John Hamilton - Israel's $500 Billion Gaza Gas Grab
December 26, 2023

False Flags and The Force of Destiny:
Israel's Hamas War and What May Soon Follow
Oct 7 just doesn't make sense. Until, one considers that the false flag
provided cover to access the massive and disputed oil-and-gas reserves sitting
just 20 miles offshore in the Mediterranean.
"While busy leveling Gaza, on Oct. 29, Israel found time to announce that it awarded 12 licenses for exploring additional offshore natural gas fields to six companies, including British Petroleum and Italian energy giant Eni. Palestinians called this theft. Was this the purpose of an October 7 false flag?"
"The total oil and gas reserves were valued at a staggering $524 billion in 2019. But Israel does not have sole legal entitlement to the $524 billion, according to a UN report published in the same year. Not only is some of the $524 billion sourced from within the Occupied Territory of Palestine, much of the rest sits outside national borders in the deep sea, and thus should be shared with all relevant parties. The report questions the national right to these resources given they took millions of years to form--and that Palestinians occupied the whole territory until Israel's recent formal creation."
by John Hamilton
Many people have suggested that the October 7 Gaza-Israel massacre was a false flag, a self-inflicted wound to advance a greater cause.
Israel's Gaza defense is not a wall at all, but a sophisticated and complex set of security measures including fencing, concrete walls, watchtowers, and the latest high-tech surveillance. The cost of just the latter: more than $1 billion. The goal is simple: prevent attacks.
But on October 7, Hamas breached the Iron Wall in some 30 places. The Iron Wall was a massive failure. That the IDF stood by defies imagination. By way of official Israeli explanation, there was none. According to the Washington Post, "The Israel Defense Forces declined to respond to questions submitted by The Post for this story, saying that it would answer them "after the war." The office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is under pressure to resign because of the security and intelligence failure, also declined to comment."
It just doesn't make sense. Until, that is, that one considers that the false flag provided cover to access the massive and disputed oil-and-gas reserves sitting just 20 miles offshore in the Mediterranean.
Back in 1999, British Gas (BG) discovered these vast resources, estimated at 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Since then, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has sought to develop the resources, by right of the Oslo Accords (1995), the first major treaty between the Palestinians and Israelis.
Israel consistently blocked that development. In December 2008, they went one better: Israel declared sovereignty over the Gaza Marine area.
Soon after, more major oil-gas deposits were soon discovered:
The Tamar gas field (2009)
The even larger Leviathan gas field (2010).
These were game changers, making Israel an oil-and-gas player just like their rich Arab neighbors, who had enjoyed that status for many decades.
A 2022 global energy crisis brought about by the destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline, and the sanctions placed on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine re-fired Israel's interest in oil-and-gas.
In 2023, Israeli, U.S., Egyptian, Jordanian and Palestinian Authority officials met to discuss the project. Following his reelection, Netanyahu gave the green light. On June 18, 2023, Israel approved the development of the Gaza field, Netanyahu saying progress would hinge on "preserving the State of Israel's security and diplomatic needs" and coordination with the Palestinian Authority and neighboring Egypt. At the same time, just this past summer, Hamas official Ismail Rudwan told Reuters: "We reaffirm that our people in Gaza have the rights to their natural resources." (June 18)
That might have been their undoing.
Israel's number one ally jumped in. In August, 2023, two months before Oct. 7, interestingly, the Pentagon began building a $35.8 million troop facility in Israel's Negev desert, 20 miles from Gaza. This was described as a radar site to monitor for missile attacks on Israel. According to one media report, the base is part of a "secret" U.S. military presence in Israel. (The Intercept, Oct. 27)
Next came the October 7 attack, and the scorch earth Israeli response. Soon enough, the U.S. Navy was sitting offshore as well, at the ready. Recalls U.S. Marine Gen. Smedley Butler's comments about providing "muscle for Wall Street" and being a "racketeer for capitalism."
While busy leveling Gaza, on Oct. 29, Israel found time to announce that it awarded 12 licenses for exploring additional offshore natural gas fields to six companies, including British Petroleum and Italian energy giant Eni. Palestinians called this theft. Was this the purpose of an October 7 false flag?
Will the October 7 massacre one day enter the history books alongside famous false flags such as Hitler's Reichstag fire, the Kennedy assassination, 9/11 or even the Nord Stream pipeline explosion itself? (The latter of which President Joe Biden both claimed credit for and denied doing, go figure).
Could Israel have created October 7 as a false flag to exclude Palestinians from the bounty under the sea? Was Israel saying to the world: "possession is nine/tenths of the law?"
Equally interesting for students of Bible prophecy is the question: Will Russia soon be motivated to make an "evil plan" to eliminate their newest natural resources competitor and invade Israel as described in Bible prophecy (Ez. 38)?
Time will tell.
Formerly a friend of Israel, Russia now sees Israel as moving closer to its Ukraine-arming enemy, Washington. This causes it to move closer to Iran and Turkey, sworn enemies of Israel. (Again, predicted in Ez. 38).
But for Russia to take the next step, and seize the oil-and-gas plunder that belongs to another country?
That is unthinkable.
Or is it?
Many believe it has the force of destiny about it, only the timing is unclear.
John Hamilton is the author of False Flags, State Secrets, Government Deceptions: A Short History of the Modern Era and THE COVID VACCINE: And the silencing of our doctors and scientists. He has also recently re-published the formerly out-of-print, anti-feminism treatise The Power of Sexual Surrender by Dr. Marie Robinson. All on Amazon.

Ezekiel's confederacy of Israel's enemies:
Magog: According to first-century Jewish historian Josephus, the land of Magog was inhabited by the Scythians. The Scythians lived throughout Central Asia, indicating its identity is associated with nations today such as Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. Some scholars also include Afghanistan in this group.
Rosh: Rosh is the remote part of the north (38:6, 15; 39:2). Because of this, most interpreters identify Magog as Russia, at least part of Russia, or perhaps Russia and some of the former Soviet nations connected with it.
Meshek (or Meshech) and Tubal: Noted together in this passage, this area is located in part of modern-day Turkey.
Persia: This is the land of modern Iran.
Cush (or Ethiopia): This land, often translated as Ethiopia, is not the same as modern Ethiopia. It represented the land south of Egypt. Today, this nation is Sudan.
Put: Also translated in some versions as Libya, this land is still known as Libya today.
Gomer: Part of modern Turkey.
Beth Togarmah: Part of modern Turkey.