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Women are Being Eliminated to Depopulate the Planet

March 6, 2023

Helena Glass -

"The NBA has apologized for saying only women can have babies.   And the MSM smugly sneers.   But where are all the women - the gender born women - who don't understand that the gender of women is being eliminated from existence?   Feminists who embrace womanhood are eerily silent. 

The ultimate agenda would appear to be the elimination of gender completely.   Humans, homo sapiens, will be neuter.   And ultimately extinct replaced by transhumans and AI."

Makow- Masculinity is defined by power. Femininity is defined by sacrificing power for male power expressed as love. (Why female weakness is a male turn-on.) Feminism neutered women by making them pursue power instead of love, which also neutered men. Instead of empowering men, feminists emasculated them by taking their power. The planetary owners no longer need people to marry and reproduce. They no longer need or want people to be heterosexual.

Depopulation Via Elite Eugenics & Creation of Transhumans
by Helena Glass

Did it begin with women wearing men's clothes?   Or taking men's names?   Or cursing like drunken sailors?   Smoking cigars?   Not having babies - and if they did, hiring servants/slaves to raise them into nice libtards?   Because being female was no longer tolerated and women needed to 'Man Up'!

Simultaneously, men were told to be submissive and pliant.   To emote.   To leave their logic and rationale in the desk drawer in favor of crying.   Testosterone levels tanked and Estrogen lev els took over!   I remember 'penis envy' accusations were rampant in the Media in the 1970's.   Now we have pregnancy envy.   The point of which is not the LGBTQRX ideology of labels - but the elimination of the labels;  male and female.


Certainly, the largest reason would be the complete annihilation and denunciation of religion which not only terms male and female as opposite genders but defines roles based on these genders.   The source of female being Adam's HelpMate.   Religion has been the bastard child of the elite - and its destruction has been toxic.

But a secondary reason is to actually eliminate reproduction - aka population.   Accomplished thru a)  'transitioning', and b)  a movement that foretells the world is in the hands of Satan - disarray and chaos.  -  Thereby levelling "FEAR" as the hysteria for not bringing a baby into this world.

It bears noting that the same people advocating for depopulation have a fair number of children.   For example:  Soros - 6, Pelosi - 5 children and 9 grandkids.   But the mentality is classic Eugenics - the elite should have more children because they have money - and money equates to a better education and a better person...   Sometimes.    Obviously Paris Hilton would be an exception to the rule.

fall-pregnant-poor-sperm-1.jpgMale sperm count has been a topic for a decade.   What could possibly be causing this reduction that seems on a downward spiral?   Drugs.   Prescription drugs.    Drugs even in the class of "Advil" have been shown to impact sperm volumes.   Opioids, anti-depressants, alpha blockers, chemo, testosterone, and various vaccines are all contributors.   If you are on more than one - the prognosis is relatively slim.  Invitro is likely to become the norm instead of the exception.

Abortion is the go-to for blacks as a means of 'birth control'.   Supported by Martin Luther King, Jr., Planned Parenthood has been endorsed as black eugenics for liberals.   CoVid Vax was targeting the elderly, the homeless, the addicts, who no longer contribute to society.

You can't have arbitrary eugenics - or society will collapse.   But focusing on elites is hardly the solution either.     Bill Gate's son Rory wants to be an actor - his degree, a diploma from a target rack costing hundreds of thousands.   AOC's degree is questionable.   They hardly fit the mould.


Although resource shortages including food, have been declared to be the reasoning behind the depopulation agenda, the US has 900 million acres of agriculture land.   By comparison, the EU has 5 million...   Shortages didn't exist until the 2030 Agenda was pushed into high gear.   Bugs are to food what lithium batteries are to cars.   A Hoax.   Our resources are ABUNDANT!

Today, Japan announced a negative birth rate.   Taiwan has the lowest rate in the world.  In 2019, before the Russian incursion, Ukraine had the highest negative birth rate with most of Europe following course.   It would follow that Ukraine would be the test subject for complete erasure of its population in order to recolonize with elite offspring.

 Perhaps along the line of building a city such as the Saudi NEOM which is slated to cost $500 billion for 10,000 sq miles using slave labor.

Pushing the Ukraine population into Germany, Poland and Russia, razing the cities and villages to vast volumes of dust and rubble, Ukraine still maintains vast sources of resources.   Including its Black Soil - the best in the world for agriculture, natural gas, iron ore, salt, oil, timber, etc...   Rebuilding of Ukraine has already hit the architectural boards as countries drool with the monetary prospects.   Cost estimates run from $500 billion to multiple trillions.

But water is still a crotchety nail in the coffin for Ukraine... unless Russia's vast freshwater resource can be tapped.   The only way to assure that would be the defeat of Putin via a Coup.   Multiple coups failed.   Miserably.   The German trained Navalny still languishes in a Soviet penal colony.   And the Mafia Cabalists looked like fools!   Defeated.


The multi-pronged Agenda 2030 released multiple ideologies including an 'optimal global population' which at its highest is deemed to be roughly 2 billion - a reduction of 75%.  

The countries hosting the most people include China, India, and Africa with 1.4 billion, 1.4 billion and 1.4 billion respectively.   Notation:   these population numbers are completely unknown given census are relatively worthless.   Instead the elites have pushed - Algorithm guestimates that could have an error rate as high as +/- as much as 50%.

Depopulating the US and EU will barely dent the global population.   Enter, Bill Gates.   Vaccinate them - to death.   Give them incurable diseases.   Starve them with climate manipulations.  

In the end, Eugenics is the means and Hitler was the model for the creation of a 'Superior Race' which could quite easily go awry and be the next Dark Ages wherein Conquest is Survival.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at