PHARMAGEDDON - How the COVID "Vaccine" Bioweapon Kills
October 30, 2023

Toxicologist Prof Michael Palmer MD)
"And because a BIG PUSH is now on to replace all "conventional" "vaccine" "technology" with this New Genocidal Technology, the perpetrators of the COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE may well soon succeed in morphing their culling action into AN EVEN GREATER DISASTER that may deserve a new name such as "PHARMAGEDDON"
"Do not touch ANY mRNA 'vaccines', no matter who tells you what; because they will not be any better than the COVID 'vaccines' which demonstrably have killed hundreds of thousands if not millions of people".
by Patrick O'Carroll
On 29 Oct 2023, Dr Michael Palmer MD gave an EPOCHAL INTERVIEW to Greg Hunter, which is here:
Dr Michael Palmer MD is a former toxicology professor at the University of Waterloo-Ontario-Canada who was sacked after he told the truth about the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB and the COVID-PHARMA-GENOCIDE. Palmer uses the term "Intentional Murder Program" for the whole scam and scheme surrounding the EXPERIMENTAL-LETHAL-INJECTION, thus confirming that the correct name for it has always been COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE.
Palmer says the whole scheme "should have been stopped less than two weeks into the injection program".
There is no good intention. Instead, we have seen relentless coercion, relentless censorship, and relentless lying by officials regarding the "safety", "effectiveness", and even the "necessity" of, the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB.
And that can only be a deliberate policy. So, that proves there must be a clear intent to harm and kill. There can simple be no other rational explanation for this than premeditated genocide.
First, the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB sneaks foreign mRNA genes into our body cells.
That induces our body cells to convert the information on each gene into the lethal spike-protein.
The lethal spike-protein then appears on the surfaces of our cells, and our immune system recognizes that spike-protein as a foreign-antigen.
Our immune system then responds to this foreign-antigen, just as it would to any normal viral infection.
But our immune system normally knows to leave alone all of our self-antigens, and to only attack foreign-antigens.

Thus, in effect, the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB has taught our immune system to attack itself because it has succeeded in lacing the cells of our bodies with foreign-antigens.
The ultimate reason for this self-attack is the foreign nature of the lethal spike-protein. But this self-attack means that the body is now attacking its own cells, and thus attacking its own organs.
It is less important that we are dealing with a spike-protein. The crucial fact here is that it is a FOREIGN protein.
The mRNA technology MIGHT be okay if it merely induced the expression of the body's own proteins, but in this case it is inducing the expression of foreign proteins.
Hence, it is really the COMBINATION of the mRNA technology with the lethal spike-protein that forms the basis of this New Genocidal Technology.
And because a BIG PUSH is now on to replace all "conventional" "vaccine" "technology" with this New Genocidal Technology, the perpetrators of the COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE may well soon succeed in morphing their culling action into AN EVEN GREATER DISASTER that may deserve a new name such as "PHARMAGEDDON".
Every victim will suffer CUMULATIVE TOXICITY from every single shot of this New Genocidal Technology. The more you take, the worse it gets.
[Other experts have estimated and stated that each shot of the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB or BOOSTER will succeed in destroying about 15 percent of a victim's immune system. So, seven shots might kill him.]
At the stage where a victim's immune system is completely destroyed, a mere scratch might prove fatal.
For that reason, Dr Michael Palmer warns:
"Do not touch ANY mRNA 'vaccines', no matter who tells you what; because they will not be any better than the COVID 'vaccines' which demonstrably have killed hundreds of thousands if not millions of people".
This New Genocidal Technology will ALWAYS produce the outcome that the human body will immediately start to destroy itself. And that is why it is called the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB. This was both predictable and, in fact, it was already predicted just after the original release of the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB, and even beforehand.
Today, what most doctors are already seeing in the autopsies confirms that the body is indeed attacking itself, and attacking every single organ.
But it varies from victim to victim. It depends on where the spike-protein gains a foothold and later succeeds in attacking because that "original beachhead" often ends up becoming its main or greatest focus until the very end.
Some organs, like the liver, are more "tolerant and forgiving" of such abuse. Hence, if the focus of the whole attack is in the liver of a victim, then that victim's problem may not have become all that critical ... yet.
But the main two organs that certainly do NOT have any "tolerant or forgiving" nature are the brain and the heart.
It is now ABUNDANTLY DOCUMENTED that the doctors are seeing in particular attacks on the blood vessels, cases of MYOCARDITIS, lung damage, and brain damage, in the victims of the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB.
Two German PROFESSORS EMERITUS looked at roughly 100 autopsies and at every single tissue-sample they could get hold of. They produced the following photographs in which the lymphocytes are displayed as small, round, dark-blue dots, and lo and behold the general sad story is "lymphocytes on the march":

EXHIBIT A (Heart):
On the left panel of this exhibit, we see healthy heart-muscle fibers that are all running in parallel.
On the right, the heart-muscle fibers are now under attack, after having been invaded by all these small dark-blue dots that represent the lymphocytes, with the pale areas signifying SCARS.
This SCAR TISSUE is most lethal when the heart is under intense physical exertion; and that is the most likely explanation for all the SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATHS we are seeing in sportspeople such as sprinters or runners.
Conclusion: The COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB has proved highly effective at destroying human heart tissue.

On the left, we see a sample of healthy lung tissue containing many white air-filled spaces but few lymphocytes.
On the right, we see a dark cluster of invading lymphocytes which are attacking the lung tissue, but please notice here how the attacked area contains much fewer white air-filled spaces.
The drastic reduction in the number of white air-filled spaces indicates that the victim now has a serious lung problem, because his lungs have less uptake of air in that area. As it spreads, his whole air supply will decrease.
Conclusion: The COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB has proved highly effective at destroying human lung tissue.

EXHIBIT D (Brain with Cerebral Blood Clot):
On the left, we see a specimen of blood vessels in the brain, with only a few lymphocytes already attacking, and we see clearly that these dark-blue dots are busy "nibbling away at the blood-vessel walls".
On the right, the lymphocytes have caused a blood-clot to form at the center of the blood vessel. Unfortunately, this constitutes IRREVERSIBLE BRAIN DAMAGE, but if the blood vessel under attack is non-critical, this victim may survive a little while. But, some form of DIFFUSE SECONDARY BRAIN DAMAGE may soon result from this.
Conclusion: The COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB has proved highly effective at causing blood-clots in the human brain and at triggering cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer's, Dementia etc.
One major indication of immunosuppression might be a CANCER that had already fully healed 10 or 15 years ago but has now suddenly returned with a vengeance. A second major indication of immunosuppression might be the disease SHINGLES, which is caused by the victim's fully-healed bout of childhood chickenpox suddenly returning because the pathogens that cause chickenpox always stay in the body for life anyway. A third major indication of immunosuppression is any new CANCER, especially one that makes it to the final stages in a matter of weeks, which might translate to "Good night and God Bless!" Many call such quick-acting cancer "TURBO-CANCER".
When they say that the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB is "effective", they essentially mean that the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB is one of the most effective bioweapons in all of human history.
When they say that the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB is "safe", they essentially mean that it is safe to release this genocidal bioweapon with impunity because "legal" immunity has already been granted to all the key perpetrators of the COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE, that being a clear demonstration of total or systemic lawlessness.
We now have even more confirmation that the COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE has only ever been a CULLING and NEUTERING operation for the herd of Goyim "Livestock". There can be no other culprit than the world's mightiest geopolitical entity, i.e. the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal (the English monarchy, the City of London, the "Monopoly Capitalists" of Wall Street (often called "Illuminati" bloodlines), and the House of Rothschild).
For at least 100 years, in the writings they commissioned, the Top Three eugenicist bloodlines in the world (Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Windsor-Merovingian) have quantified the maximum "desirable" world population in 2100 AD as being somewhere between 400 and 900 million, with most of the slaves, by then, "upgraded" with "trans-humanist" features, making them "semi-borgs", or some other form of slave, all living "happily ever after" in their pods in 30 major "smart" cities, but that only the Technocratic State will decide who gets to reproduce or live freely. Many such writings can be found on the websites of the UN and the UN's Worst Hell Organization (WHO).
That was always the real meaning of the Talmudic "new" world order.
Over the coming 4-7 years, the COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE, and a new MARBURG-5G GENOCIDE which US attorney Tood Callender has been recently predicting, may really earn the title "PHARMAGEDDON".
In June 2020, Bill Gates and his ex-"husband" "Male Linda" Gates snickered when asked about their "NEXT PLANDEMIC" in an interview with the US Chamber of Commerce. Bill Gates droned: "This will not be the last [plandemic] that we face. You know, we have to prepare for the next one; and that will get attention this time".