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Mike Stone - Biden Debate Debacle Designed to Elect Trump

June 30, 2024

" Knowing that their man was completely incoherent, his people could have easily claimed illness, canceled the event, and either rescheduled or dropped it entirely. But they didn't do that. Why?"

Makow- It's possible that the Zionist faction of the Masonic Jewish dialectic is getting rid of Biden who is linked to the anti-Zionist Soros-Communist wing. Like WW2, WW3 is between the Zionist (Nazi, why Nazis fight with Ukrainians) and Communist wings of the Masonic Jewry. Trump is the Zionist wartime leader. (In WW2, FDR, Churchill and Stalin were all Communist Masons, and Hitler a Nazi Freemason.)

by Mike Stone

Franklin Rosenfeld (his real name) famously said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." A clear example is the televised "debate" last week between Donald Trump and an impostor claiming to be Joe Biden. If you got the feeling while watching it that you were seeing a circus sideshow, you were.

Nothing that you saw on television last Thursday night was real. Sure, there was a "debate." But there was nothing spontaneous or unscripted about it. 

Do you really believe that "Biden's" people - the heads of the Democratic Party, the upper echelon of the Deep State, and donors willing to pour millions of dollars into his campaign - were caught unaware by his faltering performance? Is it even remotely possible that the man pretending to be Joe Biden wasn't slurring his words and looking like he didn't know where he was ten minutes before airtime? Thirty minutes before airtime? Hours before airtime? It is simply inconceivable to think so. Knowing that their man was completely incoherent, his people could have easily claimed illness, cancelled the event, and either rescheduled or dropped it entirely. But they didn't do that. Why?

If you watched the staged CNN post-debate panel, hosted by CIA asset Anderson Cooper,  it's even more apparent how fake and gay the whole thing was. Those panelists knew exactly what they were going to say before the debate even started. Having CNN broadcast the panelists' prearranged responses into the public consciousness within minutes of the debate itself is proof positive that the American people are being played once again. Not you, of course, you're too smart for that. But the masses of asses that make up America are being duped, brainwashed, and told what to think for what seems like the millionth time.

In addition to running their fake debate and a fake discussion panel after their fake debate, CNN published a poll that allegedly shows 33% of the American public believes "Biden" won the debate.

Let's start with that 33% number. Remember how often the number 33 came up during the entire fake pandemic? coronavirus 33 - Google Search That's because 33 is a Masonic number. It was used continually to reassure those who knew the whole thing was fake, and also as a means to humiliate all of the dumbasses who fell for it. Could that be happening here too? Did the number 33 just come out of nowhere, or are the people behind the poll shoving it in the faces of a gullible public?

(The Deep State wants Trump) 

That poll is fake. But let's assume for a second that a sizable portion of people are so brain-damaged from the fake vaccine and so heavily inflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, that they actually do believe "Biden" won the debate. What does that say about the state of the country? That roughly a third of the population is simply too stupid and too degraded by sin to understand basic reality?

Even the most mentally deranged Trump hater has to admit, if they're being honest, that Trump utterly destroyed the man pretending to be Joe Biden in the debate. His victory was even more decisive than it was in the three debates he won over the hapless Hillary Clinton in 2016. Yet 33% of respondents claim otherwise?

Now we have the entire mainstream media calling in unison for the fake Joe Biden to step down. Friends, you're watching a movie. Everything you are seeing was planned beforehand and is being carried out according to a prewritten script. The only difference is that now we're looking at a White Hat operation.

As I've been saying for the last three years, Trump is going to win in November by the biggest margin of victory ever seen in American politics. You can take that to the bank. Nothing can stop what is coming.

 Mike Stone is the author of the new book 101 Reasons Why You Might Have a Low IQ and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man:  

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Mike Stone - Biden Debate Debacle Designed to Elect Trump "

MS said (June 30, 2024):

This Mike Stone article is like many of his; He makes a lucid point 90% of the time, but there's always that 10% portion of his articles that smell like TBS: Total Bull Shit!

What is this with the "Fake Biden" routine?? There's ZERO explanation. What the Hell is he talking about?? Who started this shit? I've seen several references to it , again, with no explanation at ALL! Why do they need a "Fake Biden" with Dementia?? Won't the regular Biden with Dementia work?? What's the purpose & the point, and where is the evidence??

BULLSHIT! Did the real Biden die 2 years ago or something?? As if he'd be any better than Kamala, who would be thoroughly coached & guided, and would actually do a better job as a puppet than Biden.

I would've forwarded the article, but the "Fake Biden" portion spoiled the whole thing.

This is an example of why I kind of place Stone in the crackpot category, like the two assholes at Veterans Today (VT).

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at