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Neurologist Andrew Moulden Was Murdered for Exposing Vaccine Racket

May 16, 2024

Some video are still available on

(Canadian neurologist Andrew Moulden, PhD. MD 1964-2013 explains it all here in 20 six-minute segments. He was told to play ball or have the ball taken away. He wouldn't play ball and they killed him.)

Healthcare is a bigger business than war.  They cannot leave illness to chance.

A Satanic cult exploits and controls its members by making them sick. This is happening to the vaccinated.  According to Prof Delores Cahill, the corona vaccines are genocidal. Begin at 31.20.    

She says the vaccines create "GMO human beings" and the die-off will be apparent in six month.

Orwell's dystopia is here. People were being given the option. Take an unapproved "vaccine", get sick and die; OR be fired.

Andrew Moulton did not live to see this travesty unfold. But he did shed light on how toxic vaccines really are, and how the pharmaceutical industry and government have been poisoning us for a very long time.

Often a comet will streak across the night sky and we miss it. So Andrew Moulton, a true champion of truth and freedom is murdered and flushed down the memory hole while charlatans and traitors are honored and richly rewarded. Our society is very sick.

Related Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Microvascular Damage  (Bitchute)

from Dec 21, 2022)
by Henry Makow PhD

Andrew Moulden should have been awarded a Nobel Prize for showing how the "healthcare industry" is poisoning the general population with vaccines.  He showed how vaccines were responsible for causing "microscopic strokes" by limiting the flow of oxygen in the bloodstream reaching capillaries. 

In his 2009 interview on, Moulden stated: "I have now conclusively shown that ALL vaccines, from infancy to geriatric, are causing the exact same brain damages irrespective of what disease or disorder comes out. The damages are specific to end vascular "mini-strokes" that are beneath the resolution of our neuro-imaging, but measurable in a before/after vaccination protocol. They are also directly measurable in real time - however, this involves techniques and technology I have not disclosed to the public as yet." 

AND "The evidence is now self-evident. All you have to do now is receive the education you need to appreciate and see what is before your very eyes - layperson and Doctor." 

AND "It is no longer an opinion as I now have conclusive evidence to show that ALL vaccines are causing the exact same damages for us all in the exact same manner that wild polio virus caused paralysis, respiratory failure, death, bleeding into the brain, and more." 

For revealing the truth and trying to save innocent millions from sickness and death, which enrich the healthcare industry and their accomplices in government and media, Moulden, left, died prematurely in 2013 supposedly of suicide. They claimed he was bipolar but the videos show a very competent and credible young neurologist. He joins the scores of holistic doctors reported murdered in recent years.  

A colleague of Dr. Moulden who wishes to remain anonymous reported to Health Impact News that he/she had contact with him two weeks before he died in 2013. Dr. Moulden told our source and a small number of trusted colleagues in October of 2013 that he was about to break his silence and would be releasing new information which could have destroyed the vaccine model of disease management, destroyed a major source of funding for the pharmaceutical industry, and at the same time seriously damaged the foundation of the germ theory of disease. He was ready to come back. Even though he had been silenced, he had never stopped his research.

Then, two weeks later, Dr. Moulden suddenly died...
He wrote:  As many know, I officially quit my medical career in 2007. I did this in order to travel around North America to do research into vaccine safety and to present my research on vaccine safety across Canada and the United States. I only spoke the truth. I was not well received. I only tried to help you save yourselves from where you are right now...Harm's way, you ARE in it. It IS in ALL of you. Like a ticking bomb, it is about to go off.

Where have I been? In 2010-11 I returned to my PhD training to complete a full year accredited Clinical Neuropsychology internship at the Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care in Toronto. During this time I also taught a University course on Health Medicine at York University in Toronto. I stopped talking about my research and vaccines...

The Public Health Department advocated that I NOT be allowed to return to clinical medicine as they were incensed by the message (truth) of my lectures and teaching prior to 'disappearing.' The only way I was allowed to return to organized medicine to work with medical patients was if I signed a contract drawn up by the public health department which states: 1) I am mentally ill and therefore my research and teachings on vaccine safety were delusional. 2) I am not allowed, whatsoever, to speak or present my research or views on vaccine safety, in public, at all, as a condition of being allowed to return to clinical medicine, receiving a medical license, and for maintaining that license.

At this junction, the contract the Public Health Department has me shackled to (it is like my mind and freedom of will and thought and speech is in prison) states that they can take my medical license away and expel me from the University of College of Medicine for which I am employed by. I am about to break my silence. In order to bring my truth forward, for you, I am once again, taking a form stand. I will ONLY stand for Truth and speak the Truth, so help me God.

Rationalwiki claims Moulden presented no proof when in fact he released a six-hour presentation.


He writes: "The end-result of my focused, and dogged investigations, born only of a mind that "enjoys figuring neurobiological enigmas out", has been the discovery not only of the cause of vaccine-induced autism and other medical morbidities but the means to demonstrate this to everyone on a case by case basis. Moreover, the answers that have emerged have also solved several other medical enigmas and has culminated in a re-write of Louis Pasteur's, and contemporary Western style allopathic medicines', entire medical model - "The Germ Theory" of human disease.

As it turns out, the reason we have made a "mess of it" with one-size-fits=all vaccines specifically, and antibiotics and pharmaceutical counter-attack measures, in general, is that the Germ Theory was just that - a theory, which has turned out to be wrong, in very fundamental ways. I look forward to sharing what I have discovered with the world. 

"The medical establishment is very protective of "core dogma" and reluctant and slow to accept change. Recognizing this, I have elected to release what I have discovered, to the lay and the scientific communities, as well as the criminal justice system, in short succession - beginning August of 2008. THE WORLD IS NOT FLAT! 

"The tide of acceptance and change may be slow. However, with the confidence of Columbus, I can now definitively say "the world of human disease is "round" not flat, and it is not so much the substance placed in the body that causes disease. Remarkably, irrespective of the triggering "substance", toxin, metal, particulate, living or dead "bug", or portions thereof, the response of the body is the same across many disease categories, and ultimately medical diagnoses, and remarkably from infancy to adulthood -the pathophysiological mechanism is the same. 

"Having solved this medical mystery, has resulted in the solution not only for cause of autism, by for many other mammalian ailments, "diseases" , and the mechanism by which many infectious diseases, including tetanus, smallpox, Spanish flu, rubella, measles, and others, have been causing damage and disease to the human body. As it turns out, it is not the Germs that have been the foe, for which we "attack" with vaccines and drugs, it is something in the bodies' defence systems itself. I look forward to revealing this medical mystery, which has been shrouded in darkness, to the world. I see the truth. Come see for yourself - I have made it that simple for you


I urge you to also watch this video because it demonstrates Moulden's awareness of the New World Order. He knew that the central banking fraud begets all other frauds, including war and healthcare. They have to sicken and enslave us to protect this credit monopoly. Moulden was active in a number of political parties attempting banking reform. 

The takeaway is that the world is divided between a relatively small number of people who profit from the central banking fraud and the sheeple who are exploited by it. The former include our traitorous political, cultural and business leaders.  Whether it is migration, sugar, chemtrails, gender dysphoria or vaccines, we are being poisoned. A satanic cult such as Western society controls and exploits its members by perverting, corrupting and making them sick.

Moulden reminds me of Larry McDonald, the dynamic leader of the John Birch society who died when a Korean Air flight was shot down by Russians in 1983. When they are not killing them in gratuitous wars, this is what they do to real patriots who are potential leaders. 

-2009 Interview with MouldenWhat You Weren't Told About Vaccines
----------------- Eustace Mullins - The Rockefeller Medical Establishment

First Comment from James K-

Most people in America are unaware today that the history of vaccines has been falsified to make it look like the great disease epidemics of the 1700 and 1800 were ended by the introduction of vaccines. This lie of history, as Orwell would have called it,  is parroted in high school history books and is repeated almost daily in the News.

 In fact, by the time vaccine use became widespread in America, in the late 1950's most of the major diseases had already been wiped out, not by vaccines, but by an overall clean-up of the environment which made transmission of diseases much more difficult. Susanne Humphries has written a book about it  mentioning factors like the introduction of central plumbing, the increase in personal  bathing and the adoption of better eating habits. In addition, although not talked about much, replacing horses on the street with autos also got rid of a major transmitter of typhus.

Knowing that a false version of history has been installed in American's minds, it is easy to see that the accepted false version of history is used as a platform for launching fear campaigns that typically revolve around the threat of society going back to the past when diseases ran rampant killing millions.

Dawn wrote:

THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for posting this article!!! My husband is a retired infectious disease doctor who was a medical director for infection control at a large regional hospital in Northwest Ohio for 25 years. He was required to have annual flu shots, etc. He now suffers from Parkinson's Disease and I am convinced that it is mainly due to his exposure to many neurotoxins that lodged in his brain tissue over the years.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for " Neurologist Andrew Moulden Was Murdered for Exposing Vaccine Racket"

Chad said (October 19, 2021):

The Elites never want to expose themselves. Our side should take note. The problem here is honest doctors who suddenly realize the evil out there and feel there’s no problem using their real identities while openly fighting via social media.

All the enemy does is prance and puppet before us figures such as Fauci, Gates, Soros, Fisk, Schwab, and a few others. These are not the real people behind the curtain.

Study and understand your enemy. Learn to fight from the shadows.

From.. not my real name.

JG said (October 18, 2021):

Henry, you got to admit things are really getting out of hand. It's as if life is losing it's inherited order. God is orderly not disorderly. There is nothing good that will come from this control game they are playing right now. It's based on lies and deceit.
I'll miss Pat Robertson in the morning. He has a good news segment and good guests as well as testimonies from people who have been saved by divine intervention in their lives. His son is taking over and Pat will be on once in a while. The format hasn't changed.

I went to a real church service a few weeks ago. The people weren't rich. They didn't dress up. They have a couple of guys who pick up the homeless in the Church vans to take them to the service if they want to attend. They didn't get into theological debates. They sang, they praised the Lord, and they prayed for each other. This is a true Church.

Victor Fletcher said (February 17, 2021):

For a short while Moulden was the leader of the ill-fated Paul Hellyer political party: Canada Action Party.

It was taken over by the usual Trotskyites, etc.

Somehow Moulden saw an opportunity to lead the party but he died before he got to display any abilities.

He was smeared repeatedly at the time and made to look like some kind of crook.

I identify with people who suffer smears.

As I may have told you -- we suffered four major arson attacks when my salesman and two other staff were each burnt out of their homes and my car was blown up almost taking me with it.

My advertisers were all threatened by zionists.

Two attempts were made to ram my car at high speed - both times with the same remote-controlled red Mini.

A third time I spotted the red Mini following me when I was on foot but it drove off hurriedly when the other car following realized I had recognized the red Mini.

I was finally forced to shut down the tabloid 1999-2017 due to these harassments and threats.

R said (February 17, 2021):

Thank you Henry for Dr Andrew Moulden short video, I remember. Years ago found him on "the contrail' site from New Zealand. I remembered I was
just floored. The next morning had to listen to it again and again and again, to make sure I heard it right. You know when you hear the truth
you can feel it. From his videos I found Dr. Shiv Chopra. He wrote a book, Health Canada, "CORRUPT TO THE CORE" (just shows you information being blocked from Canadians. I'm sure every country gets blocked from their own news)
Found this video below, Dr. Shiv Chopra

Sandra said (April 4, 2019):

Henry, one of your commenters, Victoria, stated,

"Like many, he is a former proponent of vaccines who changed his mind upon doing some research. As a layman, he takes a common-sense approach to the topic and therefore, looks at the ‘forest’ rather than peeling back the bark and inspecting the cells of individual ‘trees’, as ’scientists’ are wont to do. He has recently written a book entitled ‘Crooked-Man-Made-Disease-Explained’ in which he takes note of the plethora of crooked smiles and out-of-sync eyes in today’s young people, and suggests that these are the result of post-vaccine, mini-strokes in a child’s brain (just as Dr. Moulden suggested).

Holy cow. So it's not just me who's noticed this lately! Almost all babies, young children & young people have these weird wonky eyes. On the other hand, I have also seen this in a few babies who I know were not vaccinated, were breastfed, etc. etc. So, something is going on over & above vaccines. Well, I am glad mine have normal eyes, and always have. Such ominous symptoms. If this isn't the Kali Yuga for sure, I don't know what is. As in autism, there are unvaccinated who develop that way as well - which doesn't mean that vaccination is not a major factor, just that it's not the only one. As in people who don't smoke and are not exposed to excessive pollution also get lung cancer.

Thanks for your work.

Sandra said (April 4, 2019):

Henry, one of your commenters, Victoria, stated,

"Like many, he is a former proponent of vaccines who changed his mind upon doing some research. As a layman, he takes a common-sense approach to the topic and therefore, looks at the ‘forest’ rather than peeling back the bark and inspecting the cells of individual ‘trees’, as ’scientists’ are wont to do. He has recently written a book entitled ‘Crooked-Man-Made-Disease-Explained’ in which he takes note of the plethora of crooked smiles and out-of-sync eyes in today’s young people, and suggests that these are the result of post-vaccine, mini-strokes in a child’s brain (just as Dr. Moulden suggested).

Holy cow. So it's not just me who's noticed this lately! Almost all babies, young children & young people have these weird wonky eyes. On the other hand, I have also seen this in a few babies who I know were not vaccinated, were breastfed, etc. etc. So, something is going on over & above vaccines. Well, I am glad mine have normal eyes, and always have. Such ominous symptoms. If this isn't the Kali Yuga for sure, I don't know what is. As in autism, there are unvaccinated who develop that way as well - which doesn't mean that vaccination is not a major factor, just that it's not the only one. As in people who don't smoke and are not exposed to excessive pollution also get lung cancer.

Thanks for your work.

Stephen Coleman said (April 4, 2019):

Two more medical professionals should also have won the Nobel Prize, only to be persecuted and have their lives ruined. Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer and Prof. Yingqing Zhang of Shandong University.

Ken Adachi said (April 4, 2019):

When I posted his story in July of 2015 (, I linked to his Lost Tolerance videos that were posted to Youtube in June of 2014 by a channel called Vaccine Myth which had maybe 400 or 500 hits at the time. Today, I see 4938 views on that same video which tells me that either Youtube is rolling back the View count (which they often do with videos that they don't want to be seen as popular) or very FEW parents of young children are aware enough or keen enough to realize the importance of his monumental discovery that ANY vaccine and ALL vaccines will cause micro-ischemic attacks (oxygen blockage) in the tiny vascular (capillary) networks of the brain; that in a very large percentage of vaccinated people will show up as a miss-registration or lack of perfect symmetry in the alignment of the eyes and other muscular facial distortions around the mouth, nose, lips and lower jaw and cheek areas. Look at straight on photos of vaccinated kids and adults and you will see the miss-registration of the eye alignment time and again. It's plain as day and stands out like a sore thumb once you know what to look for (he shows you plenty of children eye photos in his videos).

It was obvious that he was taken out because of the complete absence of details about how he died, Zero. Nothing. That told me that the family was too scared to say anything, so they just went silent.

As you said, he should have gotten the Nobel prize instead of an Exit ticket, but that's nearly always the fate of those who try to help the most. Anyway, parents who download and watch those Lost Tolerance videos will gain a PhD education in the reality of vaccine damage that will serve them for the rest of their lives. And may God Eternally Bless the name of Dr Andrew Moulden for his research and his video tutorials that we should all come to know, admire and remember.

Andrew said (April 3, 2019):

NWO Murders All Effective Dissident Voices

Dan Butler explained best in his tribute to Aaron Swartz who was another victim of NWO hit job:

Lord Bertrand Russell described the New World Order in which the 'white coat priesthood' would be Plato's Guardian class:

"On those rare occasions when a boy or girl who has passed the age at which it is usual to determine social status shows such marked ability as to seem the intellectual equal of the rulers, a difficult situation will arise, requiring serious consideration. If the youth is content to abandon his previous associates and to throw in his lot whole-heartedly with the rulers, he may, after suitable tests, be promoted, but if he shows any regrettable solidarity with his previous associates, the rulers will reluctantly conclude that there is nothing to be done with him except to send him to the lethal chamber before his ill-disciplined intelligence has had time to spread revolt. This will be a painful duty to the rulers, but I think they will not shrink from performing it." The Scientific Outlook, Chapter XV, 'Education in a Scientific Society' Let's Recognize Aaron Swartz's Martyrdom

Victoria said (April 3, 2019):

In conjunction with your article re. Dr. Andrew Moulden, your readers might like to explore the website, ‘My Incredible Opinion’ presented by a man named Forrest Maready. Here’s a link:

Like many, he is a former proponent of vaccines who changed his mind upon doing some research. As a layman, he takes a common-sense approach to the topic and therefore, looks at the ‘forest’ rather than peeling back the bark and inspecting the cells of individual ‘trees’, as ’scientists’ are wont to do. He has recently written a book entitled ‘Crooked-Man-Made-Disease-Explained’ in which he takes note of the plethora of crooked smiles and out-of-sync eyes in today’s young people, and suggests that these are the result of post-vaccine, mini-strokes in a child’s brain (just as Dr. Moulden suggested).

Maready also proposes that white blood cells, having recognized the aluminum in vaccines as a danger to the body, absorb it, but since it is a foreign substance are unable to shed it. Instead, he suggests, they ‘dump’ it at the site of a succeeding injury, thereby precipitating creation of one of the many auto-immune diseases to which so many are succumbing these days. It’s interesting information presented In a light-hearted way with the only proviso being that, after watching a few of the 130+ episodes, you may wish to avoid the music with which each segment opens!

AC said (April 3, 2019):

A great article about a Canadian Patriot. No doubt, vaccinations cause more harm than good. He died young and yes, his death can be classed as suspicious. I liked the comparison between Moulden and Larry McDonald who by the way was a doctor as well. According to Conservapedia and Abraham Schifrin, Mc Donald and his fellow KAL 007 passengers may have suffered a worse fate. Moulden was definitely someone who had something Important to say.

Here in Australia, The Australian Government banned a anti vaccination doctor from entering the country for a lecture tour. The Australian Government is banning people lately.

In Australia, Vaccinations are COMPULSORY for all children. Former PM , Tony Abbott legislated that those on welfare, "No Jab. No Pay". Then Former PM , Malcolm Turnbull extended the policy that all Australians on welfare or not must vaccinate their children or their children can't start child care or school. In Perth, The WA Government reacted angrily when someone placed a sign condemning vaccinations. If I am correct, The WA Government wanted to make anti vaccination a thought crime.

Yet , two parents who actually created, made their own children. They used their bodies and holy Spirit and yet the communists hate that.

The NZ Mad Dog, Winston Peters stuck his nose into Australian politics and strongly condemned St Fraser of Queensland for his comments and the deep state is in total meltdown over Pauline Hanson and One Nation officials visiting the NRA. I guess they were fans of Charlton Heston! I guess.

Finally, the budget was handed down and now we have to now decide who we will elect.

1.) Scott Morrison, the nephew of Mary Gilmore. She is on The Australian 10 dollar note.

2.) Fabian Socialist , Bill Shorten and you wonder why I am a fan of Trump.

Peter said (April 2, 2019):

It's not the failure of the germ theory, but the parasitic germs that are trying to kill and maim all us goyim scum.

Jim Stone today reckons that it is the squaline oil in vaccines that is causing myelitis and autism. He also last month covered the Italian Government's sacking it's entire immunology board after the government conducted a study that showed that there were NO antigens in the 5-in-1 vaccine.

Not surprisingly I tried to search now for that last fact and all the MSM articles omit it and imply that this was political interference. There is a special place in hell for doctors who lie and do harm.

Essel said (April 2, 2019):

That's awful. In this category, in France, there was the Mirko Beljanski scandal at the end of the last century ( etc.). Cancer generates such large sums of money that the golden goose should not be killed, i. e. find the solution.

But, like absolutely everything else, this is only possible thanks to the latent complicity of the masses, who are ready for all cowardice so as not to be ridiculed.
Last but not least, the financial aspect is perhaps only the instrumental cause in the service of an even darker final cause, which is spelled out in the Georgia Guidestones ???

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at