"Non-Jews are in a human form so that Jews would not be served by beasts. Non-Jew is an animal in human form to serve the Jew day and night." (Midrasch Talpioth p225L)
Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
Zionist racism does not end with Palestinians. All non-Satanist Jews and Gentiles are "infidels" to be enslaved or exterminated. This is the logic behind migration, the COVID vaccines, Agenda 2030, and Ukraine. Zionists weaponized Jews by instigating the holocaust. Like the staged Gaza attack, it gave Zionist Jews a license to lie and kill.
Almost as infuriating as bombing a hospital is blaming it on an "explosion" or errant Hamas missile. These people are congenital liars and gangsters. Antisemitism is a direct consequence of their agenda. The West is in a ZOG prison.
As usual, Israelis refuse to take responsibility for destroying a Gaza hospital
Mass Protests Erupt In Arab Capitals As IDF Blames Errant Islamic Jihad Rocket For Hospital Massacre
The international reaction has been swift, especially from regional heads of state, with Turkey's Erdogan and Jordan's King Abdullah being among the first to condemn the "war crime" and "massacre". Abdullah said no one can be "silent" about it.
Large evening protests have not only erupted in towns across the West Bank, especially in Ramallah, but in Arab capitals from Tunisia to Amman. There are fresh reports that Israel's embassy in Jordan is coming under attack. Large groups of demonstrators have also been seen headed toward the US Embassy in Beirut.
500 Dead
2011--Netanyahu in an unguarded moment is recorded saying "America can be easily moved."
Mike Adams-The Gaza open-air prison is a PILOT PROGRAM for globalist ENSLAVEMENT and EXTERMINATION of us all
The bombing of a civilian hospital in Gaza just killed 500+ Palestinian civilians, mostly children, setting off a wave of outrage and condemnations against Israel from across Middle Eastern nations.
Even the WHO and UN are now condemning Israel for its endless violence against Palestinian civilians, while China (yes, China) is supplying humanitarian aid that Israel refuses to provide under any circumstances.
In Iran, a historic black flag of war has been raised over a religious mosque, indicating total war against Israel and the West. Israel has managed to unite the entire Arab war against the West, and the escalation is reaching insane levels of intensity now.
US embassies are besieged by protesters in Lebanon and other countries, and US military bases in Turkey and elsewhere are expected to be under attack any hour.
Putin condemns US arrogance
This applies not only to President Biden but also to the U.S. political elites as a whole. You must learn to respect others, and then there will be no need to suppress anyone."

Slouching Towards the Final Solution by Pepe Escobar
To top it all up, there's the Pipelineistan angle - as in stealing Gaza gas.
At least 60% of the vast gas reserves discovered in 2000 along the Gaza-Israel coastline legally belong to Palestine.
A key consequence of the Final Solution applied to Gaza translates as sovereignty over the gas fields switched to Israel - in yet another massive trampling of international law.
Reader---As Bjerknes has documented for 25 years, the Jewish FINAL SOLUTION is a very old Jewish plan to KILL US ALL.
They've been following that scripted plan (under the 100% false cover of fake "prophesy") to the letter for centuries. If not enough people around the globe wake up in a timely fashion, those Jews who are following their own plan to eradicate humanity will EXTERMINATE EVERYONE (while blaming it on the victims).
But, what happens if enough people do wake up in time? Those same Jews planning to genocide the world will try to set off their Sampson Option and take down humanity while blaming it on anyone but themselves, of course.
So, either way, we're yentzed.
The Disaster of Israeli Zionism: The Cryptocracy's Covert Stratagem for the Destruction of the Jewish People
From Tokyo to Dresden, from Beirut '82 to Gaza '09 and '14, those war crimes have been consigned to the lowest region of the Memory Hole. For the denizens of the United States of Amnesia, for whom recalling the identity of who's buried in Grant's Tomb is a tall order, mass murder committed by "The Allies," doesn't register. Arab terrorists -- now there's a meme they can wrap their heads around.
The title has been abbreviated as Torat Ha-Melekh. It was written by Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira in collaboration with Rabbi Yosef Elitzur. It explicitly claims that the life of a Jew is worth more than the life of a non-Jew, and permits the killing of innocent non-Jews, including children. One section of Torat Ha-Melekh teaches that it is permitted to kill non-Jewish infants on the enemy side during warfare "if there is a good chance they will grow up to be like their evil parents."

They're coming for your CHILDREN: California Governor Gavin Newsom signs "anti-parent" law
Children as young as 12 can now be relocated to government-funded "residential shelter services" in California for mental health treatment or counseling related to their gender identity without requiring parental consent or doctor notification.
Anonymous writer exposes MASS MURDER committed by Aussie gov't during COVID-19 pandemic
The Sept. 9 post by the writer under the pseudonym ExcessDeathsAU argued that Canberra's actions during the pandemic were tantamount to democide, the intentional killing of unarmed people. The author allegedly spent months researching the Australian government's actions during the height of the pandemic in the Land Down Under.
Paul Craig Roberts---Israel Orders Its Western Puppets to Ban Demonstrations for Palestine, and the Western Puppet Rulers Obey

"Palestinian NYC Doctor Fired After Posting a Disgusting Remark Celebrating Hamas Savages Slaughtering Innocent Israelis | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger
Reader- "We know the Hoft brothers are Zionist sympathizers (and thus controlled opposition), but still have put out some decent stories in the past, sometimes in association with Steve Bannon, another Zionist. But now their offerings look more and more like out-and-out Mossad-derived propaganda, really strident, "Netanyahu worthy", bent hasbara with decreasing pretense to impartiality or proportionality. The Hamas thing really caused them to show their true colors. And... thanks. Just keep it up. Please and thank you. You are still the best voice out there IMO. And today I feel we are winning. Cheers."
Pfizer quietly admitted late last Friday that the mRNA Covid vaccines do cause heart inflammations. Heart attacks can kill young people, Covid does not-- so why are schools still mandating this?
Don't blame Jews for Israel--Blame Christians! (who haven't a clue about Jesus Gospel of Love)
Ex-Fox reporter Lara Logan exposes globalists' plan to flood the Western countries with immigrants
"But with grit and determination, you finally start to connect the dots! It's an incestuous club and we are their mind-controlled useful idiot slaves! And we will continue to be their slaves unless we wake up and unite! Unity is their biggest fear as we could stop this lunacy in an instant! But they're invested in keeping us divided and that's how they remain our controllers!
Kristine said (October 19, 2023):
„Judaism“ is satanic and so is „Zionism”, both are levers in the left-right paradigm of the Hegelian dialectic, conceived in the dark heart of satan himself.
It doesn´t take all that much delving to realize that all religion is serpent worship (Kaballah, the whore of Babylon). Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism and Islam are all expressions of Kaballah. Just read the Bible, parts of the Talmud and “the revelation of the hierarchy” by Blavatsky and you will discover the truth.
The appellations “jews”, “gentiles” or “goyim” cover up the true identities of the children of Satan (Esau) who still hate and God and His true chosen people (Jacob-Israel). The Great White Throne Judgement will finally reveal the truth. And it will not be much longer in coming.