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Julian Rose - Transhuman is Inhuman

July 12, 2023


Here are some of the stations along the Great Reset route to the "Transhuman."

"The only way to recognise just how diabolical the trap that has been set for us - and that we have set for ourselves - is to get a grip on our sense of deeper purpose in this life. To make an unbreakable commitment to listen and respond to the call of our souls. The true self. And then pull this true self out of any association with the metaverse mincing machine.

by Julian Rose
(excerpt by

However, the psychotic gods of insentient 'progress' who designed the programme have built into it a series of 'events' which reach a certain conclusion in something they call the Transhuman - a robotic state of computer-connected and controlled brain power for those able to pay for it.

To pay for the right to be dehumanised and rendered devoid of the need - and indeed ability - to think. Freed from emotion and freed from a soul based link to one's Creator.

Stations on the way to this dark point of human annulment are laid out under the WEF creed known as 'The Great Reset'. A 'Reset' from human to non-human.


Stations on the way to this dark point of human annulment are laid out under the WEF creed known as 'The Great Reset'. A 'Reset' from human to non-human.

Here are some of the stations along the Great Reset route to the Transhuman:

The cessation of food grown in soil and the manufacturing of synthetic food produced in laboratories (at least six of which are already in production).

The end of farming the land as we know it and the removal of redundant farmers and country dwellers into 5G- and 6G-controlled total surveillance 'smart cities'.

Countryside and farm landscapes redesigned to accommodate 'rewilding' projects and gated access to designated 'leisure sites' for those who can afford access.

The end of banknotes and coinage, replaced by a centrally controlled digital currency whose availability will depend upon one's 'social credit' a la China.

The confiscation of one's assets and private property with the option to 'rent' aspects of them back from the corporate state that is to become the new owner.

'Self-autonomous' 5G-guided transportation systems operating between major cities.

100% surveillance via satellite and 'the internet of everything' and the profligate use of algorithms to pick up any signs of resistance in communications.

The repression of true spirituality in favour of a 'one-world religion'.

The deliberate blurring of sexual delineation 'man/woman' and the decline of normal sexual reproduction.

Sperm counts are further reduced due to de-vitaminised synthetic GMO foods, vaccinations and polluted air and water - population control.

Enforced '15-minute cities' as centres of local authority control.

Designer gene-altered babies via laboratory cloning of DNA sequences and cell tissues.

The removal of certain words from the common language, particularly poetic and spiritual ones.

Real art is reduced to pseudo-art as an expression of the will of the state, including dark side ritual.

'Medical health' is seen as the sole domain of Big Pharma with natural medicine outlawed.

Further media/government control over the passing of public information.

BUT, all this can be avoided. It doesn't have to happen. It won't happen. Our lives do not depend upon adopting the smart technology of tomorrow, today. We won't any longer be seduced by 'convenience' once we recognise it is leading to our self-destruction, will we?

We will retain sufficient willpower to get shot of this addiction to the IT/AI life inhibiting distractions that make up the mind-controlled road to Armageddon.

The only way to recognise just how diabolical the trap that has been set for us - and that we have set for ourselves - is to get a grip on our sense of deeper purpose in this life. To make an unbreakable commitment to listen and respond to the call of our souls. The true self. And then pull this true self out of any association with the metaverse mincing machine.

Let no one in possession of a soul ever allow himself/herself to become processed into a subhuman product of the techno-industrial behemoth. Stick with what's solid, what's real - and ditch the counterfeit virtual world that snares the unweary and turns once healthy minds into casualties of a blind rush to a dystopian digital nowhere land.
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer and international activist. His recent book 'Overcoming the Robotic Mind' is a powerful call to resist the Transhuman agenda. Visit Julian's website at

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Julian Rose - Transhuman is Inhuman"

Doug P said (July 13, 2023):

add- Children turned into sexual objects at the service of the gnostics.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at