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Helena Glass - Gentile Life is Not Sacred

July 9, 2024


"It took a mere 300,000 Bolshevik Jews to take down the entirety of Russia and its monarchy.   How?   They preyed upon the weak, the moral, the pious, but the greatest tactic of all was 'the speed'.  The Bolsheviks took out Russia in the same manner they are annihilating Palestinians.  Humans have no value."

Makow- The majority of Jews have never read the Talmud but now they, and humanity in general are suffering the consequences of ceding power to these religious fanatics. 

By Helena Glass

When a society envisions children as 'dollar signs' instead of human beings - we have Fallen.   

When Life is of no consequence - then we have fallen... When we accept that our entire government is not our government but continue to pay them - we have fallen.

We are the zombies walking tentatively through the thorns of Hell hoping that someone will save us.  

Have you noticed that the focus as to 'how many Jews' it took to take down entire countries is a derision.   Gloating.  It took a mere 300,000 Bolshevik Jews to take down the entirety of Russia and its monarchy.   How?   They preyed upon the weak, the moral, the pious, but the greatest tactic of all was 'the speed'.  The Bolsheviks took out Russia in the same manner they are annihilating Palestinians.  Humans have no value.

When you don't value life you have no problem with brutality, torture, and dehumanizing innocents en masse.  When your justification for bombing children is they are necessary victims - you are no longer human.   Pastor Baldwin - 'Might For Right'.  The reason the US refuses to declare a peace treaty with Russia over Ukraine - is simply because of the need to be a Winner, as in Might = Right if you win.

Seven years ago, Pastor Chuck Baldwin described it as 'lack of honor upon those who pretend to be leaders without the gift of 'God's leadership'.   Netanyahu has no honor.  He has no God.  He has declared that a Peace Treaty with Palestine must allow him to continue bombing indiscriminately.  Europe has succumbed to 'secular Israel'.  The US has succumbed to secular Israel.  And Israel is joined by the 51 military and CIA snivels we euphemistically call generals and intelligence officers - who signed off on a LIE.  Knowingly.  A violation of the Hatch Act - which they claimed did not apply... to 'contractors'.  

The Hatch Act, a federal law passed in 1939, limits certain political activities of federal employees, as well as some state, D.C., and local government employees who work in connection with federally funded programs.   That would include NGO's.

In other words - not only did these CIA+ officials lie on a paper circulated across the globe - they lied about who is subject to the Hatch Act.   A formal inquiry has NOT been initiated by the esteemed Merrick Garland which could be construed as complicity.  A plea of Ignorance has as much fortitude as the same plea before the IRS - it does NOT exist.   In fact, the sheer number of deviant government officials could tie up a military tribunal for years.  

Now they want us to believe a good replacement for Biden is Cackle-toes.  The same woman who dropped out of the presidential race having secured less than 3% of the votes.   The same woman who joins in the Pelosi inebriation ticket. Translation:   We can't pretend anyone will vote for the brain-dead man, but we can pretend 90 million voted for the Jamaican - who would be her VP?  A Zionist.

Meanwhile, CSIS (Canada's CIA) is still overtly concerned for how they can break the alliance between China and Russia while luring China back into a western-controlled sphere.  With NATO in Washington this week, the supposed strategy is to build Europe into a position to take out Russia, while the US focuses its efforts on China - either as friend or military target.  In other words, Jinping will have one last occasion to agree to an Israeli/US coup or the US will use China as the fodder for WWIII.  China will never acquiesce.  Israel will be left to deal with the Middle East. 

Again, with what weapons? 

Perhaps we are astray in our thinking.  Perhaps the US has a stash of weapons in its black book - or an array of weaponized satellites... because starting a war with China across thousands of miles seems rather idiotic without weapons or allies.   China and Russia have bases on Cuba.  So a prodded China would release a Cuba response - and the elite bunkers begin to make more sense.  While bunkers can be bought for as little as $21,000 - it is doubtful they would provide much use given their time line is based on a 'few months' of survival.  Then what?  

France's election is devolving into riots.  The New Popular Front Party was formed June 10, 2024.  While its banner declares they are socialist, their ideology is Marxist/Communist.  It is difficult to believe that France would vote communist, however it is notable that French election turnout is incredibly low at 18% to 22%.  Le Pen was winning a majority, Israel was vehemently claiming they backed her, Israel is Communist, did they play both sides?   Of course.  That's how it is done.

It was a bold move on the part of the Zionists. But they have managed to deter uprisings before that challenge their control - and won.  

However, this will splinter NATO and the EU.  Perhaps Soros' prediction that the EU will break apart was based on this election chaos - knowing that the election was rigged.  A broken NATO means Ukraine is abandoned.  Which leaves Ukraine open to the Israel II occupation without sharing their wealth with anyone.  France and the UK will become revisionist replicas of the Soviet Union.  Germany will falter under bankruptcy.  And east European countries will blather blindly.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Helena Glass - Gentile Life is Not Sacred"

rh said (July 9, 2024):

Re: "When you don't value life you have no problem with brutality, torture, and dehumanizing innocents en masse."

The Christian is taught to forgive, bless and love his enemies. The Judaic side in their teaching, seems to be the complete opposite: never forgive, curse and hate one's enemies, from what I read.

So even after a peace treaty is signed, one side is attempting to live in peace but the other side is waiting to attack and even a score (Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth?). It looks like a grudge can be held for centuries, as the Russians sorely discovered.

Couple the above with their idea that the Goyim are beasts, I fail to see how peace can be achieved in a multi-national sense.

What I find perplexing is that the Jews can not isolate and leave the rest alone. (The Amish at least try to live separated.)

Do they believe we are trespassing on their earth and in every day as such, their grudge grows larger and they are waiting for their day of revenge?

Peace be unto to them!

Thanks for the great articles.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at