Immigrant says Immigration is Destroying Canada
September 28, 2023
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September 28, 2023
anon said (September 30, 2023):
Indian culture is easily the greatest and most advanced in the world. It is just that India and Indians are hamstrung with the $50 trillion loss they suffered. Yes, nothing works and corruption and bribes are rampant but underneath all that there is still the greatest culture anywhere in the world. You just have to dig past the superficial stuff.
When allowed to live in a proper infrastructure, Indians do well and do not indulge in corruption and bribes.
Canada can simply end immigration but they don't because Canada needs Indians to come in and do the heavy math, science and engineering lifting that native Canadians can't do. If you really want to end immigration, make your own population self-sufficient and competent.
I implore all readers to not be taken in by the poisonous words of this pathetic sell-out. Ask yourselves what kind of man spits on his own motherland?
Because of the upcoming 2024 Indian elections look out for more poisonous articles like this about India from sell-outs like Bhandari. This is just the beginning of the hate spewing.
OH said (September 29, 2023):
Excellent article by Jayant Bandhari, spot on. It has become fashionable and recognized for white people to be an idiot and detested to have a brain (like Jayant). Once the „Western “ influence is marginalized, savagery and slavery will take over. People like AL raid the place, don´t have the least clue at all what it´s all about, spit on the host, and send us off in a rubber boat ... as expected. I visited the inner city this evening. The article articulates the thoughts I had on the way back.
Doug P said (September 29, 2023):
re AL " Caucasians seem to have a gene that gives them a delusional sense of entitlement no matter how far they stray from their ecosystem."
I've never heard Asian people in my life complain when they see a few too many white faces, but I've often heard repeatedly whites complain when they see a few Chinese faces." They say lots of bad things in their own language about Whites. They are the second most racist people on this planet (Jews are #1), especially the Chinese. The Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans all dislike each other intensely too. I've known many of each. On my 58 years of living in Canada, I have only encountered two instances of racism among whites (and I've known many more people than most), once when I was a ten-year-old, once a few years ago. This white racism only comes from the idiot box, it's not reality.
LF said (September 29, 2023):
An excellent and precise analysis of what is now (K)anada. This is one of the reasons I left the country back in 2005. I knew what was coming and tried to warn others 15 years prior to my departure. My warnings fell on deaf ears. Now it is at the peoples' doorsteps. It was a wonderful country. I am sad for you, Canada.
AL said (September 28, 2023):
If Caucasians don't like it in Canada or North America anymore they can always go back where they came from. Europe. Or better yet, go back to the Caucus mountains. Whites are also Asians. CAUC-ASIANS.
Caucasians seem to have a gene that gives them a delusional sense of entitlement no matter how far they stray from their ecosystem. I've never heard Asian people in my life complain when they see a few too many white faces, but I've often heard repeatedly whites complain when they see a few Chinese faces. I have a white friend who loves to say "Hong-Couver" whenever talking about Vancouver, BC even though whites are still the majority there.
One time on the Skytrain in BC I laughed hysterically by myself when a German lady sneered to her husband in German. "AUSLANDER"(FOREIGNERS). The foreigners she was talking about were Asian Canadian students all speaking in perfect English; Case and point - DELUSIONAL SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT NO MATTER WHERE THEY GO. Some people never noticed that there's an Atlantic Ocean that separates Europe from the Americas,
Caucasians also seem to have a gene that inhibits their ability to mind their own business. I know someone who often helps people doing small repairs on vehicles in a Chinese area. Once some strange white dude came out of nowhere to hassle him about what he's doing asking him this and that. The Chinese neighbors mind their own business but the Caucasian rat DNA inhibits the ability to mind your own business.
I live on an Indian reserve where the natives don't hassle me. Twice this year, white people I personally know have startled me in the backyard snooping around when they thought I wasn't there.
If Jayant Bhandari doesn't like the color of his skin he can always go to the store and buy bleach. He sounds like an Indian version of "Uncle Ruckus" from the Boondocks cartoon:
Turtle Island(America) is the ancestral home of the red man and red woman, not caucus mountain dwellers. Now the caucus mountain people can get a taste of their own medicine and feel a tiny bit of pain aboriginal people feel. every day.
I agree Immigration is destroying Canada's delusional sense of European entitlement.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
SN said (September 30, 2023):
The video below shatters the claim by one of your most recent contributors Jayant Bhandari as he boldly claimed Civilization is a uniquely Western concept.
video If you think this video deserves to be shared with the rest of your viewers please do so for their chance to weigh in with their thoughts.