Throughout the world, mental capacity is declining, especially among young people, while depression rates are rising dramatically. Meanwhile, one in forty men and women suffers from Alzheimer's, and the age of onset is falling rapidly. .
The hippocampus is a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe.
It has a major role in learning and memory. It is a plastic and vulnerable structure
that gets damaged by a variety of stimuli. The hippocampus is the center of autobiographical memory, also called episodic memory. One of the keys to mind-control by the power-elite ("Illuminati", Talmudists, Freemasons, Zionists) is to shrink the hippocampus in their victims.
A shrunken hippocampus leads to things the "Illuminati" find favorable, such as depression; greater susceptibility to propaganda, advertising and brainwashing; increased anxiety toward truthful information; lower mental energy. In fact, the "Illuminati" know well that shrinking the hippocampus is an effective method of programming slaves who are too fearful to offer any psychological resistance to their own programming or brainwashing. So, shrinking the hippocampus is crucial to their aim of creating slaves who will remain permanent or hard-wired slaves.
by Patrick O'Carroll
Dr Nehls (proper pronunciation "nails") gives the actual clinical science behind how the "Illuminati" are deploying weaponized medicine to mind-control their victims into accepting the Talmudic "new" world order by literally transforming them into brainwashed zombies.

The hippocampus is the center of autobiographical memory, also called episodic memory. One of the keys to mind-control by the power-elite ("Illuminati", Talmudists, Freemasons, Zionists) is to shrink the hippocampus in their victims. The hippocampus is one of the brain's key learning-centers. It is the only portion of the brain where neurogenesis continues into old age, i.e. Hippocampal Neurogenesis is supposed to continue for all your life.
The process of Hippocampal Neurogenesis produces crucial cells called INDEX-NEURONS. These help to boost psychological resilience, curiosity and experience, individuality and creativity, but most of all mental energy. But those are all things the "Illuminati" find unfavorable, given that their real aim is to brainwash the slaves.
A shrunken hippocampus may result from poor diet, from poisoning of the air, food and water, from low levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the bloodstream (you need about 8-10 percent but most adults have about 4 or 5 percent), from chronic stress, from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), from fear, but also from fear-mongering.
A shrunken hippocampus may also result if the victim loses his purpose in life, or does not get enough physical activity, or does not have a good social life, or does not get enough good sleep or proper nutrition.
In a nutshell, a shrunken hippocampus is certain to impair learning, memory, and mood.
But a badly shrunken hippocampus might even dovetail with zombie-like behavior, at first mild but later extreme.
Dr Nehls identified the top three effects as Chronic Exhaustion, Major Depression, and Alzheimer Disease.
A shrunken hippocampus leads to things the "Illuminati" find favorable, such as depression; greater susceptibility to propaganda, advertising and brainwashing; increased anxiety toward truthful information; lower mental energy. In fact, the "Illuminati" know well that shrinking the hippocampus is an effective method of programming slaves who are too fearful to offer any psychological resistance to their own programming or brainwashing. So, shrinking the hippocampus is crucial to their aim of creating slaves who will remain permanent or hard-wired slaves.

The case of Connecticut epileptic Henry Molaison proved that IQ only measures the ability of the frontal cortex.
In an attempt to cure his epilepsy, doctors surgically removed the anterior two-thirds of the hippocampus of Henry Molaison's brain. After this surgery, he could not form new memories because his autobiographical memory was gone. But he could still remember some things, and even learned how to play the piano after the operation.
But, after his surgery, they tested Henry Molaison's IQ and found that it had remained unchanged at 112.
This is because IQ only measures the ability of the frontal cortex, but not the ability of the hippocampus.
That is also why so many high-IQ people fell for the COVID HOAX and for most of the other Conspiracy Theories programmed into them by the Mendacious Mainstream Media. Hence, very many high-IQ people still believe that NASA (Not A Space Agency) went to the Moon, that Michael O'Bomber is a "woman", and that two aluminum airplanes brought down three steel buildings in the Zionist attacks of 11 Sep 2001.
Although HIGH IQ can be great for passing exams, or for surviving in modern society, a lack of the more crucial HIPPOCAMPAL INTELLIGENCE can easily get you killed nowadays, just as in former ages too;
Nomograms are used to measure the size of the hippocampus. At birth, the NORMAL hippocampus size of most people is about 3 cm³, and it grows to about 10 cm³ at 1-2 percent per year. But, alarmingly, the size of the hippocampus in most people is decreasing nowadays. Nomograms regularly measure decreased hippocampus sizes in most adults today, but their hippocampus sizes are actually comparable to the brains of children. So, the "Illuminati" really weaponized this science to transform most adults into children (this also being aggravated even more by standard children's fake-"news" and other propaganda from Tell-Lie-Vision). Today, the average 50-year-old might have a shrunken hippocampus size of about 5 cm³, which corresponds to about HALF of what is normal.

The "Illuminati" knew what they were doing with the lockdowns during the COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE, since those lockdowns were weaponized to reduce the victim's sense of purpose, to curtail physical activity, to hamper a good social life, and to impair good sleep and nutrition, in other words to attack his hippocampus and shrink it using every single technique already known.
The "Illuminati" had learned these effects after they measured the shrinkage of the hippocampus in people who had been isolated in Antarctic stations compared to control groups of people who had stayed at home. Expert Dr Alexander Christoph Stahn of Berlin stated: "[For the hippocampal shrinkage, ] two major factors seem to play an important role; the first is social isolation ... and the second is monotony". This is scientific proof for why some victims died of boredom, or even committed suicide, during the lockdowns that the WEF-controlled-puppeticians declared as being "essential" during the COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE.
Furthermore, the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB was clearly a significant attack on the hippocampus because the Spike-S1-Subunit could effortlessly enter the brain by crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB), with the brain's Toll-Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) then activating a whole chain of programs that shut down Hippocampal Neurogenesis, with this weaponized technique also called "spikopathy" or "brain fog". Hence, the term "brain fog" essentially means activating TLR4 to hamper the process of Hippocampal Neurogenesis. The frightening upshot of this is that all recipients of the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB have a much higher risk of getting Alzheimer Disease.
The COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB also explains why new cases of Alzheimer skyrocketed in Germany by 31 percent between 2018 and 2021, with over one-third of new cases diagnosed in victims younger than 65 (which formerly was the cutoff age, below which no one was ever known to get Alzheimer). That effectively means that the Big Pharma Mafia deliberately created a lucrative new "Alzheimer Boom" with the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB;
Ways to re-grow your hippocampus include simply having a PURPOSE in life, getting enough physical activity, having a good social life, sleeping well, eating well, and investing TIME to allow your hippocampus to re-grow. In general, higher levels of the hormone OXYTOCIN will help to re-grow your hippocampus.
To prevent, check, or reverse, Alzheimer Disease, the best approaches include:
Supplement with Lithium (1 mg per day);
Eat saltwater fish, which contains 10 times more Lithium than freshwater fish;
Eat and cook with organic coconut oil.
In English: https://michael-nehls.com/
In German: https://michael-nehls.de/
And by e-mail: pr.mental-enterprises@pm.me
BR said (March 5, 2024):
I tend to seriously doubt this book and its reasoning altogether.
I think that having much valor, likewise popping the comfort-zone of a peter-pen belated-infancy is much more important than all else in gaining a realistic life view. I have seen this all my life in people from
though neighborhoods and/or immigration background - who rarely bought any cool-aid
from the establishment its minions, be it because it didn't fit their street-level shaped
world-view, and also for lack of respect - which only exists in mutual forms, of course.
The case for distrust was epitomized in black-Africa, which had been at existential odds with the West since ages before. Second best performed Arabia, in silently dumping the jabs while reporting otherwise.
Call it class-warfare of even Race-war, if you like. Experience was the key factor in all this by far and large, namely a model-based filter for incoming messages hurling on the fly without objective verification criteria.
The 3rd world ruled-out those lies based on ruling-out the liars. Rather not by ruling out virology and immunology altogether - which is also quite easy, simple and immediate to come by.
IQ testing doesn't really test your geometry (beyond an early-infant grade and ape-like short-term memory) and doesn't ask you to connect any dots (vertices) across any graph,
let alone logically infer its edges.
A wide field of interests is also crucially important in order to bypass the governmental/M$M induced-segmentation of learning and concerns. In particular, there's no real-biology outside of actual physics.
I also find that employing a feisty mentality greatly improves (in a man) the libido and all other functions too. It provides a tremendous sense of purpose and existential-hope in the long term for a smart human.
E.g. in recovering the truth and spreading it to all who may be or become concerned.
The Hippocampus like its name suggests: Hippo = Low, means a processing stage proportional in size to the somatic (body) volume and somatic activity-level. It is very vulnerable to alcohol, which may explain its notable decline in Western mid-aged males. Chronic Exhaustion, Depression, Alzheimer's and PTSD may result from a damaged Hippocampus rather not-cause it; since they are only correlated with its shrinkage.
My personal experience is that removing baking-gluten (Wheat, Barley and Rye) undoes most such hindrances - this is known to be true based on the baking-gluten prompting inflammation throughout the body and the brain nonetheless, causing previously-'idiopathic' diseases - all degenerative in nature.
The 'baking-gluten syndrome' is found in the official research literature since no later than early 2013.
In summary, replacing escapism (which is a case of local-optimization) like alcoholism and jabbing,
with a life of learning (which is a sort of global optimization) - has always worked out very well.