Oct 27 - Feckless Goyim Enlist for Third Masonic World War
October 27, 2023

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October 27, 2023
AL said (October 27, 2023):
A charismatic psychopath like Trump is necessary to galvanize the goys to commit suicide against the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians. Goys can't know that the orange man is bought and paid for by the synagogue of satan and is a 100 % traitor against his own people. Trump's loyalty lay with the yahoodis of the Iranian gov't above the American people. How many millions of people did Trump help waste and maim with "Operation Warp Speed", yet the cattle still worship him and follow the Judas goat into the slaughter house?
General Soleimani was about to overthrow the crypto-Jew fake Muslim Freemasons that run the Iranian gov't after they massacred 1500 protestors in the streets. Trump murdered the General as a favor to his fellow Jews in Iran. Trumptards like Rosanne Barr worship Trump no matter how many times he proves himself to be a traitor (murdering for Israel with drones to "warp speed death" vaccines). Most Americans are idolatrous hero worshiping morons.
The hypocrite crypto-jew actors shed crocodile tears for the lionized General they wanted dead; What did they do after the hero was murdered by the cowardly virgin rapist Chabad member cuck for Israel turd Trump? What they always do, is NOTHING!
The Shiite religion was not founded by the prophet Mohammad but by the Jewish Satanist, Abdullah Ibn Sabbah around the 7th century.
Another scumbag Jew named Hassan Ibn Sabbah created the Assassin(Hashish stoners) sect of Islam around the 11th century.
AL (2) said (October 27, 2023):
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is just one of many Jewish actors in Iran pretending to hate Israel. Khomaini wasn't even Persian. (Half Indian / half British Jew.)
The Yahoodi synagogue of satan actors running the Iranian government run their mouths with anti-Israeli and anti-USA rhetoric, meanwhile doing everything in their power to assist Israel and the USA. The Yahoodi Iranian gov't assisted with the US invasion of Iraq,
Iranian Jew Saeed (Zakah1) reveals how the Iranian gov't is a front for Israel. Saeed's family is connected to the Iranian gov't.
There was a campagne in IRAN (ARYAN a.k.a. ALAN) to remove their Ethnic White Iranians. Can't get stupid whites to hate and fight Iran if they figure out Iran is where CAUC-ASIANS come from:
LT said (October 27, 2023):
I find it as obvious as it can be that the Illuminati controls the world stage and the example about the article concerning the Rockefellers funding Hamas. Illuminati Rockefellers funding Hamas and Illuminati Rothschilds owning Israel. And to think that most people think they are going to vote their way out of the NWO. Go figure!
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
rt said (October 28, 2023):
The below-quoted excerpt from the article ___
Oct 27 - Feckless Goyim Enlist for Third Masonic World War
" Around 90% of women are the sole custodians after divorce and most men are non-custodians. Around 70% of parents and children in Japan do not have visitation after divorce. Of the approximately 30% who do have visitation, the most frequent type of visitation is day visits of a few hours once a month."
This grotesque distortion of parental rights, of divorcees, to child custody appears to be a worldwide issue . The origin of this egregious issue can be historically traced back to what is perhaps the most pernicious viral satanic meme intended to dissolve families and eventually collapse civilization. Specifically, this wicked
satanic/ILLuminati meme falsely asserts that ___
" Women make babies ";
which has no basis whatsoever
in any godly empirical reality.
To be perfectly clear,
[ Women are not goddesses and DO NOT MAKE babies ].
Women carry babies to term and that is all.
This judeo-masonic ILLuminati satanic inversion of reality [ women make babies ] has subconsciously
made women into gods and men into goddesses -- if even that .
The satanic Illuminati realized a thousand years ago that Christianized Western World people were easily duped and manipulated into thinking one thing and then believing the opposite since Christianity has very little or no use for critical analysis which is a vital necessity for a progressive civilization. In other words, even though it was the Western World tradition of philosophical analysis that was indispensable for discovering that
DNA makes babies from start to finish -- not women,
it was the West that first jumped onto the satanic Illuminati bandwagon that perniciously asserted
" Women make babies ";
so that now women are being satanicly inverted into being gods as the world watches the gradual collapse of Western civilization due to grotesque satanic inversions of reality ( such as converting women into gods and men into goddesses ).