Wilders' link with Indonesia is through his Indo-Jewish maternal grandmother Johanna Magdalena Meijer (b. Batavia 1902, d. Venlo 1982). Her husband Johannes Hendrikus Ording, Wilders' grandfather, was a pure Dutchman who ended up in the East. Their daughter, Geert's mother, was Maria Anne Ording (b. Sukabumi 1933, d. 2024). She married Johannes Henricus Andreas Wilders (b. Maasbree 1923, d. Venlo 2005), Geert's father, in Leeuwarden on June 20, 1953. Based on the available genealogical evidence, Neve estimates that Geert Wilders is at least 84 percent European and Jewish. The rest is Asian.

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1. J. M. Meijer (left and center), Geert Wilders (right). The photos of Meijer are from Neve's article.

Neve's genealogy of J. M. Meijer is as follows: ● PARENTS: 1. Levinus François Meijer (b. Batavia 1864, d. Sukabumi 1942) and 2. Johanna Maria Canter Visscher (b. Serang 1864, d. Leeuwarden 1953.) See Figure 2 below. ● GRANDPARENTS: 1. Levinus Meijer (b. Batavia, 1821, d. Meester Cornelis [Jatinegara] 1878) and 2. Jkvr. 4 Florentina Wilhelmina Johanna Francina Goldman (b. Batavia 1839, d. Semarang 1913); 3. Johannes Albertus Canter Visscher (b. Surabaya 1835, d. Serang (Bantam) 1908) and 4. Elisabeth Bachet (b. Batavia 1840, d. Serang 1903). ● GREAT-GRANDPARENTS: 1. Johannes Bernardus Meijer (bapt. Haarlem 1783, d. Batavia 1822) and 2. Henriette van Baert de Jong; 3. Jhr. 5 Johannes Gerardus Goldman (b. Semarang 1794, d. Batavia 1850) and 4. Henrietta Francina Maria Barrett (b. Penang (Malacca) 1807, d. Batavia 1839); 5. Tammerus Johannes Pieter Canter Visscher (b. Palliacatta (Coromandel) 1805, d. 1877) 6 who acknowledged a son of 6. Embong Adjeng Gedong (a native woman); 7 7. Servais Henri Bachet (b. Maastricht 1807, d. 1860) and 8. Maria Theresia van der Heijden (b. Semarang 1822, d. Serang (Bantam) 1860).

1 Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv), "And it is my duty as leader of the biggest political party in The Netherlands to do all I can to make life safer for Jews in Europe. To fight antisemitism and jihadism. To support Israel, especially when most European policitians are abandoning them. I never will," June 8, 2024, 2 Lizzy van Leeuwen, "What Motivates Geert Wilders?" De Groene Amsterdammer, September 2, 2009, 3 R. G. de Neve, "De Indische roots van Geert Wilders," De Indische Navorscher 22 (2009): 109-114. 4 Literally, young lady. An honorific in the Low Countries denoting the lowest rank within the nobility. 5 Literally, young lord. Also an honorific. 6 Geneanet gives 1809-1878 for his birth and death. 7 Geneanet gives ca. 1815-1890 for her birth and death.

The Dutch anthopologist Leeuwen published an article about Wilders' motivations in De Groene Amsterdammer. 8 

She forms a connection between Wilders' Indonesian descent (Wilders is at least 84 percent European!) and his anti-Islam position, suggesting it is possible that Wilders' postcolonial history and family history have made him who he is. She highlights that there is somewhat of a link between Indos (mixed race Dutch-Indonesian people) and rightwing nationalism. 9 

Leeuwen, however, fails to move past liberalistic conjecture and substantiate her case scientifically. "The temptation is great to see Wilders as the avenger of the exile of his grandparents, Johan and Johanna Ording," she remarks in conclusion. The keyword here is "temptation," but it is not a strong one. "Perhaps Wilders is only a case of the extreme expression of a classic Indisch [Eurasian] loss of identity," she adds. 10 

Perhaps he is not. Like Neve, we find no convincing explanations. Even though we cannot scientifically determine motivations from limited biographical data, it is important to note that Geert Wilders, in addition to his Jewish ancestry, has a Jewish wife, 11 Jewish children, 12 a strong love for Israel, 13 and pronounced Zionist tendencies. 14 

He has even been seen proudly displaying the flag of Israel. 15 This information can possibly help explain his opposition to Islam, an anti-Semitic (= anti-Jewish) religion that poses an objective threat to both European Jewry and gentiles. Of course we do not know if Wilders actually identifies as Jewish, 16 but Jewishness does seem to be a significant component of his identity. At least it certainly appears to be a much stronger component than his Indoness. Perhaps, because of his blood and family, he feels a connection with Jews and a sense of duty toward them. 8 Leeuwen, "Geert Wilders?" 9 

As Neve points out in her article: "[I]t remains to be seen whether Wilders feels culturally Indo. Both Wilders and his father were born and raised in the Netherlands, while Wilders' Dutch-Indies-born mother grew up in the Netherlands since her early childhood. Within the family in which Wilders came of age, his maternal grandmother was the only Indo factor. Incidentally, she had lived in the Netherlands since the mid-1930s -- she was then in her late twenties -- and died when her grandson was just under nineteen. So it's more nuanced than Lizzy van Leeuwen makes it seem." 10 Leeuwen, "Geert Wilders?" 11 

Krisztina Wilders (née Márfai): a former diplomat, of Jewish origin, from Hungary. Little is known about her life. See: Mags Gavan and Joost van der Valk, "Wilders, the Movie," 2010. 12 Ibid. 13 "'We see Christians and Jews as part of one culture,' Wilders said in Jerusalem.

'When I'm here I'm with my people, my country, my values. I feel more at home here than in many other European countries. Israel's a democracy -- it's everything we stand for.'" 

See: Cnaan Liphshiz, "Far-Right Dutch Politician Brings His Anti-Islam Rhetoric Back to Jerusalem," Haaretz, January 11, 2008, -- 

Wilders first visited Israel as a highschool student, working on a collective farm in the occupied West Bank. 14 

Wilders generally believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation. Furthermore, Wilders has reportedly received funding (recognition and support) from a pro-Israel think-tank. See: Cnaan Liphshiz, "Report: Two Pro-Israel Organizations in U.S. Funded Geert Wilders," Jewish Telegraph Agency, September 10, 2012, --

 The Middle East Forum (MEF) has also funded the anti-Islam activist Tommy Robinson who has claimed to be Jewish. It is worth noting that the founder and president of the MEF is Daniel Pipes who was born into a Jewish family in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1949. 15 

Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv), "Solidarity with #Israel. The Dutch and Israeli flag in my office in the Dutch Parliament! NL IL," October 11, 2023, 16 Wilders has previously denied being Jewish on Dutch television. However he has lied about his ancestry before (see footnote 2).

First Comment from Anonymous

Hi Henry,

Somewhere on one of the harddisks of the computers I used in the past, is a letter written by a Dutch couple who were sitting next to Geert Wilders, around Christmas during a celebration with members of the VVD-party of which they were members.
Wilders drank too much and told them things like he was a Mossad-agent, that the Mossad had arranged his second marriage with that Jewish woman, etc. The letter also mentioned (I don't remember the source) that Wilders visited the Israeli Embassy so often, that the Dutch secret service began following him. Here are notes I made when reading the letter.


Mr.G.Wilders' confessions in 1991 to his table companion Mrs.Kwint-De Roos after too much alcohol at the traditional Christmas dinner by the VVD party in the old building of the Second Chamber, in The Hague, the Netherlands, as preserved in an Affidavit/Declaration of Truth, Signed the 2nd of July, 2010, in 's-Gravenhagen (The Hague), the Netherlands, by Mrs.M.B. Kwint-De Roos and Mr.J.A.W.F Kwint. Mrs.M.B.Kwint-De Roos retired from politics. Mr. Kwint is a reserve captain of the Weapon of the Royal Military Police and was for many years the commander of the The Hague Platoon 386 of the National Reserve Corps.

Wilders revealed about himself : 

He is the son of an Indonesian father and a Dutch-jewish mother.
He was recruited by the Israeli Intelligence Service, the MOSSAD, and received a very harsh training which even included being tortured.
He is in possession of both a Dutch and an Israeli passport.
Wilders' career and life are never under his own control, but are controlled by "Others". This is done to such an extreme that, according to him, even his divorce from his first wife and the consequent marriage to his current (jewish) wife, were all "arranged" without his personal involvement.
Wilders then gave more power to his claims by stating:
" How do you think I got here (his political position) and even became a member of the Chamber of Parliament ? I am much too young ! First it is Hoogenvorst and after him, it is me.  I didn't have to do anything to achieve all this !

When Mrs. Kwint remarked to Mr. Wilders that in the dim past Mr. Kwint had also had some contact with an Intelligence Service, he suddenly became stone cold sober and exclaimed the following threat:

" It will be Very Dangerous for you and your husband if you EVER mention this conversation to anyone !"

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Is Geert Wilders Jewish?"

rh said (July 18, 2024):

By asking the question, "Is Geert Wilders Jewish?", a connotation is made that by his being Jewish, he will have a mixed loyalty to The Netherlands at best and perhaps even a greater loyalty to another country/people than his own constituents. In my simple mind, this cannot be, in the Netherlands, the USA, Canada, Great Britain or anywhere. It is dishonest behavior. And yet there it is. And it speaks loudly, if true, that the mistrust is earned, not some genetic trait of the White European people but by the actions disloyal for a foreign power.

In your July 18 post, a statement is quoted: "Because Jewish values are American values, and American values are Jewish values." If that were true, we wouldn't have statements like..."Is so an so Jewish? It would be a given.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at