Israeli UN ambassador pledges to wear Nazi-era yellow star until Security Council condemns Hamas
This gesture is oddly appropriate since Zionists are responsible for the Jewish holocaust. Satanist Jews routinely sacrifice their "lesser brethren" to advance their psychopathic agenda of Communist world government. They funded Hitler. They sacrificed goyim on 9-11 to justify Iraq/Afghanistan invasions. Now they are sacrificing Israeli Jews and gullible Americans who are only too happy to die for a lie.
"Burnt Offering" - Satanic Jews (Zionists) Sacrifice Ordinary Jews in the Holocaust
Remember, the Satanists poisoned and locked you down during COVID. We are all their victims, Palestinians and Zionist dupes alike.
Intelligence analysts Jeffrey Prather, Gen. Michael Flynn both agree: Israel STOOD DOWN to allow Hamas to unleash terror
"I confirmed right after it happened that Israel's so-called 'intelligence failure' could not be an intelligence failure," Prather told Adams
"Anybody who knows Israel and the border - which American taxpayers paid for, by the way - there are triple, multiple redundant systems; it is highly fortified; it is highly censored; there are troops and drills every day. And what I said early on is that any intelligence professional who says that this is an intelligence failure by Israel is either lying or a fool - and I stand by that."

No reaction for six hours even though Israel forces were within earshot of the Hamas massacre
Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard: Helicopter Pilots Were Given Stand Down Order
Full interview and transcript
Ex IDF soldier says Oct 7 was an Inside Job
World War 3 Imminent: Opposition Both Inside the U.S. and Outside the U.S. Grows as Children Continue to be Massacred in Palestinian Genocide
The Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is the 3rd holiest site for 2 billion Muslims. So, Hamas is not alone. Behind Hamas stands Iran and its proxies in the region: Hezbollah (around 40,000-50,000 fighters) , Syria, the Iraqi PMUS ( around 100-200,000 fighters) and Yemen. This is the Shia Axis of Resistance. And, it is a formidable force capable of hitting Israel with long distance rockets and missiles.
PJW- Israel has a secret plan to transfer Gaza's 2.2 million (before the genicide began) to Europe!!!

Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza
The plan advocates the forced transfer of the population of the Gaza Strip to Sinai permanently, and calls for the international community to be leveraged to assist the move
The document, issued on 13 October, identifies a plan to transfer all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza at the end of the current war between Israel and the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance.
The document recommends that Israel evacuate the Gazan population to Sinai during the war, establish tent cities and new cities in northern Sinai to accommodate the deported population, and then create a closed security zone stretching several kilometers inside Egypt. The deported Palestinians would not be allowed to return to any areas near the Israeli border.
'AIPAC Always Gets Mad When I Put America First': Rep. Thomas Massie Boldly Stands Up To Israel Lobby
Bolivia cuts ties with Israel over 'crimes against humanity' in Gaza
Bolivia has alleged that the IDF has committed atrocities in targeting the Palestinians

(Jerusalem Palestine)
Israel omitted from online maps in China amid war on Hamas in Gaza
China is Iran's largest trading partner and remains a key ally for the country
NY Supreme Court rules employees who were fired for refusing COVID vaccines must be reinstated with back pay
Soviet technology transfer under FDR
Americans won't be Fighting for the US
Canadian Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre makes mincemeat of Woke Reporter
Parent shunned for complaining about porn in school library
Jesus, what happened to us?
Reader--"This song hits me in the Soul bro."
Imran said (November 2, 2023):
Michael Flynn does not know what he is talking about that the border is imprenatrable. Here is why. IDF troops have orders not to shoot civilians if they are UNARMED. So these thugs along with Hamas broke into Israel and took out axes, knives, etc that they were hiding and carried out a massacre. Michael is behind the times.
As for Pollard, Barry Chamish, did say he was the shady sort "selling" American secrets to other nations other than Israel. Hence the fury of many of the top American elite with him to imprison him. However, IF Pollard is not acting as a disinfo agent then the helicopter pilot friend of his was a victim of a fog of war where Israeli top heads didnt know how to deploy their airforce. Many were thinking that Hezbollah was attacking soon.
Secondly, some Israeli top heads in command of Pollard's friend copter and others have to make a long choice if they want to give international press coverage to any Palestinian that gets killed. The top heads (those that do not know the plan to start WW3 or a powerful regional conflict) did not know even what was going on though the friend knew. Such things have happened before in Israel though to lesser extents. So it could be a communication error.
Flynn is redundant in his claims, Pollard might have small legitimacy, but not as many are portraying it. And let's not forget that Barry Chamish portrays him as a weasel. I do think the actual plan to start a strong regional conflict which would have led to WW3 was going to happen this Fall sometime when Iran's proxies where gonna HIT TOGETHER, but Hamas attacked too soon. This would have coincided with the important meeting next Summer at the UN. Are the globalists trying to modify the plan? Conspiracists are letting hate and anti-semitism get the better off them and letting it cloud their judgement.