Feb 22 - Demonrats Want a Financial Crisis
February 22, 2024

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
WARNING: US Risks FISCAL CRISIS as its $1.6 TRILLION Annual Deficit & $34.2T National Debt
Lena Petrova is in touch with reality.
They are spending as though they want to sink the system. Spending like a drunken sailor. Interest payments are rising like a tumour that will eat up all the available resources.
Mike Adams---We are living through a SATANIC DEATH CULT TAKEOVER of Western civilization
Victor Davis Hansen summarizes the sorry state of the USA in two minutes
"Yes, Hamas was financed by Israel in an attempt to weaken the Palestinian Authority"
How Benjamin Netanyahu Relies on Hamas
"the best journalism I've seen on this subject. thank you"

Druthers is suing the creeps a6 the Bank of Montreal
"What happened to the $150k? Well it's been 2 years and BMO has still not released the $150,000 they froze back in February of 2022 when we raised money to help the truckers. So, I have finally initiated legal action against them. Back to BMO. Johnstone & Cowling, a law firm in Toronto, has stepped up and taken on this case on a contingency basis. They only get paid if we win. This is huge since we don't have money to hire lawyers and I didn't want to fundraise for it since asking for donations for a legal case would almost certainly lessen the amount of money donated to printing papers."
"Every liberal white woman needs to read this."
Naomi Wolf complains about how she is treated these days by third world immigrants driving NYC cabs.
Following on the heels of Eric Weinsteins' report on 3rd world immigrant invaders (which he heel followed himself from someone else), Wolf then proceeds to spell out in her own words her perspective on this invasion. Perhaps diversity isn't her thing after all. Unfortunate that a country had to go down the toilet she helped flush in order for her to find that out.
SHOCKING REPORT: 7.2 Million Illegal Immigrants Enter US Under Biden Regime - More Than Population Of 36 States
'Conspiracy theorists' threaten mainstream media, says Canadian PM
Justin Trudeau wants "massive changes" in the news landscape
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday blamed social media for preventing major news outlets from shaping public opinion the way they used to.

mRNA Injury Series - DOCTORS dying suddenly around the world (Oct.1,2023 to Feb.2024) - 54 sudden deaths
Texe Marrs' Bloody Zion review
Texe Marrs---"Finally, a book that documents rebellious Israel and Judaism's long battle against God and against all of humanity. Edward Hendrie, in his new book, Bloody Zion, does exactly that. I thank God that in Hendrie, He has raised up a distinguished scholar and dedicated Christian who will take up the mantle of truth and expose the Jewish fables that have long held many Christians and Christian churches in spiritual chains."
Full text is online.
Reader- "In this Judeo-Christian-Masonic Hell masquerading as Life on Earth, the question is no longer, "Is there life after death?" It is instead, "Is there Life after Birth?"
Tiger and a black bear making out. Love is universal!
Pierre Poilievre is another Zionist hack. Calls on Hamas to surrender. Neglects to mention Israel's disproportionate response over 50,000 dead and injured. Don't these people have any moral sense?

Mothers of 2 Girls Who Died After Gardasil HPV Vaccine Sue Merck
The mothers of 10-year-old Isabella Zuggi and 14-year-old Sydney Figueroa filed wrongful death lawsuits against Merck, alleging the company knowingly failed to warn the public and medical providers about the risk of injury or death from its Gardasil human papillomavirus vaccine.
PJW--Government of Germany wants to ban 16 milllion people who voted for the patriotic party.
PJW-- AI is erasing white people. Everyone is a handsome black.
Kaaren Kingston--Israeli Film Director Shows Dark Side of Pfizer
Noam Murro is best known for directing the extremely dark and violent film 300, which is probably why Pfizer's commercial is more akin to a 1999 horror film than a celebration of science.

Pfizer "wants to make a supersonic woman of YOU!"
Dr. Robert Malone stated during an interview with Glenn Beck that the mRNA platform was the "ethical entry point into transhumanism," making non-human biological changes to humans and merging them with technology. Could Pfizer have eerily indicated that the Pharma giant is using their mRNA technology for purposes of transhumanism?
Operation Warp Speed was a global military operation that seized control over entire medical and court systems
When the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a "global health emergency of international concern" on January 30, 2020, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) was already prepared to seize control over entire medical and court systems in the U.S. and abroad. In unison, government and public health officials became militant in their responses -- shuttering and controlling the population's movement, assembly, education, worship, free enterprise, etc.
U.S. DoD conscripted pharmaceutical companies to carry out destructive medical experiments on the global population

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Help Me Prove to the World That Governments Faked a Disease, Faked a Test and Faked a Remedy
"Alone we are helpless. Together we can change the world."
In Britain there is an official covid inquiry which is taking evidence from everyone with something to say about the covid fraud.
So far the inquiry has refused to allow me to give evidence. I suspect that everyone who got everything wrong is being interviewed. But they won't allow me to speak - because they know that right from the start of 2020 I got everything right.
Anecdotal accounts of vax injuries